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Why study this course?

This programme is designed to cater for a wide range of professionals in education and will offer you a great launch pad for the next step in your career. The flexibility to choose from such a wide variety of modules mean you can prepare for the exact role you want.

You will learn from our exceptional team of warm and supportive staff who use their active research to inform their theory, meaning that your studies remain current and informed by contemporary issues.We are extremely proud of our team and consider that it is our unwavering student support which really sets us apart.

This flexible, MA Education (specialist educational needs and disability/SEND) is part of our updated suite of Master’s of Education programmes, which allow you to graduate with a focus upon a key aspect of the education system.

In the latest educational reform, the Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years (2015), the government’s vision is that ‘the provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people; that they achieve well in their early years, at school and in college, and lead happy and fulfilled lives.’ This code supports the Equality Act (2010) and the TOBY SALT Report (2010) which indicated that equality and educational outcomes are reliant upon a teaching workforce that is prepared for the diversity of mainstream and special school classrooms. With the Special education and Disability Regulations, there is now an increasing need for appropriate teacher training programmes that prepare teachers for the variety of needs that children and young people present with. There is also a need for a continual professional development culture that maintains teachers’ knowledge and skills to keep up with the everchanging education contexts. This postgraduate qualification will meet that agenda. 

Be sure to check out our other similar courses: MA Education 

Course Information

Level of Study

Mode of Study
1 year Full Time

Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing

Coach Lane Campus, 51±¬ÁĎ


September 2025

Fee Information

Module Information

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Entry Requirements 2025/26

Standard Entry

Applicants should normally have:

A minimum of a 2:2 honours degree or an equivalent qualification such as a Certificate in Education (Cert Ed). Other professional qualifications and relevant professional experience will also be considered.

International qualifications:

If you have studied a non UK qualification, you can see how your qualifications compare to the standard entry criteria, by selecting the country that you received the qualification in, from our country pages. Visit 

English language requirements:

International applicants are required to have a minimum overall IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 with 6 in each component (or approved equivalent*).

 *The university accepts a large number of UK and International Qualifications in place of IELTS.  You can find details of acceptable tests and the required grades you will need in our English Language section. Visit 

Fees and Funding 2025/26 Entry

Full UK Fee: £9,700

Full International Fee: £19,350

Scholarships and Discounts

Discover More about Fees, Scholarships and other Funding options for UK and International applicants.


There are no Additional Costs

If you’d like to receive the latest updates from Northumbria about our courses, events, finance & funding then enter your details below.

* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here

How to Apply

Please use the Apply Now button at the top of this page to submit your application.

Certain applications may need to be submitted via an external application system, such as UCAS, Lawcabs or DfE Apply.

The Apply Now button will redirect you to the relevant website if this is the case.

You can find further application advice, such as what to include in your application and what happens after you apply, on our Admissions Hub Admissions | 51±¬ÁĎ


Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

PP0724 -

The Empