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*Subject to review and approval*

If you want to advance your knowledge, understanding and skills in the areas of health and social practice through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) or as part of Continuous Workforce Development (CWD) this programme, delivered at 51 is an opportunity to study a bespoke and newly developed curriculum specifically for those working in health or social practice.

The programme reflects contemporary health and social practice, and you will learn alongside other practitioners from a variety of professional backgrounds. This level 7 programme will enable you to develop understanding of theory related to your field of health or social practice and explore the impact of this within your organisation, team and as an individual situated in practice. It will enable you to enhance your practice at the same time as gaining an award. On completion you will be awarded a MSc Health and Social Practice.

The programme provides a flexible method of study for you to that fits around your health or social practice role. Its flexible design will enable to step on and off the framework as you progress between points.

The award framework has been created to provide a cohesive student choice driven pathway of awards aligned with career progression in Health & Social practice. This will support Increased demand in health and social practice for more complex decision making, resulting in the requirement of an advancing level of practice within the workforce and the level of care provided to patients or clients.

This award framework has been designed in collaboration with health and social practice stakeholders and students. This innovative framework is aimed and registered health and social practice professionals who wish to consolidate or develop their practice in line with their career aspirations.

The programme provides a flexible method of study for you that fits around your health or social practice role.

To enter the programme you are required to have a degree at 2:2 or above or equivalent and appropriate registration as a health or social practice professional with an appropriate licensing board / health department. Other qualifications, equivalent professional qualifications and/or relevant work experience will be considered on an individual basis. 

If you are looking for our bachelors courses than take a look at our Health and Social Care BSc (Hons)

For our postgraduate courses take a look at our MSc in Learning Disability Nursing Science, MSC in Mental Health Nursing

**Please find a link here to a  to assist with the application process. Please read over this document before applying.**

We are keen to work with partners to ensure the most effective and efficient delivery models that meet your individual needs so please contact us directly to discuss your interest and explore collaboration arrangements in more detail.

For any individuals with programme enquiries please contact NSApplicantServices@northumbria.ac.uk

For organisations with business enquiries please contact businessenquiry@northumbria.ac.uk

For applicants who wish to undertake V300 (non-medical prescribing) in their first semester of their Health and Social Practice Framework programme, please click on apply now and choose the application for the correct starting month. Once your application is complete we will contact you in order to confirm whether or not you have been allocated a place.

To discover more about the Non-Medical Prescribing course requirements please visit the below course pages: 

Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) – Level 6

*subject to cohort viability, some modules may have additional application requirements, e.g. non-medical prescribing. Programme leads will direct enquiries accordingly to ensure you can meet practice engagement and assessment requirements.

Course Information

Level of Study

Mode of Study
3 years Part Time

Nursing, Midwifery & Health

Coach Lane Campus, 51


September 2025

Fee Information

Module Information

Entry Requirements 2025/26

Standard Entry

Applicants should normally have:

A minimum of a 2:2 honours degree in a relevant subject.

Applicants must be working in health and social practice and hold appropriate registration with a relevant professional body such as the NMC or HCPC, or have a professional qualification relating to their area of practice.

Other qualifications, equivalent professional qualifications and/or relevant work experience will be considered on an individual basis.

The university accepts Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for entry onto the programme subject to approval by the Programme Leader.

International qualifications:

If you have studied a non UK qualification, you can see how your qualifications compare to the standard entry criteria, by selecting the country that you received the qualification in, from our country pages. Visit 

English language requirements:

International applicants are required to have a minimum overall IELTS (Academic) score of 7 with 7 in each component (or approved equivalent*).

*The university accepts a large number of UK and International Qualifications in place of IELTS.  You can find details of acceptable tests and the required grades you will need in our English Language section. Visit 

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* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here


Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

AC0776 -

Management of acute and chronic neurological conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the normal anatomy and physiology of the nervous system before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and chronic neurological conditions. Topics will include traumatic brain injury, brain and spinal tumours, stroke, infections, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease. You will refine your understanding and evaluate the precision required for the assessment and effective management of patients with neurological conditions. You will specifically focus on the opportunity to examine current levels of knowledge, to critically evaluate its application to the care of neurological patients. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working and scope of health care provision for neurological conditions within different health care settings will be integral to the module, including the psychological impact on both patients and their families.
It is also expected that you apply your new learning to practice (work based learning) and share experiences with your colleagues.

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AC0786 -

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

You will learn about the use of ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (LTCs)’ as a possible treatment strategy in Monitoring and Management of LTCs. As you explore the evidence base and key components of CBT you will develop theoretical knowledge and an understanding of the benefits of adopting this technique with your service users. Topics include:
• Long Term Conditions and Mental Health
• Why CBT - an introduction to using CBT with service users who have physical health conditions
• CBT for Anxiety and Panic
• CBT for Depression
• Therapeutic assessment skills – a central component in CBT
• Using guided discovery
• Formulation – a framework for solving problems
• Treatment goals and treatment strategies – tailored to target the psychological aspects of physical disease

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AC7001 -

The Acutely Ill Adult (Optional,20 Credits)

Care of the acutely ill adult is challenging and complex. Following on from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD, 2005) investigation into deteriorating patients in the acute care settings, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2007) produced guidelines to help with the recognition and management of the acutely ill patient . The Intensive Care Society (ICS, 2009) make explicit that the location of the patient does not determine the level of care required, and in their guidance recommend deteriorating patients, or patients at risk of deterioration require Level 1 care. Level 1 care is defined as patients in need of additional monitoring/clinical interventions, clinical input or advice and possible critical care outreach involvement (ICS, 2009). This module is designed for nurses working within all acute settings.

The module will provide you with an increased ability to recognise, assess and manage patients that are acutely ill. Relevant anatomy and physiology will be covered with a body systems approach to some of the common acute illnesses that patients’ present with; including respiratory failure, cardiovascular failure, acute kidney injury, neurological and metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal emergencies. Holistic nursing care will be addressed during discussion on psychosocial care. Additionally, the nursing role in ensuring patient safety will be considered with inclusion of human factors in healthcare, risk assessment, early warning scoring, communication and evidence based practice. Learning will be facilitated by directed learning and the eLearning portal. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the early phases of acute illness.

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AC7034 -

Physical Assessment and Care of the Newborn (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module, you will learn to be a Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) practitioner. You will enhance your current understanding of newborn assessment. Newborn examination skills will be developed to incorporate competency in performing the 4 specific screening elements of the NHS Newborn and Infant and Physical Examination (NIPE) programme, these are the examination of the newborn heart, testes, eyes and the hips. You will learn about the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme and the rationale for the newborn examination standards and implementation of the programme in the UK. You will evaluate how this understanding will direct your practice and understanding of referral and decision making. Guided online learning and student-led learning will enable you to review the evidence and increase your knowledge of newborn physiology, the normal parameters of health and potential deviations from normal as well as understanding the aetiology and recognition of congenital abnormalities. You will evaluate the implications of practitioner accountability and responsibility when assuming an extended and enhanced role, and be able to directly link this to the NMC code. This will include a review of the literature pertinent to this enhanced role, and a personal reflection on your own development.

The module will assist you to embrace specific aspects of newborn wellbeing. You will critically review the evidence base underpinning care for example neonatal jaundice. The newborn examination is an opportunity to have dialogue with parents and to reinforce health promotion messages, you will critically appraise the evidence base and communication approaches when addressing for example, safe sleeping, recognising the ill baby and responsive parenting

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AC7066 -

Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) (Optional,40 Credits)

This module will facilitate your development of the knowledge and skills required for safe and effective prescribing from a legally specified UK formulary. Successful completion of all components of the module will lead to the achievement of a recordable prescribing qualification with your regulatory body (NMC or HCPC). The subject areas you will study include assessing the patient and considering prescribing options, pharmacology for prescribing and de-prescribing, legal and regulatory frameworks, providing information, reaching shared decisions, monitoring and reviewing treatments, prescribing safely, professionally and as part of a team and improving prescribing practice.

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AC7076 -

Managing Pain and Symptoms in Advanced Disease (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will explore the needs of the patient with advanced disease and the impact of unmet symptom management on quality of life. This module will enable you to critically examine your practice when assessing and managing symptoms and will enable you to consider the holistic needs of the patient and their carers. You will be encouraged to reflect and explore personal experiences arising from your own clinical practice in order to explore ways of enhancing your professional practice. The module provides the opportunity for you to identify and examine the challenges of managing complex symptoms. You will investigate the holistic multi-disciplinary care necessary to facilitate high quality symptom management. A flexible learning approach is encouraged to assist in the development of specific knowledge relating to

Topics will include; common symptoms in advanced disease; the physiology of pain and pain theory; pain and symptom assessment tools; pharmacological and non-pharmacological symptom management; emergencies in palliative care; symptoms in the last days and hours of life; challenges for practice; patient perspective of living with fatigue.

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AC7077 -

History Taking and Clinical Skills in Primary Care (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module you will develop an increased ability to assess, examine and manage patients with a wide range of clinical presentations across the age spectrum presenting in general practice. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the patient’s ability and appropriateness to receive health interventions and refer to other health care professional as required. Summative assessment will include the achievement of clinical examination skills via an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), and a reflective academic assignment. This module aims to develop practitioners to undertake history taking and examination within contemporary primary care nursing. Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, and respond appropriately to health need, whilst working independently whilst working within legal, ethical and professional guidelines.

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AC7095 -

Pre-hospital, Critical and Post-operative Care for Perioperative Practitioners (Optional,20 Credits)

The pre-hospital and critical post-operative care for perioperative practitioners module has been designed to allow a detailed inspection of the stages of perioperative care associated to complex patient encounters. As there are now an increasingly large number of surgical treatments, alongside an ageing population and improved standards of care among co-morbid patient populations complex encounters are to be expected within the perioperative environment.

Throughout this module, you will examine pre-hospital patient assessment and direct patient admission to the perioperative environment, which will include interventional environments such as cardiology for example. By understanding pre-hospital assessments and interventions to stabilise patients for transfer, perioperative practitioners can be more effective for these complex patients. Additionally in this module, you will look to explore the critical care environment, exploring the fundamental differences between perioperative and critical care practice. You will explore complex patient transfer between the operating theatre and critical care unit and introduce the concepts which will allow perioperative practitioners to be more effective when assisting in the care of critical care patients.

Due to an increased critical care staffing requirement, this module will prove to be useful for Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) who will be expected to work in acute care environments including critical care and resuscitation departments. This module looks to fill a professional development requirement exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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AC7096 -

Inter-professional Collaboration, Support, and Supervision for Perioperative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The inter-professional collaboration, support and supervision module has been designed to offer a forum for students to engage with discussion and topical debate related to the perioperative environment. Due to having numerous professional, statutory regulatory bodies (PSRB) within this environment, the interactions are often complex and multi-faceted. This module is designed to define the PSRBs seen within the perioperative environment and identify the common metrics which indicate performance, whilst also identifying some of the more challenging elements of effective interprofessional working.

Some of the theoretical topics which will be discussed within this module are ergonomics, human factors, patient safety, professional socialisation and clinical supervision. Through discussion of these topics, within a perioperative context, there will be an opportunity to engage with debate and identify the principles of education and support within the operating theatre. The pillar which this module aligns to is the education pillar, so the primary focus of this module will be support and supervision, overlaid to the defined PSRBs.

Through discussion of key educational and developmental documentation, for example 51 North-East Practice Assessment Document (NEPAD), Health and Care Professions Council Professional Declaration and Nursing and Midwifery Council Revalidation, you will be able to engage with iterative analysis of your own role in the support and supervision of students and qualified staff. The inclusion of these documents and processes will allow tangible progress to be made in relation to the summative assessment, which will require a critical analysis of the key topic literature.

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AC7097 -

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence/Abuse (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in supporting survivors of all types of sexual abuse. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning the nature of sexual violence/abuse. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the sexual violence/abuse of children, young people, and adults. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in supporting, signposting, and safeguarding people.

More specifically, in this module you will explore and learn what is defined by sexual violence/abuse and the complexity of this topic (sexual violence is a term that incorporates many different sexually violent crimes). This will include in-depth analysis of sexual violence statistics; the increased rates of disclosures following high profile historic sexual abuse case and the #metoo movement; the burden of sexual violence/ abuse on immediate and long-term health, the impact on government monies and the emotional effect on professionals supporting survivors. There will be a critical exploration of gendered based abuse and sexual violence as a continuum in society; Victim blaming and disclosure - myths, unconscious bias, and assumptions surrounding sexual violence and the barriers for disclosure; explore disclosure - whom people disclose to, response in both the social and formal setting and the impact of the response on health and wellbeing. We then go into depth regarding emphasising knowledge of the links to risk, indicators, impact, legalities, signposting. Legal & Professional Frameworks: exploring the legal considerations should the case go to court – awareness of procedure CSP / expert witness Vs professional witness / giving evidence.

Throughout the module we will also touch upon: trauma focused practice, ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to sexual violence / abuse; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries. You will also explore comprehensive assessments, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module, we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7098 -

Safeguarding Adults, Young People and Children (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in safeguarding adults, young people and children. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning safeguarding. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the abuse of children, young people and adults and consider when early intervention is required to support adults at risk, children, young people and their families. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in safeguarding people.

Throughout the module you will explore and learn: definitions of abuse, historical and current perspectives of abuse and statistical evidence; ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to safeguarding people; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries; you will also explore comprehensive assessments, thresholds for intervention, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7099 -

Enhanced Phases of Peri-operative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The enhanced perioperative practice module will allow you the opportunity to explore the core phases of working in the operating department. The component phases are anaesthetics, surgery, and post-anaesthetic care, which will allow for a refreshed overview of the professional regulations, guidelines and policies related to general perioperative practice. By integrating a focussed presentation and written reflection, this allows flexibility within the summative assessment, meaning learning and development can be bespoke to your individual requirements. This summative assessment is designed to allow for presentation of learning outcomes, meaning your poster presentation and written reflection can be used to feedback to your clinical environment and be used for HCPC professional declaration or NMC Revalidation.

There will be a group of specialist educators delivering your sessions, specialising in either anaesthetics, surgery, or post-anaesthetic care. These focussed lectures and seminars will give a useful overview of perioperative practice and allow topical debate on contemporary issues within each perioperative phase. Due to specialist educators delivering these sessions, you will be provided with novel and interesting clinical and workforce theories, alongside contemporary research evidence related to each component phase.

Due to the wide educational remit of this module, previous knowledge of perioperative practice is strongly recommended, however, should this not be the case, your Module Leader will be able to provide a structured and functional learning plan whilst undertaking this module.

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AC7100 -

Genomics, Pathology and Complexities of Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The genomics, pathology and complexities of care module will engage with both historical and contemporary debates around the care of patients with both common and less common pathologies. This module will aim to explore human cellular function, identifying the role genes play in both typical physiological function and atypical physiological processes. Through exploration of cellular function, you will be guided through directed study of the human body systems, which will allow a structured approach to learning. Your learning will be guided towards pathologies which are commonly seen in the UK population, but you will also be given the opportunity to discuss those which occur less frequently.

A group of specialist lecturers will identify and prepare topics within this module will be primarily focussed around the perioperative environment, allowing some in depth discussion to take place around the identified pathologies. The chosen pathological topics will aim to catalyse debate of the complexities associated to the disease process in question, and the current treatment regime. This will allow a critical analysis of international, national and local guidelines, while offering the opportunity to identify areas for further learning activity. Your teaching team will work closely with you to identify topics of personal or professional interest which can then be focussed towards your summative assessment.

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AC7101 -

Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus upon three central and complex areas key to the development of your own practice i.e. Leadership, Management and Decision Making. The module will therefore prepare you to apply effective leadership within the delivery of your service. You will learn about models and frameworks of leadership and application of these within you area of professional practice. This will include leadership styles, communication strategies and conflict management. You will learn to access strategies and behaviours for effective leadership and management that will assist you in achieving and maintaining leadership of self and others. Module content will also include the main theoretical approaches to decision making, and allow you to explore and apply these principles. You will learn to critically evaluate the complexity and uncertainty within which judgements and decisions are made, examining how decision making skills are acquired and better utilised in the range of health and social practice.

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AC7102 -

Leading Quality and Service Improvement in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is for students on the MSc Health and Social Practice programme. This module will help you advance your knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to leading and advancing practice in your own professional field. You will have the opportunity to identify an area of contemporary practice with a focus on quality improvement, seeking to improve service user outcomes through the systematic review of services against specific criteria. Following this, recommendations for service improvement are identified. You will have the opportunity to plan and complete an audit, sourcing and critiquing a range of relevant contemporary evidence, apply leadership and change theories and contextualise learning in order to prepare you for advancing and leading practice. The module content will include, clinical audit approaches, leadership and change theory, development of strategic leadership skills and networking, promotion of research-based practice and integration of research and theory to practice. You will have the opportunity to apply and relate what you learn on the module towards your academic assessment, which is the development and presentation of a poster and written abstract similar to those presented at a conference.

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AC7103 -

Managing Strategic Thinking in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus on the theoretical concepts and phases of strategic thinking in health and social practice. It considers the principles of strategic thinking for your own cognitive development and explores this in the context of a critical exploration of the development of your practice area. The module also considers the impact of the complexities of strategic thinking, goal setting, planning and resourcing. It will explore individual assumptions and existing knowledge and empirical evidence. You will consider and explore logic, and creative ways towards problem solving preparing you to think proactively about applying strategic thinking more effectively. You will learn about models and frameworks of strategic thinking and consider these in the context of your area of professional practice. This includes considering communication strategies and engagement across organisations. Exploring the principles outlined will help you to access strategies and behaviours for strategic thinking that will assist you in identifying a solution focused approach to challenges.

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AC7104 -

Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Practice (Core,20 Credits)

This module content will introduce Policy and Socio-economic drivers for service development and encourage you to consider how these may impact on contemporary practice and service delivery.

The core lectures will introduce the concept of undertaking practice evaluation and you will be encouraged to consider this in relation to a specific practice role or service. Seminars will encourage you to explore and enhance your awareness of workforce modelling and discuss professional boundaries. You will be directed to professional guidance relating to advanced practice and discuss these in relation to service delivery to meet the health and social care population.

The seminars, supervision and independent learning will encourage you to apply the key areas of learning within this module to your own professional context and field of expertise The sharing of understandings and experiences during the seminars will be an integral part of the way in which the module helps to socially construct individual’s perceptions of their role within the context of communities of practice.

You will learn about how you can make effective and systematic use of evidence based published research to inform your practice. You will be encouraged to apply this knowledge in relation to a contemporary aspect of practice. You will consider issues around quality and governance in relation to service delivery and explore the significance of commissioning and stakeholder engagement.

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AC7105 -

Sexual Health Advisor: Principles of public health and partner notification (Optional,20 Credits)

The module focuses on three key elements:

• Analysis of the core public health principles, models and approaches to assessment and motivational interviewing to develop a robust formulation of evidence to underpin partner notification practice

• Evaluation of the core elements that constitute safe, ethical and person-centred partner notification

• How to undertake client partner notification processes informed by appropriate legal, ethical and professional frameworks and guidance, and articulate and document your evidence-based decision making for any partner notification interventions you provide or refuse.

The module introduces you to the existing evidence base which informs your practice; enables you to understand and critique the evidence and apply it to your own practice. You will learn how to; find and critique evidence directly related to the module using online library and skills plus services, develop your writing, referencing and presentation skills at postgraduate level enabling you to build upon and further develop your current academic skills. The module develops your ability to understand how to undertake partner notification with your client, based upon current legal, ethical and professional guidance and advise the client on possible preventative and treatment options including the risks and benefits. This will require you to articulate and document evidence based defensible decision making related to partner notification practice. It also helps you to evaluate your own practice setting in terms of what constitutes safe and ethical practice.

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AC7109 -

Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The module will focus on the development of expertise in leading educational practice for a variety of learners, supervisors, assessors and the wider workforce within a professional context. As a student on this module, you will engage in work based inter-professional learning, teaching and development opportunities with a range of learners and educational partners to support and advance professional education in practice. Campus based sessions will critically explore and apply a range of teaching and learning theories and strategies and will be supported by directed, group and e-learning activities. This will include use of Blackboard Ultra, the Modules e-Learning Platform (eLP), to access Panopto (lecture capture recordings) and video activities as well as the use of a range of online learning and teaching technologies and applications as directed by the Module Team. Peer, tutor, supervisor and/ or mentor formative feedback will support individual development. Summative assessment will require verification of the achievement of educational standards in practice and the submission of a critically reflective account of your development as an educationalist and your impact on teaching and learning in practice.

Subject areas you will study include:

Context of learning, specialist practice, interprofessional learning, policy drivers
Designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a range of evidence based learning experiences and curricula for learners, supervisors, assessors, mentors and the wider workforce.
Applying and critiquing teaching and learning theory and practice.
Learning and teaching strategies, working with individuals, leading and facilitating small and large groups.
Formative and summative assessment, assessment of and for learning.
Constructive feedback, feed-forward.
Analysis of complex information, judgements and decision-making, challenges for professional education.
Developing professional supervisory relationships.
Professional codes/educational standards, accountability
Leading and developing practice education, higher education and practice partnerships.
Maintaining and enhancing quality in educational practice.

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AC7110 -

Promoting sexual health in healthcare practice (Optional,40 Credits)

On this module you will develop an increased ability to assess and manage patients with a wide range of sexual health requirements across the age spectrum across a variety of health care settings. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the patient’s ability and appropriateness to receive preventative health interventions in accordance with local and national policy drivers. Summative assessment will include the achievement of clinical competencies, which have been benchmarked at a national level, a reflective academic assignment and a schedule of short answer and scenario-based questions. This module aims to develop practitioners to undertake preventative and management interventions within contemporary sexual health nursing. The module will facilitate you to identify when patients require referral into specialist sexual health services for the management of complex presentations, sexual violence and/or psychological issues Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, and respond appropriately to health need, whilst working independently and within legal, ethical and professional guidelines. You will have the opportunity to complete the national cervical screening training during this module if you have not previously completed this core skill.

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AC7111 -

Assessor and Supervisor Preparation in Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge, skills and expertise in supervising and assessing individuals and groups of both patients and other learners in a classroom environment and a clinical practice environment. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning learning, supervising and assessment. Building on and deepening prior learning you will further develop a more critical understanding of how patient education in clinical practice can influence ill health prevention and the holistic health and wellbeing of the individual. This will include a critical analysis of the barriers and enablers to your practice role in helping patients learn and change their behaviour. You will also explore models of education in theory and practice contexts and you will practice the delivery of teaching and learning to other individual learners and groups of learners working in clinical practice. Building on prior learning you will critically explore how assessment influences learning and critique the learning challenges of different types of supervision and assessment; including the practice supervision and assessment of competency.

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AC7113 -

Prevention and Management of Diabetes mellitus in Adults (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will gain knowledge and understanding of the prevention and management of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the complications that may occur and the impact on the patient and family. You will also develop a critical insight into the role of practice and service structures in detecting and managing diabetes and preventing or postponing complications being able to critically evaluate impacts to practice and patient outcomes, developing analytical suggestions for improvements to service provision. Topics will include diagnosis, treatment and management of Diabetes Mellitus, risk factors and lifestyle interventions, foot care, screening for complications, emerging research and technologies and the mental health impact of living with this long term condition.
You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigations and effective management of patients with or at risk of Diabetes Mellitus according to national standards within the context of the quality outcome framework and other practice based structures.
This module requires students to consider and critique differing forms of evidence on which their practice is based. Quality assurance and governance mechanisms will be explored, and students will be encouraged to recognise the importance of these concepts to practice and evaluate how they can contribute to systems to measure and improve quality whilst optimising use of existing resources for people living with diabetes.

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AC7120 -

Foundations Paediatric Intensive Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The module is solely for professional staff working in the clinical area of paediatric intensive care. This module is delivered in practice to form part of a staff induction, preceptorship or an agreed development package The module enables the development of knowledge and skills in the care of a child or young person requiring intensive care. It is delivered in conjunction with the completion of clinical competencies as part of the induction/preceptorship/development period in the student’s workplace. Emphasis is placed on accurate holistic and family assessment together with the subsequent development and implementation of the appropriate management plans in order to provide efficient and effective therapeutic care interventions. Working with the Multi Professional Team (MPT) to ensure high quality care is a core underpinning of this module.

The summative assessment for the module will be through the submission of a portfolio of evidence, which includes a 2500 word reflective commentary, and evidence of clinical competence. Both parts of the assessment must be successfully achieved in order to gain academic accreditation. Formative feedback on progress will be via a designated mentor and / clinical educator. Summative feedback will be provided by written comments

Core concepts
• Critical illness Pathways
• The infant and Childs airway (Children are different)
• Maintaining the airway
• Intubation
• Non-invasive and invasive respiratory support
• Non-invasive and invasive monitoring
• Supporting the circulation
• Multi organ failure
• Assessment and care planning
• Management of Pain
• Management of sedation
• Family support
• Communication in PICU
• Care planning
• Evaluation of care

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AC7121 -

Children and Young People Recognition and Emergency Care in Critical Illness (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module is to develop the knowledge and skills required for the safe care of critically ill Children and Young People. You will gain a sound knowledge and understanding of specific physiological problems encountered in children and be able to recognise, respond and manage emergencies. This module will enable you to develop the knowledge and skills required to recognise and manage the deteriorating and critically ill child and young people. The module content closely follows the UK resuscitation council guidelines and policy.
The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior.
Summative assessment will require you to participate in simulated scenario exam this will require you to demonstrate competent practice and through dialogue rationalise actions

Content Overview
• Recognition of the critically ill Child
• Structured approach to critically ill children.
• Assessing seriously ill children:
• Paediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
• Assessment of respiratory/ circulatory function
• Assessment of conscious level and neurological emergencies
• Exploration of clinical conditions
• Clinical decision making
• Ongoing supportive care of seriously ill children

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AC7122 -

Children and Young People's History Taking and Physical Assessment (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module aims to develop knowledge and skills for undertaking a comprehensive health history and physical assessment in Children and Young people. It is aimed at those practitioners who undertake these skills as part of their role and able to perform in practice. In order to ensure safe patient care, students will be engaged in practical skills and knowledge development which includes patient-practitioner communication, health history elicitation, clinical examination of physical systems, symptom recognition, and patient management. The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate and apply health promotion and safetynetting to those children who do not need any form of treatment. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior

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AC7138 -

Respiratory Disorders (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is aimed at registered healthcare professionals who care for patients with respiratory disorders across all healthcare settings. The primary focus is on the normal anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and an exploration of the altered pathophysiology of both acute and chronic respiratory disorders. Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Asthma and COPD
• Tuberculosis
• Lung transplantation
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Pulmonary rehabilitation
• Smoking cessation
• Pneumonia
• Pneumothorax
• Occupational lung disease

You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the care and treatment of these disorders, including assessment, investigations, and management. The module integrates the importance of inter-professional working and highlights the scope of healthcare provision for respiratory disorders, including the psychological impact on patients and their families.

The assessments for this module includes: a 15 minute verbalised presentation with visual prompts focused on the altered pathophyoiology of your chosen respirtaoy disorder. The second assessmsnt is a 3000-word patient case study on a chosen acute or chronic respiratory disorder. This will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding, critically analysing the condition and reflecting on best practices and implications for patient care.

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AC7139 -

Cardiac Health in Contemporary Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the anatomy and physiology of the heart before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and long term conditions associated with heart disease. Topics include acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigation and management of patients with common heart disease presentations. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working, patient empowerment and the scope of health care provision for certain heart disease conditions within contemporary clinical practice settings will be integral to the module, including the holistic impact on patients and their families.

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AC0776 -

Management of acute and chronic neurological conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the normal anatomy and physiology of the nervous system before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and chronic neurological conditions. Topics will include traumatic brain injury, brain and spinal tumours, stroke, infections, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease. You will refine your understanding and evaluate the precision required for the assessment and effective management of patients with neurological conditions. You will specifically focus on the opportunity to examine current levels of knowledge, to critically evaluate its application to the care of neurological patients. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working and scope of health care provision for neurological conditions within different health care settings will be integral to the module, including the psychological impact on both patients and their families.
It is also expected that you apply your new learning to practice (work based learning) and share experiences with your colleagues.

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AC0786 -

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

You will learn about the use of ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (LTCs)’ as a possible treatment strategy in Monitoring and Management of LTCs. As you explore the evidence base and key components of CBT you will develop theoretical knowledge and an understanding of the benefits of adopting this technique with your service users. Topics include:
• Long Term Conditions and Mental Health
• Why CBT - an introduction to using CBT with service users who have physical health conditions
• CBT for Anxiety and Panic
• CBT for Depression
• Therapeutic assessment skills – a central component in CBT
• Using guided discovery
• Formulation – a framework for solving problems
• Treatment goals and treatment strategies – tailored to target the psychological aspects of physical disease

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AC7001 -

The Acutely Ill Adult (Optional,20 Credits)

Care of the acutely ill adult is challenging and complex. Following on from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD, 2005) investigation into deteriorating patients in the acute care settings, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2007) produced guidelines to help with the recognition and management of the acutely ill patient . The Intensive Care Society (ICS, 2009) make explicit that the location of the patient does not determine the level of care required, and in their guidance recommend deteriorating patients, or patients at risk of deterioration require Level 1 care. Level 1 care is defined as patients in need of additional monitoring/clinical interventions, clinical input or advice and possible critical care outreach involvement (ICS, 2009). This module is designed for nurses working within all acute settings.

The module will provide you with an increased ability to recognise, assess and manage patients that are acutely ill. Relevant anatomy and physiology will be covered with a body systems approach to some of the common acute illnesses that patients’ present with; including respiratory failure, cardiovascular failure, acute kidney injury, neurological and metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal emergencies. Holistic nursing care will be addressed during discussion on psychosocial care. Additionally, the nursing role in ensuring patient safety will be considered with inclusion of human factors in healthcare, risk assessment, early warning scoring, communication and evidence based practice. Learning will be facilitated by directed learning and the eLearning portal. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the early phases of acute illness.

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AC7034 -

Physical Assessment and Care of the Newborn (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module, you will learn to be a Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) practitioner. You will enhance your current understanding of newborn assessment. Newborn examination skills will be developed to incorporate competency in performing the 4 specific screening elements of the NHS Newborn and Infant and Physical Examination (NIPE) programme, these are the examination of the newborn heart, testes, eyes and the hips. You will learn about the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme and the rationale for the newborn examination standards and implementation of the programme in the UK. You will evaluate how this understanding will direct your practice and understanding of referral and decision making. Guided online learning and student-led learning will enable you to review the evidence and increase your knowledge of newborn physiology, the normal parameters of health and potential deviations from normal as well as understanding the aetiology and recognition of congenital abnormalities. You will evaluate the implications of practitioner accountability and responsibility when assuming an extended and enhanced role, and be able to directly link this to the NMC code. This will include a review of the literature pertinent to this enhanced role, and a personal reflection on your own development.

The module will assist you to embrace specific aspects of newborn wellbeing. You will critically review the evidence base underpinning care for example neonatal jaundice. The newborn examination is an opportunity to have dialogue with parents and to reinforce health promotion messages, you will critically appraise the evidence base and communication approaches when addressing for example, safe sleeping, recognising the ill baby and responsive parenting

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AC7066 -

Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) (Optional,40 Credits)

This module will facilitate your development of the knowledge and skills required for safe and effective prescribing from a legally specified UK formulary. Successful completion of all components of the module will lead to the achievement of a recordable prescribing qualification with your regulatory body (NMC or HCPC). The subject areas you will study include assessing the patient and considering prescribing options, pharmacology for prescribing and de-prescribing, legal and regulatory frameworks, providing information, reaching shared decisions, monitoring and reviewing treatments, prescribing safely, professionally and as part of a team and improving prescribing practice.

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AC7076 -

Managing Pain and Symptoms in Advanced Disease (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will explore the needs of the patient with advanced disease and the impact of unmet symptom management on quality of life. This module will enable you to critically examine your practice when assessing and managing symptoms and will enable you to consider the holistic needs of the patient and their carers. You will be encouraged to reflect and explore personal experiences arising from your own clinical practice in order to explore ways of enhancing your professional practice. The module provides the opportunity for you to identify and examine the challenges of managing complex symptoms. You will investigate the holistic multi-disciplinary care necessary to facilitate high quality symptom management. A flexible learning approach is encouraged to assist in the development of specific knowledge relating to

Topics will include; common symptoms in advanced disease; the physiology of pain and pain theory; pain and symptom assessment tools; pharmacological and non-pharmacological symptom management; emergencies in palliative care; symptoms in the last days and hours of life; challenges for practice; patient perspective of living with fatigue.

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AC7077 -

History Taking and Clinical Skills in Primary Care (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module you will develop an increased ability to assess, examine and manage patients with a wide range of clinical presentations across the age spectrum presenting in general practice. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the patient’s ability and appropriateness to receive health interventions and refer to other health care professional as required. Summative assessment will include the achievement of clinical examination skills via an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), and a reflective academic assignment. This module aims to develop practitioners to undertake history taking and examination within contemporary primary care nursing. Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, and respond appropriately to health need, whilst working independently whilst working within legal, ethical and professional guidelines.

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AC7095 -

Pre-hospital, Critical and Post-operative Care for Perioperative Practitioners (Optional,20 Credits)

The pre-hospital and critical post-operative care for perioperative practitioners module has been designed to allow a detailed inspection of the stages of perioperative care associated to complex patient encounters. As there are now an increasingly large number of surgical treatments, alongside an ageing population and improved standards of care among co-morbid patient populations complex encounters are to be expected within the perioperative environment.

Throughout this module, you will examine pre-hospital patient assessment and direct patient admission to the perioperative environment, which will include interventional environments such as cardiology for example. By understanding pre-hospital assessments and interventions to stabilise patients for transfer, perioperative practitioners can be more effective for these complex patients. Additionally in this module, you will look to explore the critical care environment, exploring the fundamental differences between perioperative and critical care practice. You will explore complex patient transfer between the operating theatre and critical care unit and introduce the concepts which will allow perioperative practitioners to be more effective when assisting in the care of critical care patients.

Due to an increased critical care staffing requirement, this module will prove to be useful for Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) who will be expected to work in acute care environments including critical care and resuscitation departments. This module looks to fill a professional development requirement exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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AC7096 -

Inter-professional Collaboration, Support, and Supervision for Perioperative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The inter-professional collaboration, support and supervision module has been designed to offer a forum for students to engage with discussion and topical debate related to the perioperative environment. Due to having numerous professional, statutory regulatory bodies (PSRB) within this environment, the interactions are often complex and multi-faceted. This module is designed to define the PSRBs seen within the perioperative environment and identify the common metrics which indicate performance, whilst also identifying some of the more challenging elements of effective interprofessional working.

Some of the theoretical topics which will be discussed within this module are ergonomics, human factors, patient safety, professional socialisation and clinical supervision. Through discussion of these topics, within a perioperative context, there will be an opportunity to engage with debate and identify the principles of education and support within the operating theatre. The pillar which this module aligns to is the education pillar, so the primary focus of this module will be support and supervision, overlaid to the defined PSRBs.

Through discussion of key educational and developmental documentation, for example 51 North-East Practice Assessment Document (NEPAD), Health and Care Professions Council Professional Declaration and Nursing and Midwifery Council Revalidation, you will be able to engage with iterative analysis of your own role in the support and supervision of students and qualified staff. The inclusion of these documents and processes will allow tangible progress to be made in relation to the summative assessment, which will require a critical analysis of the key topic literature.

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AC7097 -

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence/Abuse (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in supporting survivors of all types of sexual abuse. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning the nature of sexual violence/abuse. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the sexual violence/abuse of children, young people, and adults. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in supporting, signposting, and safeguarding people.

More specifically, in this module you will explore and learn what is defined by sexual violence/abuse and the complexity of this topic (sexual violence is a term that incorporates many different sexually violent crimes). This will include in-depth analysis of sexual violence statistics; the increased rates of disclosures following high profile historic sexual abuse case and the #metoo movement; the burden of sexual violence/ abuse on immediate and long-term health, the impact on government monies and the emotional effect on professionals supporting survivors. There will be a critical exploration of gendered based abuse and sexual violence as a continuum in society; Victim blaming and disclosure - myths, unconscious bias, and assumptions surrounding sexual violence and the barriers for disclosure; explore disclosure - whom people disclose to, response in both the social and formal setting and the impact of the response on health and wellbeing. We then go into depth regarding emphasising knowledge of the links to risk, indicators, impact, legalities, signposting. Legal & Professional Frameworks: exploring the legal considerations should the case go to court – awareness of procedure CSP / expert witness Vs professional witness / giving evidence.

Throughout the module we will also touch upon: trauma focused practice, ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to sexual violence / abuse; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries. You will also explore comprehensive assessments, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module, we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7098 -

Safeguarding Adults, Young People and Children (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in safeguarding adults, young people and children. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning safeguarding. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the abuse of children, young people and adults and consider when early intervention is required to support adults at risk, children, young people and their families. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in safeguarding people.

Throughout the module you will explore and learn: definitions of abuse, historical and current perspectives of abuse and statistical evidence; ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to safeguarding people; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries; you will also explore comprehensive assessments, thresholds for intervention, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7099 -

Enhanced Phases of Peri-operative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The enhanced perioperative practice module will allow you the opportunity to explore the core phases of working in the operating department. The component phases are anaesthetics, surgery, and post-anaesthetic care, which will allow for a refreshed overview of the professional regulations, guidelines and policies related to general perioperative practice. By integrating a focussed presentation and written reflection, this allows flexibility within the summative assessment, meaning learning and development can be bespoke to your individual requirements. This summative assessment is designed to allow for presentation of learning outcomes, meaning your poster presentation and written reflection can be used to feedback to your clinical environment and be used for HCPC professional declaration or NMC Revalidation.

There will be a group of specialist educators delivering your sessions, specialising in either anaesthetics, surgery, or post-anaesthetic care. These focussed lectures and seminars will give a useful overview of perioperative practice and allow topical debate on contemporary issues within each perioperative phase. Due to specialist educators delivering these sessions, you will be provided with novel and interesting clinical and workforce theories, alongside contemporary research evidence related to each component phase.

Due to the wide educational remit of this module, previous knowledge of perioperative practice is strongly recommended, however, should this not be the case, your Module Leader will be able to provide a structured and functional learning plan whilst undertaking this module.

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AC7100 -

Genomics, Pathology and Complexities of Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The genomics, pathology and complexities of care module will engage with both historical and contemporary debates around the care of patients with both common and less common pathologies. This module will aim to explore human cellular function, identifying the role genes play in both typical physiological function and atypical physiological processes. Through exploration of cellular function, you will be guided through directed study of the human body systems, which will allow a structured approach to learning. Your learning will be guided towards pathologies which are commonly seen in the UK population, but you will also be given the opportunity to discuss those which occur less frequently.

A group of specialist lecturers will identify and prepare topics within this module will be primarily focussed around the perioperative environment, allowing some in depth discussion to take place around the identified pathologies. The chosen pathological topics will aim to catalyse debate of the complexities associated to the disease process in question, and the current treatment regime. This will allow a critical analysis of international, national and local guidelines, while offering the opportunity to identify areas for further learning activity. Your teaching team will work closely with you to identify topics of personal or professional interest which can then be focussed towards your summative assessment.

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AC7101 -

Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus upon three central and complex areas key to the development of your own practice i.e. Leadership, Management and Decision Making. The module will therefore prepare you to apply effective leadership within the delivery of your service. You will learn about models and frameworks of leadership and application of these within you area of professional practice. This will include leadership styles, communication strategies and conflict management. You will learn to access strategies and behaviours for effective leadership and management that will assist you in achieving and maintaining leadership of self and others. Module content will also include the main theoretical approaches to decision making, and allow you to explore and apply these principles. You will learn to critically evaluate the complexity and uncertainty within which judgements and decisions are made, examining how decision making skills are acquired and better utilised in the range of health and social practice.

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AC7102 -

Leading Quality and Service Improvement in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is for students on the MSc Health and Social Practice programme. This module will help you advance your knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to leading and advancing practice in your own professional field. You will have the opportunity to identify an area of contemporary practice with a focus on quality improvement, seeking to improve service user outcomes through the systematic review of services against specific criteria. Following this, recommendations for service improvement are identified. You will have the opportunity to plan and complete an audit, sourcing and critiquing a range of relevant contemporary evidence, apply leadership and change theories and contextualise learning in order to prepare you for advancing and leading practice. The module content will include, clinical audit approaches, leadership and change theory, development of strategic leadership skills and networking, promotion of research-based practice and integration of research and theory to practice. You will have the opportunity to apply and relate what you learn on the module towards your academic assessment, which is the development and presentation of a poster and written abstract similar to those presented at a conference.

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AC7103 -

Managing Strategic Thinking in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus on the theoretical concepts and phases of strategic thinking in health and social practice. It considers the principles of strategic thinking for your own cognitive development and explores this in the context of a critical exploration of the development of your practice area. The module also considers the impact of the complexities of strategic thinking, goal setting, planning and resourcing. It will explore individual assumptions and existing knowledge and empirical evidence. You will consider and explore logic, and creative ways towards problem solving preparing you to think proactively about applying strategic thinking more effectively. You will learn about models and frameworks of strategic thinking and consider these in the context of your area of professional practice. This includes considering communication strategies and engagement across organisations. Exploring the principles outlined will help you to access strategies and behaviours for strategic thinking that will assist you in identifying a solution focused approach to challenges.

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AC7105 -

Sexual Health Advisor: Principles of public health and partner notification (Optional,20 Credits)

The module focuses on three key elements:

• Analysis of the core public health principles, models and approaches to assessment and motivational interviewing to develop a robust formulation of evidence to underpin partner notification practice

• Evaluation of the core elements that constitute safe, ethical and person-centred partner notification

• How to undertake client partner notification processes informed by appropriate legal, ethical and professional frameworks and guidance, and articulate and document your evidence-based decision making for any partner notification interventions you provide or refuse.

The module introduces you to the existing evidence base which informs your practice; enables you to understand and critique the evidence and apply it to your own practice. You will learn how to; find and critique evidence directly related to the module using online library and skills plus services, develop your writing, referencing and presentation skills at postgraduate level enabling you to build upon and further develop your current academic skills. The module develops your ability to understand how to undertake partner notification with your client, based upon current legal, ethical and professional guidance and advise the client on possible preventative and treatment options including the risks and benefits. This will require you to articulate and document evidence based defensible decision making related to partner notification practice. It also helps you to evaluate your own practice setting in terms of what constitutes safe and ethical practice.

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AC7107 -

Research Approaches and Methods in Health and Social Practice (Core,40 Credits)

On this module you will appreciate the knowledge and skills needed to undertake research. You will learn about research philosophy, methodology and the different methods associated with a range of research traditions. You will explore the value of research evidence in informing health and social practice and be able to apply the principles of research to critically appraise research quality. Specifically on this module you will learn about:
• Locating and organising literature
• Philosophical assumptions and foundations of enquiry
• Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodological approaches
• Data collection, data analysis and interpretation
• Research governance and ethical issues
• Analysis and interpretation
By the end of the module you will be able to prepare a research proposal on a topic of interest to yourself and of value to health and social practice.

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AC7109 -

Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The module will focus on the development of expertise in leading educational practice for a variety of learners, supervisors, assessors and the wider workforce within a professional context. As a student on this module, you will engage in work based inter-professional learning, teaching and development opportunities with a range of learners and educational partners to support and advance professional education in practice. Campus based sessions will critically explore and apply a range of teaching and learning theories and strategies and will be supported by directed, group and e-learning activities. This will include use of Blackboard Ultra, the Modules e-Learning Platform (eLP), to access Panopto (lecture capture recordings) and video activities as well as the use of a range of online learning and teaching technologies and applications as directed by the Module Team. Peer, tutor, supervisor and/ or mentor formative feedback will support individual development. Summative assessment will require verification of the achievement of educational standards in practice and the submission of a critically reflective account of your development as an educationalist and your impact on teaching and learning in practice.

Subject areas you will study include:

Context of learning, specialist practice, interprofessional learning, policy drivers
Designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a range of evidence based learning experiences and curricula for learners, supervisors, assessors, mentors and the wider workforce.
Applying and critiquing teaching and learning theory and practice.
Learning and teaching strategies, working with individuals, leading and facilitating small and large groups.
Formative and summative assessment, assessment of and for learning.
Constructive feedback, feed-forward.
Analysis of complex information, judgements and decision-making, challenges for professional education.
Developing professional supervisory relationships.
Professional codes/educational standards, accountability
Leading and developing practice education, higher education and practice partnerships.
Maintaining and enhancing quality in educational practice.

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AC7111 -

Assessor and Supervisor Preparation in Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge, skills and expertise in supervising and assessing individuals and groups of both patients and other learners in a classroom environment and a clinical practice environment. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning learning, supervising and assessment. Building on and deepening prior learning you will further develop a more critical understanding of how patient education in clinical practice can influence ill health prevention and the holistic health and wellbeing of the individual. This will include a critical analysis of the barriers and enablers to your practice role in helping patients learn and change their behaviour. You will also explore models of education in theory and practice contexts and you will practice the delivery of teaching and learning to other individual learners and groups of learners working in clinical practice. Building on prior learning you will critically explore how assessment influences learning and critique the learning challenges of different types of supervision and assessment; including the practice supervision and assessment of competency.

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AC7113 -

Prevention and Management of Diabetes mellitus in Adults (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will gain knowledge and understanding of the prevention and management of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the complications that may occur and the impact on the patient and family. You will also develop a critical insight into the role of practice and service structures in detecting and managing diabetes and preventing or postponing complications being able to critically evaluate impacts to practice and patient outcomes, developing analytical suggestions for improvements to service provision. Topics will include diagnosis, treatment and management of Diabetes Mellitus, risk factors and lifestyle interventions, foot care, screening for complications, emerging research and technologies and the mental health impact of living with this long term condition.
You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigations and effective management of patients with or at risk of Diabetes Mellitus according to national standards within the context of the quality outcome framework and other practice based structures.
This module requires students to consider and critique differing forms of evidence on which their practice is based. Quality assurance and governance mechanisms will be explored, and students will be encouraged to recognise the importance of these concepts to practice and evaluate how they can contribute to systems to measure and improve quality whilst optimising use of existing resources for people living with diabetes.

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AC7120 -

Foundations Paediatric Intensive Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The module is solely for professional staff working in the clinical area of paediatric intensive care. This module is delivered in practice to form part of a staff induction, preceptorship or an agreed development package The module enables the development of knowledge and skills in the care of a child or young person requiring intensive care. It is delivered in conjunction with the completion of clinical competencies as part of the induction/preceptorship/development period in the student’s workplace. Emphasis is placed on accurate holistic and family assessment together with the subsequent development and implementation of the appropriate management plans in order to provide efficient and effective therapeutic care interventions. Working with the Multi Professional Team (MPT) to ensure high quality care is a core underpinning of this module.

The summative assessment for the module will be through the submission of a portfolio of evidence, which includes a 2500 word reflective commentary, and evidence of clinical competence. Both parts of the assessment must be successfully achieved in order to gain academic accreditation. Formative feedback on progress will be via a designated mentor and / clinical educator. Summative feedback will be provided by written comments

Core concepts
• Critical illness Pathways
• The infant and Childs airway (Children are different)
• Maintaining the airway
• Intubation
• Non-invasive and invasive respiratory support
• Non-invasive and invasive monitoring
• Supporting the circulation
• Multi organ failure
• Assessment and care planning
• Management of Pain
• Management of sedation
• Family support
• Communication in PICU
• Care planning
• Evaluation of care

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AC7121 -

Children and Young People Recognition and Emergency Care in Critical Illness (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module is to develop the knowledge and skills required for the safe care of critically ill Children and Young People. You will gain a sound knowledge and understanding of specific physiological problems encountered in children and be able to recognise, respond and manage emergencies. This module will enable you to develop the knowledge and skills required to recognise and manage the deteriorating and critically ill child and young people. The module content closely follows the UK resuscitation council guidelines and policy.
The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior.
Summative assessment will require you to participate in simulated scenario exam this will require you to demonstrate competent practice and through dialogue rationalise actions

Content Overview
• Recognition of the critically ill Child
• Structured approach to critically ill children.
• Assessing seriously ill children:
• Paediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
• Assessment of respiratory/ circulatory function
• Assessment of conscious level and neurological emergencies
• Exploration of clinical conditions
• Clinical decision making
• Ongoing supportive care of seriously ill children

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AC7122 -

Children and Young People's History Taking and Physical Assessment (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module aims to develop knowledge and skills for undertaking a comprehensive health history and physical assessment in Children and Young people. It is aimed at those practitioners who undertake these skills as part of their role and able to perform in practice. In order to ensure safe patient care, students will be engaged in practical skills and knowledge development which includes patient-practitioner communication, health history elicitation, clinical examination of physical systems, symptom recognition, and patient management. The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate and apply health promotion and safetynetting to those children who do not need any form of treatment. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior

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AC7138 -

Respiratory Disorders (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is aimed at registered healthcare professionals who care for patients with respiratory disorders across all healthcare settings. The primary focus is on the normal anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and an exploration of the altered pathophysiology of both acute and chronic respiratory disorders. Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Asthma and COPD
• Tuberculosis
• Lung transplantation
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Pulmonary rehabilitation
• Smoking cessation
• Pneumonia
• Pneumothorax
• Occupational lung disease

You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the care and treatment of these disorders, including assessment, investigations, and management. The module integrates the importance of inter-professional working and highlights the scope of healthcare provision for respiratory disorders, including the psychological impact on patients and their families.

The assessments for this module includes: a 15 minute verbalised presentation with visual prompts focused on the altered pathophyoiology of your chosen respirtaoy disorder. The second assessmsnt is a 3000-word patient case study on a chosen acute or chronic respiratory disorder. This will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding, critically analysing the condition and reflecting on best practices and implications for patient care.

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AC7139 -

Cardiac Health in Contemporary Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the anatomy and physiology of the heart before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and long term conditions associated with heart disease. Topics include acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigation and management of patients with common heart disease presentations. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working, patient empowerment and the scope of health care provision for certain heart disease conditions within contemporary clinical practice settings will be integral to the module, including the holistic impact on patients and their families.

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AC7035 -

Empirical Project (Optional,60 Credits)

You will be encouraged to critically explore a range of approaches to research however emphasis will be placed on your understanding of the world view, design and meaning system that will drive your own research study. It is assumed that prior to the undertaking of this dissertation module you will have undertaken study that prepares you for engagement with a Masters dissertation process and that you will have constructed a robust research proposal that has gained or is in the process of gaining ethical approval from both the University and (if applicable) your employing organisation. In the module you will revisit and deepen your understanding of a range of key topic areas linked to the empirical research process, this will include discussion of world views and research paradigms, the research question, aim or hypothesis, research design, working with literature and theory, developing ethical codes, constructing the research sample, collecting robust research evidence, ensuring quality assurance within your research work, analysing both qualitative and quantitative evidence and writing and disseminating the research dissertation work. You will be invited to attend a series of research seminars during the module and you will have access to a named supervisor for one to one supervision work. Both the seminars and supervision will encourage you to apply the key areas of learning within this module to your own professional context and field of expertise. This will enable you to critically examine how the empirical research process will work best for your research goals and design.

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AC7036 -

Practice Project (Optional,60 Credits)

This module gives you the opportunity to consolidate your previous learning in a way that is meaningful to you. The development of a practice project will allow you to bring together reflection, theory, action, and practice. You will apply your analytic and assessment skills to a range of change frameworks and, from your findings, select an appropriate framework to plan and conduct a service change which is compatible with the needs of the service user, the service and the practice context. You will learn about influence factors, both internal and external, and in order to take account of multiple perspectives when planning change, you will negotiate and collaborate with relevant stakeholders and colleagues in the planning and implementation of your project, which will include evaluating the impact of any resulting change. Through this you will learn how to successfully operate as a leader, project coordinator, decision maker and auditor. While undertaking this project you will engage in reflective practice, conceptualisation, literature evaluation, relevant data collection and project planning and change management.

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AC7108 -

Systematic Appraisal (Optional,60 Credits)

This 15000 word dissertation module will focus upon a selected area of health and social practice. It was designed to let you explore and area of research by undertaking a systematic appraisal of the empirical literature. This systematic appraisal would be in an area of your choice, and reflect that of your professional practice. In doing so, you will investigate and conceptualise research through exploring secondary data. This means that you will learn about the process of searching and retrieval of appropriate literature and critical appraisal of that literature. You will also learn how to demonstrate a systematic approach to analysis, interpretation and presentation of the results. You will also need to consider ethics and how you address this within the systematic appraisal, however, ethical permissions for this dissertation are necessary however, they are also minimal.

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Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

AC0776 -

Management of acute and chronic neurological conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the normal anatomy and physiology of the nervous system before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and chronic neurological conditions. Topics will include traumatic brain injury, brain and spinal tumours, stroke, infections, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease. You will refine your understanding and evaluate the precision required for the assessment and effective management of patients with neurological conditions. You will specifically focus on the opportunity to examine current levels of knowledge, to critically evaluate its application to the care of neurological patients. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working and scope of health care provision for neurological conditions within different health care settings will be integral to the module, including the psychological impact on both patients and their families.
It is also expected that you apply your new learning to practice (work based learning) and share experiences with your colleagues.

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AC0786 -

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

You will learn about the use of ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (LTCs)’ as a possible treatment strategy in Monitoring and Management of LTCs. As you explore the evidence base and key components of CBT you will develop theoretical knowledge and an understanding of the benefits of adopting this technique with your service users. Topics include:
• Long Term Conditions and Mental Health
• Why CBT - an introduction to using CBT with service users who have physical health conditions
• CBT for Anxiety and Panic
• CBT for Depression
• Therapeutic assessment skills – a central component in CBT
• Using guided discovery
• Formulation – a framework for solving problems
• Treatment goals and treatment strategies – tailored to target the psychological aspects of physical disease

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AC7001 -

The Acutely Ill Adult (Optional,20 Credits)

Care of the acutely ill adult is challenging and complex. Following on from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD, 2005) investigation into deteriorating patients in the acute care settings, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2007) produced guidelines to help with the recognition and management of the acutely ill patient . The Intensive Care Society (ICS, 2009) make explicit that the location of the patient does not determine the level of care required, and in their guidance recommend deteriorating patients, or patients at risk of deterioration require Level 1 care. Level 1 care is defined as patients in need of additional monitoring/clinical interventions, clinical input or advice and possible critical care outreach involvement (ICS, 2009). This module is designed for nurses working within all acute settings.

The module will provide you with an increased ability to recognise, assess and manage patients that are acutely ill. Relevant anatomy and physiology will be covered with a body systems approach to some of the common acute illnesses that patients’ present with; including respiratory failure, cardiovascular failure, acute kidney injury, neurological and metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal emergencies. Holistic nursing care will be addressed during discussion on psychosocial care. Additionally, the nursing role in ensuring patient safety will be considered with inclusion of human factors in healthcare, risk assessment, early warning scoring, communication and evidence based practice. Learning will be facilitated by directed learning and the eLearning portal. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the early phases of acute illness.

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AC7034 -

Physical Assessment and Care of the Newborn (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module, you will learn to be a Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) practitioner. You will enhance your current understanding of newborn assessment. Newborn examination skills will be developed to incorporate competency in performing the 4 specific screening elements of the NHS Newborn and Infant and Physical Examination (NIPE) programme, these are the examination of the newborn heart, testes, eyes and the hips. You will learn about the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme and the rationale for the newborn examination standards and implementation of the programme in the UK. You will evaluate how this understanding will direct your practice and understanding of referral and decision making. Guided online learning and student-led learning will enable you to review the evidence and increase your knowledge of newborn physiology, the normal parameters of health and potential deviations from normal as well as understanding the aetiology and recognition of congenital abnormalities. You will evaluate the implications of practitioner accountability and responsibility when assuming an extended and enhanced role, and be able to directly link this to the NMC code. This will include a review of the literature pertinent to this enhanced role, and a personal reflection on your own development.

The module will assist you to embrace specific aspects of newborn wellbeing. You will critically review the evidence base underpinning care for example neonatal jaundice. The newborn examination is an opportunity to have dialogue with parents and to reinforce health promotion messages, you will critically appraise the evidence base and communication approaches when addressing for example, safe sleeping, recognising the ill baby and responsive parenting

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AC7066 -

Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) (Optional,40 Credits)

This module will facilitate your development of the knowledge and skills required for safe and effective prescribing from a legally specified UK formulary. Successful completion of all components of the module will lead to the achievement of a recordable prescribing qualification with your regulatory body (NMC or HCPC). The subject areas you will study include assessing the patient and considering prescribing options, pharmacology for prescribing and de-prescribing, legal and regulatory frameworks, providing information, reaching shared decisions, monitoring and reviewing treatments, prescribing safely, professionally and as part of a team and improving prescribing practice.

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AC7076 -

Managing Pain and Symptoms in Advanced Disease (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will explore the needs of the patient with advanced disease and the impact of unmet symptom management on quality of life. This module will enable you to critically examine your practice when assessing and managing symptoms and will enable you to consider the holistic needs of the patient and their carers. You will be encouraged to reflect and explore personal experiences arising from your own clinical practice in order to explore ways of enhancing your professional practice. The module provides the opportunity for you to identify and examine the challenges of managing complex symptoms. You will investigate the holistic multi-disciplinary care necessary to facilitate high quality symptom management. A flexible learning approach is encouraged to assist in the development of specific knowledge relating to

Topics will include; common symptoms in advanced disease; the physiology of pain and pain theory; pain and symptom assessment tools; pharmacological and non-pharmacological symptom management; emergencies in palliative care; symptoms in the last days and hours of life; challenges for practice; patient perspective of living with fatigue.

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AC7077 -

History Taking and Clinical Skills in Primary Care (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module you will develop an increased ability to assess, examine and manage patients with a wide range of clinical presentations across the age spectrum presenting in general practice. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the patient’s ability and appropriateness to receive health interventions and refer to other health care professional as required. Summative assessment will include the achievement of clinical examination skills via an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), and a reflective academic assignment. This module aims to develop practitioners to undertake history taking and examination within contemporary primary care nursing. Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, and respond appropriately to health need, whilst working independently whilst working within legal, ethical and professional guidelines.

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AC7095 -

Pre-hospital, Critical and Post-operative Care for Perioperative Practitioners (Optional,20 Credits)

The pre-hospital and critical post-operative care for perioperative practitioners module has been designed to allow a detailed inspection of the stages of perioperative care associated to complex patient encounters. As there are now an increasingly large number of surgical treatments, alongside an ageing population and improved standards of care among co-morbid patient populations complex encounters are to be expected within the perioperative environment.

Throughout this module, you will examine pre-hospital patient assessment and direct patient admission to the perioperative environment, which will include interventional environments such as cardiology for example. By understanding pre-hospital assessments and interventions to stabilise patients for transfer, perioperative practitioners can be more effective for these complex patients. Additionally in this module, you will look to explore the critical care environment, exploring the fundamental differences between perioperative and critical care practice. You will explore complex patient transfer between the operating theatre and critical care unit and introduce the concepts which will allow perioperative practitioners to be more effective when assisting in the care of critical care patients.

Due to an increased critical care staffing requirement, this module will prove to be useful for Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) who will be expected to work in acute care environments including critical care and resuscitation departments. This module looks to fill a professional development requirement exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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AC7096 -

Inter-professional Collaboration, Support, and Supervision for Perioperative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The inter-professional collaboration, support and supervision module has been designed to offer a forum for students to engage with discussion and topical debate related to the perioperative environment. Due to having numerous professional, statutory regulatory bodies (PSRB) within this environment, the interactions are often complex and multi-faceted. This module is designed to define the PSRBs seen within the perioperative environment and identify the common metrics which indicate performance, whilst also identifying some of the more challenging elements of effective interprofessional working.

Some of the theoretical topics which will be discussed within this module are ergonomics, human factors, patient safety, professional socialisation and clinical supervision. Through discussion of these topics, within a perioperative context, there will be an opportunity to engage with debate and identify the principles of education and support within the operating theatre. The pillar which this module aligns to is the education pillar, so the primary focus of this module will be support and supervision, overlaid to the defined PSRBs.

Through discussion of key educational and developmental documentation, for example 51 North-East Practice Assessment Document (NEPAD), Health and Care Professions Council Professional Declaration and Nursing and Midwifery Council Revalidation, you will be able to engage with iterative analysis of your own role in the support and supervision of students and qualified staff. The inclusion of these documents and processes will allow tangible progress to be made in relation to the summative assessment, which will require a critical analysis of the key topic literature.

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AC7097 -

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence/Abuse (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in supporting survivors of all types of sexual abuse. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning the nature of sexual violence/abuse. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the sexual violence/abuse of children, young people, and adults. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in supporting, signposting, and safeguarding people.

More specifically, in this module you will explore and learn what is defined by sexual violence/abuse and the complexity of this topic (sexual violence is a term that incorporates many different sexually violent crimes). This will include in-depth analysis of sexual violence statistics; the increased rates of disclosures following high profile historic sexual abuse case and the #metoo movement; the burden of sexual violence/ abuse on immediate and long-term health, the impact on government monies and the emotional effect on professionals supporting survivors. There will be a critical exploration of gendered based abuse and sexual violence as a continuum in society; Victim blaming and disclosure - myths, unconscious bias, and assumptions surrounding sexual violence and the barriers for disclosure; explore disclosure - whom people disclose to, response in both the social and formal setting and the impact of the response on health and wellbeing. We then go into depth regarding emphasising knowledge of the links to risk, indicators, impact, legalities, signposting. Legal & Professional Frameworks: exploring the legal considerations should the case go to court – awareness of procedure CSP / expert witness Vs professional witness / giving evidence.

Throughout the module we will also touch upon: trauma focused practice, ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to sexual violence / abuse; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries. You will also explore comprehensive assessments, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module, we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7098 -

Safeguarding Adults, Young People and Children (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in safeguarding adults, young people and children. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning safeguarding. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the abuse of children, young people and adults and consider when early intervention is required to support adults at risk, children, young people and their families. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in safeguarding people.

Throughout the module you will explore and learn: definitions of abuse, historical and current perspectives of abuse and statistical evidence; ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to safeguarding people; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries; you will also explore comprehensive assessments, thresholds for intervention, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7099 -

Enhanced Phases of Peri-operative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The enhanced perioperative practice module will allow you the opportunity to explore the core phases of working in the operating department. The component phases are anaesthetics, surgery, and post-anaesthetic care, which will allow for a refreshed overview of the professional regulations, guidelines and policies related to general perioperative practice. By integrating a focussed presentation and written reflection, this allows flexibility within the summative assessment, meaning learning and development can be bespoke to your individual requirements. This summative assessment is designed to allow for presentation of learning outcomes, meaning your poster presentation and written reflection can be used to feedback to your clinical environment and be used for HCPC professional declaration or NMC Revalidation.

There will be a group of specialist educators delivering your sessions, specialising in either anaesthetics, surgery, or post-anaesthetic care. These focussed lectures and seminars will give a useful overview of perioperative practice and allow topical debate on contemporary issues within each perioperative phase. Due to specialist educators delivering these sessions, you will be provided with novel and interesting clinical and workforce theories, alongside contemporary research evidence related to each component phase.

Due to the wide educational remit of this module, previous knowledge of perioperative practice is strongly recommended, however, should this not be the case, your Module Leader will be able to provide a structured and functional learning plan whilst undertaking this module.

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AC7100 -

Genomics, Pathology and Complexities of Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The genomics, pathology and complexities of care module will engage with both historical and contemporary debates around the care of patients with both common and less common pathologies. This module will aim to explore human cellular function, identifying the role genes play in both typical physiological function and atypical physiological processes. Through exploration of cellular function, you will be guided through directed study of the human body systems, which will allow a structured approach to learning. Your learning will be guided towards pathologies which are commonly seen in the UK population, but you will also be given the opportunity to discuss those which occur less frequently.

A group of specialist lecturers will identify and prepare topics within this module will be primarily focussed around the perioperative environment, allowing some in depth discussion to take place around the identified pathologies. The chosen pathological topics will aim to catalyse debate of the complexities associated to the disease process in question, and the current treatment regime. This will allow a critical analysis of international, national and local guidelines, while offering the opportunity to identify areas for further learning activity. Your teaching team will work closely with you to identify topics of personal or professional interest which can then be focussed towards your summative assessment.

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AC7101 -

Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus upon three central and complex areas key to the development of your own practice i.e. Leadership, Management and Decision Making. The module will therefore prepare you to apply effective leadership within the delivery of your service. You will learn about models and frameworks of leadership and application of these within you area of professional practice. This will include leadership styles, communication strategies and conflict management. You will learn to access strategies and behaviours for effective leadership and management that will assist you in achieving and maintaining leadership of self and others. Module content will also include the main theoretical approaches to decision making, and allow you to explore and apply these principles. You will learn to critically evaluate the complexity and uncertainty within which judgements and decisions are made, examining how decision making skills are acquired and better utilised in the range of health and social practice.

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AC7102 -

Leading Quality and Service Improvement in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is for students on the MSc Health and Social Practice programme. This module will help you advance your knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to leading and advancing practice in your own professional field. You will have the opportunity to identify an area of contemporary practice with a focus on quality improvement, seeking to improve service user outcomes through the systematic review of services against specific criteria. Following this, recommendations for service improvement are identified. You will have the opportunity to plan and complete an audit, sourcing and critiquing a range of relevant contemporary evidence, apply leadership and change theories and contextualise learning in order to prepare you for advancing and leading practice. The module content will include, clinical audit approaches, leadership and change theory, development of strategic leadership skills and networking, promotion of research-based practice and integration of research and theory to practice. You will have the opportunity to apply and relate what you learn on the module towards your academic assessment, which is the development and presentation of a poster and written abstract similar to those presented at a conference.

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AC7103 -

Managing Strategic Thinking in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus on the theoretical concepts and phases of strategic thinking in health and social practice. It considers the principles of strategic thinking for your own cognitive development and explores this in the context of a critical exploration of the development of your practice area. The module also considers the impact of the complexities of strategic thinking, goal setting, planning and resourcing. It will explore individual assumptions and existing knowledge and empirical evidence. You will consider and explore logic, and creative ways towards problem solving preparing you to think proactively about applying strategic thinking more effectively. You will learn about models and frameworks of strategic thinking and consider these in the context of your area of professional practice. This includes considering communication strategies and engagement across organisations. Exploring the principles outlined will help you to access strategies and behaviours for strategic thinking that will assist you in identifying a solution focused approach to challenges.

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AC7104 -

Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Practice (Core,20 Credits)

This module content will introduce Policy and Socio-economic drivers for service development and encourage you to consider how these may impact on contemporary practice and service delivery.

The core lectures will introduce the concept of undertaking practice evaluation and you will be encouraged to consider this in relation to a specific practice role or service. Seminars will encourage you to explore and enhance your awareness of workforce modelling and discuss professional boundaries. You will be directed to professional guidance relating to advanced practice and discuss these in relation to service delivery to meet the health and social care population.

The seminars, supervision and independent learning will encourage you to apply the key areas of learning within this module to your own professional context and field of expertise The sharing of understandings and experiences during the seminars will be an integral part of the way in which the module helps to socially construct individual’s perceptions of their role within the context of communities of practice.

You will learn about how you can make effective and systematic use of evidence based published research to inform your practice. You will be encouraged to apply this knowledge in relation to a contemporary aspect of practice. You will consider issues around quality and governance in relation to service delivery and explore the significance of commissioning and stakeholder engagement.

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AC7105 -

Sexual Health Advisor: Principles of public health and partner notification (Optional,20 Credits)

The module focuses on three key elements:

• Analysis of the core public health principles, models and approaches to assessment and motivational interviewing to develop a robust formulation of evidence to underpin partner notification practice

• Evaluation of the core elements that constitute safe, ethical and person-centred partner notification

• How to undertake client partner notification processes informed by appropriate legal, ethical and professional frameworks and guidance, and articulate and document your evidence-based decision making for any partner notification interventions you provide or refuse.

The module introduces you to the existing evidence base which informs your practice; enables you to understand and critique the evidence and apply it to your own practice. You will learn how to; find and critique evidence directly related to the module using online library and skills plus services, develop your writing, referencing and presentation skills at postgraduate level enabling you to build upon and further develop your current academic skills. The module develops your ability to understand how to undertake partner notification with your client, based upon current legal, ethical and professional guidance and advise the client on possible preventative and treatment options including the risks and benefits. This will require you to articulate and document evidence based defensible decision making related to partner notification practice. It also helps you to evaluate your own practice setting in terms of what constitutes safe and ethical practice.

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AC7109 -

Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The module will focus on the development of expertise in leading educational practice for a variety of learners, supervisors, assessors and the wider workforce within a professional context. As a student on this module, you will engage in work based inter-professional learning, teaching and development opportunities with a range of learners and educational partners to support and advance professional education in practice. Campus based sessions will critically explore and apply a range of teaching and learning theories and strategies and will be supported by directed, group and e-learning activities. This will include use of Blackboard Ultra, the Modules e-Learning Platform (eLP), to access Panopto (lecture capture recordings) and video activities as well as the use of a range of online learning and teaching technologies and applications as directed by the Module Team. Peer, tutor, supervisor and/ or mentor formative feedback will support individual development. Summative assessment will require verification of the achievement of educational standards in practice and the submission of a critically reflective account of your development as an educationalist and your impact on teaching and learning in practice.

Subject areas you will study include:

Context of learning, specialist practice, interprofessional learning, policy drivers
Designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a range of evidence based learning experiences and curricula for learners, supervisors, assessors, mentors and the wider workforce.
Applying and critiquing teaching and learning theory and practice.
Learning and teaching strategies, working with individuals, leading and facilitating small and large groups.
Formative and summative assessment, assessment of and for learning.
Constructive feedback, feed-forward.
Analysis of complex information, judgements and decision-making, challenges for professional education.
Developing professional supervisory relationships.
Professional codes/educational standards, accountability
Leading and developing practice education, higher education and practice partnerships.
Maintaining and enhancing quality in educational practice.

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AC7110 -

Promoting sexual health in healthcare practice (Optional,40 Credits)

On this module you will develop an increased ability to assess and manage patients with a wide range of sexual health requirements across the age spectrum across a variety of health care settings. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the patient’s ability and appropriateness to receive preventative health interventions in accordance with local and national policy drivers. Summative assessment will include the achievement of clinical competencies, which have been benchmarked at a national level, a reflective academic assignment and a schedule of short answer and scenario-based questions. This module aims to develop practitioners to undertake preventative and management interventions within contemporary sexual health nursing. The module will facilitate you to identify when patients require referral into specialist sexual health services for the management of complex presentations, sexual violence and/or psychological issues Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, and respond appropriately to health need, whilst working independently and within legal, ethical and professional guidelines. You will have the opportunity to complete the national cervical screening training during this module if you have not previously completed this core skill.

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AC7111 -

Assessor and Supervisor Preparation in Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge, skills and expertise in supervising and assessing individuals and groups of both patients and other learners in a classroom environment and a clinical practice environment. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning learning, supervising and assessment. Building on and deepening prior learning you will further develop a more critical understanding of how patient education in clinical practice can influence ill health prevention and the holistic health and wellbeing of the individual. This will include a critical analysis of the barriers and enablers to your practice role in helping patients learn and change their behaviour. You will also explore models of education in theory and practice contexts and you will practice the delivery of teaching and learning to other individual learners and groups of learners working in clinical practice. Building on prior learning you will critically explore how assessment influences learning and critique the learning challenges of different types of supervision and assessment; including the practice supervision and assessment of competency.

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AC7113 -

Prevention and Management of Diabetes mellitus in Adults (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will gain knowledge and understanding of the prevention and management of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the complications that may occur and the impact on the patient and family. You will also develop a critical insight into the role of practice and service structures in detecting and managing diabetes and preventing or postponing complications being able to critically evaluate impacts to practice and patient outcomes, developing analytical suggestions for improvements to service provision. Topics will include diagnosis, treatment and management of Diabetes Mellitus, risk factors and lifestyle interventions, foot care, screening for complications, emerging research and technologies and the mental health impact of living with this long term condition.
You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigations and effective management of patients with or at risk of Diabetes Mellitus according to national standards within the context of the quality outcome framework and other practice based structures.
This module requires students to consider and critique differing forms of evidence on which their practice is based. Quality assurance and governance mechanisms will be explored, and students will be encouraged to recognise the importance of these concepts to practice and evaluate how they can contribute to systems to measure and improve quality whilst optimising use of existing resources for people living with diabetes.

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AC7120 -

Foundations Paediatric Intensive Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The module is solely for professional staff working in the clinical area of paediatric intensive care. This module is delivered in practice to form part of a staff induction, preceptorship or an agreed development package The module enables the development of knowledge and skills in the care of a child or young person requiring intensive care. It is delivered in conjunction with the completion of clinical competencies as part of the induction/preceptorship/development period in the student’s workplace. Emphasis is placed on accurate holistic and family assessment together with the subsequent development and implementation of the appropriate management plans in order to provide efficient and effective therapeutic care interventions. Working with the Multi Professional Team (MPT) to ensure high quality care is a core underpinning of this module.

The summative assessment for the module will be through the submission of a portfolio of evidence, which includes a 2500 word reflective commentary, and evidence of clinical competence. Both parts of the assessment must be successfully achieved in order to gain academic accreditation. Formative feedback on progress will be via a designated mentor and / clinical educator. Summative feedback will be provided by written comments

Core concepts
• Critical illness Pathways
• The infant and Childs airway (Children are different)
• Maintaining the airway
• Intubation
• Non-invasive and invasive respiratory support
• Non-invasive and invasive monitoring
• Supporting the circulation
• Multi organ failure
• Assessment and care planning
• Management of Pain
• Management of sedation
• Family support
• Communication in PICU
• Care planning
• Evaluation of care

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AC7121 -

Children and Young People Recognition and Emergency Care in Critical Illness (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module is to develop the knowledge and skills required for the safe care of critically ill Children and Young People. You will gain a sound knowledge and understanding of specific physiological problems encountered in children and be able to recognise, respond and manage emergencies. This module will enable you to develop the knowledge and skills required to recognise and manage the deteriorating and critically ill child and young people. The module content closely follows the UK resuscitation council guidelines and policy.
The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior.
Summative assessment will require you to participate in simulated scenario exam this will require you to demonstrate competent practice and through dialogue rationalise actions

Content Overview
• Recognition of the critically ill Child
• Structured approach to critically ill children.
• Assessing seriously ill children:
• Paediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
• Assessment of respiratory/ circulatory function
• Assessment of conscious level and neurological emergencies
• Exploration of clinical conditions
• Clinical decision making
• Ongoing supportive care of seriously ill children

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AC7122 -

Children and Young People's History Taking and Physical Assessment (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module aims to develop knowledge and skills for undertaking a comprehensive health history and physical assessment in Children and Young people. It is aimed at those practitioners who undertake these skills as part of their role and able to perform in practice. In order to ensure safe patient care, students will be engaged in practical skills and knowledge development which includes patient-practitioner communication, health history elicitation, clinical examination of physical systems, symptom recognition, and patient management. The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate and apply health promotion and safetynetting to those children who do not need any form of treatment. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior

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AC7138 -

Respiratory Disorders (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is aimed at registered healthcare professionals who care for patients with respiratory disorders across all healthcare settings. The primary focus is on the normal anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and an exploration of the altered pathophysiology of both acute and chronic respiratory disorders. Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Asthma and COPD
• Tuberculosis
• Lung transplantation
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Pulmonary rehabilitation
• Smoking cessation
• Pneumonia
• Pneumothorax
• Occupational lung disease

You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the care and treatment of these disorders, including assessment, investigations, and management. The module integrates the importance of inter-professional working and highlights the scope of healthcare provision for respiratory disorders, including the psychological impact on patients and their families.

The assessments for this module includes: a 15 minute verbalised presentation with visual prompts focused on the altered pathophyoiology of your chosen respirtaoy disorder. The second assessmsnt is a 3000-word patient case study on a chosen acute or chronic respiratory disorder. This will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding, critically analysing the condition and reflecting on best practices and implications for patient care.

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AC7139 -

Cardiac Health in Contemporary Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the anatomy and physiology of the heart before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and long term conditions associated with heart disease. Topics include acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigation and management of patients with common heart disease presentations. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working, patient empowerment and the scope of health care provision for certain heart disease conditions within contemporary clinical practice settings will be integral to the module, including the holistic impact on patients and their families.

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AC0776 -

Management of acute and chronic neurological conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the normal anatomy and physiology of the nervous system before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and chronic neurological conditions. Topics will include traumatic brain injury, brain and spinal tumours, stroke, infections, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease. You will refine your understanding and evaluate the precision required for the assessment and effective management of patients with neurological conditions. You will specifically focus on the opportunity to examine current levels of knowledge, to critically evaluate its application to the care of neurological patients. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working and scope of health care provision for neurological conditions within different health care settings will be integral to the module, including the psychological impact on both patients and their families.
It is also expected that you apply your new learning to practice (work based learning) and share experiences with your colleagues.

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AC0786 -

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (Optional,20 Credits)

You will learn about the use of ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Long Term Conditions (LTCs)’ as a possible treatment strategy in Monitoring and Management of LTCs. As you explore the evidence base and key components of CBT you will develop theoretical knowledge and an understanding of the benefits of adopting this technique with your service users. Topics include:
• Long Term Conditions and Mental Health
• Why CBT - an introduction to using CBT with service users who have physical health conditions
• CBT for Anxiety and Panic
• CBT for Depression
• Therapeutic assessment skills – a central component in CBT
• Using guided discovery
• Formulation – a framework for solving problems
• Treatment goals and treatment strategies – tailored to target the psychological aspects of physical disease

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AC7001 -

The Acutely Ill Adult (Optional,20 Credits)

Care of the acutely ill adult is challenging and complex. Following on from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD, 2005) investigation into deteriorating patients in the acute care settings, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2007) produced guidelines to help with the recognition and management of the acutely ill patient . The Intensive Care Society (ICS, 2009) make explicit that the location of the patient does not determine the level of care required, and in their guidance recommend deteriorating patients, or patients at risk of deterioration require Level 1 care. Level 1 care is defined as patients in need of additional monitoring/clinical interventions, clinical input or advice and possible critical care outreach involvement (ICS, 2009). This module is designed for nurses working within all acute settings.

The module will provide you with an increased ability to recognise, assess and manage patients that are acutely ill. Relevant anatomy and physiology will be covered with a body systems approach to some of the common acute illnesses that patients’ present with; including respiratory failure, cardiovascular failure, acute kidney injury, neurological and metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal emergencies. Holistic nursing care will be addressed during discussion on psychosocial care. Additionally, the nursing role in ensuring patient safety will be considered with inclusion of human factors in healthcare, risk assessment, early warning scoring, communication and evidence based practice. Learning will be facilitated by directed learning and the eLearning portal. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the early phases of acute illness.

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AC7034 -

Physical Assessment and Care of the Newborn (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module, you will learn to be a Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) practitioner. You will enhance your current understanding of newborn assessment. Newborn examination skills will be developed to incorporate competency in performing the 4 specific screening elements of the NHS Newborn and Infant and Physical Examination (NIPE) programme, these are the examination of the newborn heart, testes, eyes and the hips. You will learn about the NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme and the rationale for the newborn examination standards and implementation of the programme in the UK. You will evaluate how this understanding will direct your practice and understanding of referral and decision making. Guided online learning and student-led learning will enable you to review the evidence and increase your knowledge of newborn physiology, the normal parameters of health and potential deviations from normal as well as understanding the aetiology and recognition of congenital abnormalities. You will evaluate the implications of practitioner accountability and responsibility when assuming an extended and enhanced role, and be able to directly link this to the NMC code. This will include a review of the literature pertinent to this enhanced role, and a personal reflection on your own development.

The module will assist you to embrace specific aspects of newborn wellbeing. You will critically review the evidence base underpinning care for example neonatal jaundice. The newborn examination is an opportunity to have dialogue with parents and to reinforce health promotion messages, you will critically appraise the evidence base and communication approaches when addressing for example, safe sleeping, recognising the ill baby and responsive parenting

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AC7066 -

Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) (Optional,40 Credits)

This module will facilitate your development of the knowledge and skills required for safe and effective prescribing from a legally specified UK formulary. Successful completion of all components of the module will lead to the achievement of a recordable prescribing qualification with your regulatory body (NMC or HCPC). The subject areas you will study include assessing the patient and considering prescribing options, pharmacology for prescribing and de-prescribing, legal and regulatory frameworks, providing information, reaching shared decisions, monitoring and reviewing treatments, prescribing safely, professionally and as part of a team and improving prescribing practice.

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AC7076 -

Managing Pain and Symptoms in Advanced Disease (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will explore the needs of the patient with advanced disease and the impact of unmet symptom management on quality of life. This module will enable you to critically examine your practice when assessing and managing symptoms and will enable you to consider the holistic needs of the patient and their carers. You will be encouraged to reflect and explore personal experiences arising from your own clinical practice in order to explore ways of enhancing your professional practice. The module provides the opportunity for you to identify and examine the challenges of managing complex symptoms. You will investigate the holistic multi-disciplinary care necessary to facilitate high quality symptom management. A flexible learning approach is encouraged to assist in the development of specific knowledge relating to

Topics will include; common symptoms in advanced disease; the physiology of pain and pain theory; pain and symptom assessment tools; pharmacological and non-pharmacological symptom management; emergencies in palliative care; symptoms in the last days and hours of life; challenges for practice; patient perspective of living with fatigue.

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AC7077 -

History Taking and Clinical Skills in Primary Care (Optional,20 Credits)

On this module you will develop an increased ability to assess, examine and manage patients with a wide range of clinical presentations across the age spectrum presenting in general practice. It is expected that this module will give you the knowledge to assess and manage the patient’s ability and appropriateness to receive health interventions and refer to other health care professional as required. Summative assessment will include the achievement of clinical examination skills via an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), and a reflective academic assignment. This module aims to develop practitioners to undertake history taking and examination within contemporary primary care nursing. Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to assess, and respond appropriately to health need, whilst working independently whilst working within legal, ethical and professional guidelines.

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AC7095 -

Pre-hospital, Critical and Post-operative Care for Perioperative Practitioners (Optional,20 Credits)

The pre-hospital and critical post-operative care for perioperative practitioners module has been designed to allow a detailed inspection of the stages of perioperative care associated to complex patient encounters. As there are now an increasingly large number of surgical treatments, alongside an ageing population and improved standards of care among co-morbid patient populations complex encounters are to be expected within the perioperative environment.

Throughout this module, you will examine pre-hospital patient assessment and direct patient admission to the perioperative environment, which will include interventional environments such as cardiology for example. By understanding pre-hospital assessments and interventions to stabilise patients for transfer, perioperative practitioners can be more effective for these complex patients. Additionally in this module, you will look to explore the critical care environment, exploring the fundamental differences between perioperative and critical care practice. You will explore complex patient transfer between the operating theatre and critical care unit and introduce the concepts which will allow perioperative practitioners to be more effective when assisting in the care of critical care patients.

Due to an increased critical care staffing requirement, this module will prove to be useful for Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) who will be expected to work in acute care environments including critical care and resuscitation departments. This module looks to fill a professional development requirement exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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AC7096 -

Inter-professional Collaboration, Support, and Supervision for Perioperative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The inter-professional collaboration, support and supervision module has been designed to offer a forum for students to engage with discussion and topical debate related to the perioperative environment. Due to having numerous professional, statutory regulatory bodies (PSRB) within this environment, the interactions are often complex and multi-faceted. This module is designed to define the PSRBs seen within the perioperative environment and identify the common metrics which indicate performance, whilst also identifying some of the more challenging elements of effective interprofessional working.

Some of the theoretical topics which will be discussed within this module are ergonomics, human factors, patient safety, professional socialisation and clinical supervision. Through discussion of these topics, within a perioperative context, there will be an opportunity to engage with debate and identify the principles of education and support within the operating theatre. The pillar which this module aligns to is the education pillar, so the primary focus of this module will be support and supervision, overlaid to the defined PSRBs.

Through discussion of key educational and developmental documentation, for example 51 North-East Practice Assessment Document (NEPAD), Health and Care Professions Council Professional Declaration and Nursing and Midwifery Council Revalidation, you will be able to engage with iterative analysis of your own role in the support and supervision of students and qualified staff. The inclusion of these documents and processes will allow tangible progress to be made in relation to the summative assessment, which will require a critical analysis of the key topic literature.

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AC7097 -

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence/Abuse (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in supporting survivors of all types of sexual abuse. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning the nature of sexual violence/abuse. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the sexual violence/abuse of children, young people, and adults. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in supporting, signposting, and safeguarding people.

More specifically, in this module you will explore and learn what is defined by sexual violence/abuse and the complexity of this topic (sexual violence is a term that incorporates many different sexually violent crimes). This will include in-depth analysis of sexual violence statistics; the increased rates of disclosures following high profile historic sexual abuse case and the #metoo movement; the burden of sexual violence/ abuse on immediate and long-term health, the impact on government monies and the emotional effect on professionals supporting survivors. There will be a critical exploration of gendered based abuse and sexual violence as a continuum in society; Victim blaming and disclosure - myths, unconscious bias, and assumptions surrounding sexual violence and the barriers for disclosure; explore disclosure - whom people disclose to, response in both the social and formal setting and the impact of the response on health and wellbeing. We then go into depth regarding emphasising knowledge of the links to risk, indicators, impact, legalities, signposting. Legal & Professional Frameworks: exploring the legal considerations should the case go to court – awareness of procedure CSP / expert witness Vs professional witness / giving evidence.

Throughout the module we will also touch upon: trauma focused practice, ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to sexual violence / abuse; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries. You will also explore comprehensive assessments, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module, we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7098 -

Safeguarding Adults, Young People and Children (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge and skills in safeguarding adults, young people and children. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning safeguarding. This module is aimed at and open to those that work with adults, young people and children within the health, social care, and education setting. The module aims to develop knowledge of the factors that influence the abuse of children, young people and adults and consider when early intervention is required to support adults at risk, children, young people and their families. You will develop a critical understanding of legislation governing the role and responsibilities of the professional in safeguarding people.

Throughout the module you will explore and learn: definitions of abuse, historical and current perspectives of abuse and statistical evidence; ethical, legal, personal, socio economic, environmental and cultural considerations and frameworks; current legislation and policy regarding to safeguarding people; response to public enquires and serious case review; working with abusive families; empowerment, power and relationships; self-safeguarding; professional roles and discipline guidelines, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency working; collaborative working practice, sharing of information and overcoming territorial historical boundaries; you will also explore comprehensive assessments, thresholds for intervention, documentation, personal conflict issues, advocacy and dealing with sensitive and difficult situations. As part of this module we will build on skills you will already have around communication, escalating concerns, vulnerable adults, dignity and respect. We will also explore capacity and consent in complex situations.

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AC7099 -

Enhanced Phases of Peri-operative Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The enhanced perioperative practice module will allow you the opportunity to explore the core phases of working in the operating department. The component phases are anaesthetics, surgery, and post-anaesthetic care, which will allow for a refreshed overview of the professional regulations, guidelines and policies related to general perioperative practice. By integrating a focussed presentation and written reflection, this allows flexibility within the summative assessment, meaning learning and development can be bespoke to your individual requirements. This summative assessment is designed to allow for presentation of learning outcomes, meaning your poster presentation and written reflection can be used to feedback to your clinical environment and be used for HCPC professional declaration or NMC Revalidation.

There will be a group of specialist educators delivering your sessions, specialising in either anaesthetics, surgery, or post-anaesthetic care. These focussed lectures and seminars will give a useful overview of perioperative practice and allow topical debate on contemporary issues within each perioperative phase. Due to specialist educators delivering these sessions, you will be provided with novel and interesting clinical and workforce theories, alongside contemporary research evidence related to each component phase.

Due to the wide educational remit of this module, previous knowledge of perioperative practice is strongly recommended, however, should this not be the case, your Module Leader will be able to provide a structured and functional learning plan whilst undertaking this module.

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AC7100 -

Genomics, Pathology and Complexities of Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The genomics, pathology and complexities of care module will engage with both historical and contemporary debates around the care of patients with both common and less common pathologies. This module will aim to explore human cellular function, identifying the role genes play in both typical physiological function and atypical physiological processes. Through exploration of cellular function, you will be guided through directed study of the human body systems, which will allow a structured approach to learning. Your learning will be guided towards pathologies which are commonly seen in the UK population, but you will also be given the opportunity to discuss those which occur less frequently.

A group of specialist lecturers will identify and prepare topics within this module will be primarily focussed around the perioperative environment, allowing some in depth discussion to take place around the identified pathologies. The chosen pathological topics will aim to catalyse debate of the complexities associated to the disease process in question, and the current treatment regime. This will allow a critical analysis of international, national and local guidelines, while offering the opportunity to identify areas for further learning activity. Your teaching team will work closely with you to identify topics of personal or professional interest which can then be focussed towards your summative assessment.

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AC7101 -

Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus upon three central and complex areas key to the development of your own practice i.e. Leadership, Management and Decision Making. The module will therefore prepare you to apply effective leadership within the delivery of your service. You will learn about models and frameworks of leadership and application of these within you area of professional practice. This will include leadership styles, communication strategies and conflict management. You will learn to access strategies and behaviours for effective leadership and management that will assist you in achieving and maintaining leadership of self and others. Module content will also include the main theoretical approaches to decision making, and allow you to explore and apply these principles. You will learn to critically evaluate the complexity and uncertainty within which judgements and decisions are made, examining how decision making skills are acquired and better utilised in the range of health and social practice.

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AC7102 -

Leading Quality and Service Improvement in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is for students on the MSc Health and Social Practice programme. This module will help you advance your knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to leading and advancing practice in your own professional field. You will have the opportunity to identify an area of contemporary practice with a focus on quality improvement, seeking to improve service user outcomes through the systematic review of services against specific criteria. Following this, recommendations for service improvement are identified. You will have the opportunity to plan and complete an audit, sourcing and critiquing a range of relevant contemporary evidence, apply leadership and change theories and contextualise learning in order to prepare you for advancing and leading practice. The module content will include, clinical audit approaches, leadership and change theory, development of strategic leadership skills and networking, promotion of research-based practice and integration of research and theory to practice. You will have the opportunity to apply and relate what you learn on the module towards your academic assessment, which is the development and presentation of a poster and written abstract similar to those presented at a conference.

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AC7103 -

Managing Strategic Thinking in Health and Social Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

This module will focus on the theoretical concepts and phases of strategic thinking in health and social practice. It considers the principles of strategic thinking for your own cognitive development and explores this in the context of a critical exploration of the development of your practice area. The module also considers the impact of the complexities of strategic thinking, goal setting, planning and resourcing. It will explore individual assumptions and existing knowledge and empirical evidence. You will consider and explore logic, and creative ways towards problem solving preparing you to think proactively about applying strategic thinking more effectively. You will learn about models and frameworks of strategic thinking and consider these in the context of your area of professional practice. This includes considering communication strategies and engagement across organisations. Exploring the principles outlined will help you to access strategies and behaviours for strategic thinking that will assist you in identifying a solution focused approach to challenges.

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AC7105 -

Sexual Health Advisor: Principles of public health and partner notification (Optional,20 Credits)

The module focuses on three key elements:

• Analysis of the core public health principles, models and approaches to assessment and motivational interviewing to develop a robust formulation of evidence to underpin partner notification practice

• Evaluation of the core elements that constitute safe, ethical and person-centred partner notification

• How to undertake client partner notification processes informed by appropriate legal, ethical and professional frameworks and guidance, and articulate and document your evidence-based decision making for any partner notification interventions you provide or refuse.

The module introduces you to the existing evidence base which informs your practice; enables you to understand and critique the evidence and apply it to your own practice. You will learn how to; find and critique evidence directly related to the module using online library and skills plus services, develop your writing, referencing and presentation skills at postgraduate level enabling you to build upon and further develop your current academic skills. The module develops your ability to understand how to undertake partner notification with your client, based upon current legal, ethical and professional guidance and advise the client on possible preventative and treatment options including the risks and benefits. This will require you to articulate and document evidence based defensible decision making related to partner notification practice. It also helps you to evaluate your own practice setting in terms of what constitutes safe and ethical practice.

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AC7107 -

Research Approaches and Methods in Health and Social Practice (Core,40 Credits)

On this module you will appreciate the knowledge and skills needed to undertake research. You will learn about research philosophy, methodology and the different methods associated with a range of research traditions. You will explore the value of research evidence in informing health and social practice and be able to apply the principles of research to critically appraise research quality. Specifically on this module you will learn about:
• Locating and organising literature
• Philosophical assumptions and foundations of enquiry
• Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodological approaches
• Data collection, data analysis and interpretation
• Research governance and ethical issues
• Analysis and interpretation
By the end of the module you will be able to prepare a research proposal on a topic of interest to yourself and of value to health and social practice.

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AC7109 -

Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

The module will focus on the development of expertise in leading educational practice for a variety of learners, supervisors, assessors and the wider workforce within a professional context. As a student on this module, you will engage in work based inter-professional learning, teaching and development opportunities with a range of learners and educational partners to support and advance professional education in practice. Campus based sessions will critically explore and apply a range of teaching and learning theories and strategies and will be supported by directed, group and e-learning activities. This will include use of Blackboard Ultra, the Modules e-Learning Platform (eLP), to access Panopto (lecture capture recordings) and video activities as well as the use of a range of online learning and teaching technologies and applications as directed by the Module Team. Peer, tutor, supervisor and/ or mentor formative feedback will support individual development. Summative assessment will require verification of the achievement of educational standards in practice and the submission of a critically reflective account of your development as an educationalist and your impact on teaching and learning in practice.

Subject areas you will study include:

Context of learning, specialist practice, interprofessional learning, policy drivers
Designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a range of evidence based learning experiences and curricula for learners, supervisors, assessors, mentors and the wider workforce.
Applying and critiquing teaching and learning theory and practice.
Learning and teaching strategies, working with individuals, leading and facilitating small and large groups.
Formative and summative assessment, assessment of and for learning.
Constructive feedback, feed-forward.
Analysis of complex information, judgements and decision-making, challenges for professional education.
Developing professional supervisory relationships.
Professional codes/educational standards, accountability
Leading and developing practice education, higher education and practice partnerships.
Maintaining and enhancing quality in educational practice.

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AC7111 -

Assessor and Supervisor Preparation in Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

During this module you will develop your knowledge, skills and expertise in supervising and assessing individuals and groups of both patients and other learners in a classroom environment and a clinical practice environment. This will include critical evaluation of key theoretical concepts underpinning learning, supervising and assessment. Building on and deepening prior learning you will further develop a more critical understanding of how patient education in clinical practice can influence ill health prevention and the holistic health and wellbeing of the individual. This will include a critical analysis of the barriers and enablers to your practice role in helping patients learn and change their behaviour. You will also explore models of education in theory and practice contexts and you will practice the delivery of teaching and learning to other individual learners and groups of learners working in clinical practice. Building on prior learning you will critically explore how assessment influences learning and critique the learning challenges of different types of supervision and assessment; including the practice supervision and assessment of competency.

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AC7113 -

Prevention and Management of Diabetes mellitus in Adults (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module, you will gain knowledge and understanding of the prevention and management of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the complications that may occur and the impact on the patient and family. You will also develop a critical insight into the role of practice and service structures in detecting and managing diabetes and preventing or postponing complications being able to critically evaluate impacts to practice and patient outcomes, developing analytical suggestions for improvements to service provision. Topics will include diagnosis, treatment and management of Diabetes Mellitus, risk factors and lifestyle interventions, foot care, screening for complications, emerging research and technologies and the mental health impact of living with this long term condition.
You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigations and effective management of patients with or at risk of Diabetes Mellitus according to national standards within the context of the quality outcome framework and other practice based structures.
This module requires students to consider and critique differing forms of evidence on which their practice is based. Quality assurance and governance mechanisms will be explored, and students will be encouraged to recognise the importance of these concepts to practice and evaluate how they can contribute to systems to measure and improve quality whilst optimising use of existing resources for people living with diabetes.

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AC7120 -

Foundations Paediatric Intensive Care (Optional,20 Credits)

The module is solely for professional staff working in the clinical area of paediatric intensive care. This module is delivered in practice to form part of a staff induction, preceptorship or an agreed development package The module enables the development of knowledge and skills in the care of a child or young person requiring intensive care. It is delivered in conjunction with the completion of clinical competencies as part of the induction/preceptorship/development period in the student’s workplace. Emphasis is placed on accurate holistic and family assessment together with the subsequent development and implementation of the appropriate management plans in order to provide efficient and effective therapeutic care interventions. Working with the Multi Professional Team (MPT) to ensure high quality care is a core underpinning of this module.

The summative assessment for the module will be through the submission of a portfolio of evidence, which includes a 2500 word reflective commentary, and evidence of clinical competence. Both parts of the assessment must be successfully achieved in order to gain academic accreditation. Formative feedback on progress will be via a designated mentor and / clinical educator. Summative feedback will be provided by written comments

Core concepts
• Critical illness Pathways
• The infant and Childs airway (Children are different)
• Maintaining the airway
• Intubation
• Non-invasive and invasive respiratory support
• Non-invasive and invasive monitoring
• Supporting the circulation
• Multi organ failure
• Assessment and care planning
• Management of Pain
• Management of sedation
• Family support
• Communication in PICU
• Care planning
• Evaluation of care

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AC7121 -

Children and Young People Recognition and Emergency Care in Critical Illness (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module is to develop the knowledge and skills required for the safe care of critically ill Children and Young People. You will gain a sound knowledge and understanding of specific physiological problems encountered in children and be able to recognise, respond and manage emergencies. This module will enable you to develop the knowledge and skills required to recognise and manage the deteriorating and critically ill child and young people. The module content closely follows the UK resuscitation council guidelines and policy.
The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior.
Summative assessment will require you to participate in simulated scenario exam this will require you to demonstrate competent practice and through dialogue rationalise actions

Content Overview
• Recognition of the critically ill Child
• Structured approach to critically ill children.
• Assessing seriously ill children:
• Paediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
• Assessment of respiratory/ circulatory function
• Assessment of conscious level and neurological emergencies
• Exploration of clinical conditions
• Clinical decision making
• Ongoing supportive care of seriously ill children

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AC7122 -

Children and Young People's History Taking and Physical Assessment (Optional,20 Credits)

The overall aim of the module aims to develop knowledge and skills for undertaking a comprehensive health history and physical assessment in Children and Young people. It is aimed at those practitioners who undertake these skills as part of their role and able to perform in practice. In order to ensure safe patient care, students will be engaged in practical skills and knowledge development which includes patient-practitioner communication, health history elicitation, clinical examination of physical systems, symptom recognition, and patient management. The module uses a structured approach to systematically assess and manage deteriorating children and young people. You will apply this structure to understand how children of all ages deteriorate and apply health promotion and safetynetting to those children who do not need any form of treatment. You will learn the anatomical and physiological response to illness in classroom sessions, prior to applying this knowledge in simulated sessions utilising High Fidelity Simulation with Sim Baby/junior

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AC7138 -

Respiratory Disorders (Optional,20 Credits)

This module is aimed at registered healthcare professionals who care for patients with respiratory disorders across all healthcare settings. The primary focus is on the normal anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and an exploration of the altered pathophysiology of both acute and chronic respiratory disorders. Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Asthma and COPD
• Tuberculosis
• Lung transplantation
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Pulmonary rehabilitation
• Smoking cessation
• Pneumonia
• Pneumothorax
• Occupational lung disease

You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the care and treatment of these disorders, including assessment, investigations, and management. The module integrates the importance of inter-professional working and highlights the scope of healthcare provision for respiratory disorders, including the psychological impact on patients and their families.

The assessments for this module includes: a 15 minute verbalised presentation with visual prompts focused on the altered pathophyoiology of your chosen respirtaoy disorder. The second assessmsnt is a 3000-word patient case study on a chosen acute or chronic respiratory disorder. This will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding, critically analysing the condition and reflecting on best practices and implications for patient care.

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AC7139 -

Cardiac Health in Contemporary Clinical Practice (Optional,20 Credits)

In this module you will explore the anatomy and physiology of the heart before applying this knowledge to the altered pathophysiology of acute and long term conditions associated with heart disease. Topics include acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. You will learn the value and application of comprehensive assessment, investigation and management of patients with common heart disease presentations. The importance and focus of contextualised inter-professional working, patient empowerment and the scope of health care provision for certain heart disease conditions within contemporary clinical practice settings will be integral to the module, including the holistic impact on patients and their families.

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AC7035 -

Empirical Project (Optional,60 Credits)

You will be encouraged to critically explore a range of approaches to research however emphasis will be placed on your understanding of the world view, design and meaning system that will drive your own research study. It is assumed that prior to the undertaking of this dissertation module you will have undertaken study that prepares you for engagement with a Masters dissertation process and that you will have constructed a robust research proposal that has gained or is in the process of gaining ethical approval from both the University and (if applicable) your employing organisation. In the module you will revisit and deepen your understanding of a range of key topic areas linked to the empirical research process, this will include discussion of world views and research paradigms, the research question, aim or hypothesis, research design, working with literature and theory, developing ethical codes, constructing the research sample, collecting robust research evidence, ensuring quality assurance within your research work, analysing both qualitative and quantitative evidence and writing and disseminating the research dissertation work. You will be invited to attend a series of research seminars during the module and you will have access to a named supervisor for one to one supervision work. Both the seminars and supervision will encourage you to apply the key areas of learning within this module to your own professional context and field of expertise. This will enable you to critically examine how the empirical research process will work best for your research goals and design.

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AC7036 -

Practice Project (Optional,60 Credits)

This module gives you the opportunity to consolidate your previous learning in a way that is meaningful to you. The development of a practice project will allow you to bring together reflection, theory, action, and practice. You will apply your analytic and assessment skills to a range of change frameworks and, from your findings, select an appropriate framework to plan and conduct a service change which is compatible with the needs of the service user, the service and the practice context. You will learn about influence factors, both internal and external, and in order to take account of multiple perspectives when planning change, you will negotiate and collaborate with relevant stakeholders and colleagues in the planning and implementation of your project, which will include evaluating the impact of any resulting change. Through this you will learn how to successfully operate as a leader, project coordinator, decision maker and auditor. While undertaking this project you will engage in reflective practice, conceptualisation, literature evaluation, relevant data collection and project planning and change management.

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AC7108 -

Systematic Appraisal (Optional,60 Credits)

This 15000 word dissertation module will focus upon a selected area of health and social practice. It was designed to let you explore and area of research by undertaking a systematic appraisal of the empirical literature. This systematic appraisal would be in an area of your choice, and reflect that of your professional practice. In doing so, you will investigate and conceptualise research through exploring secondary data. This means that you will learn about the process of searching and retrieval of appropriate literature and critical appraisal of that literature. You will also learn how to demonstrate a systematic approach to analysis, interpretation and presentation of the results. You will also need to consider ethics and how you address this within the systematic appraisal, however, ethical permissions for this dissertation are necessary however, they are also minimal.

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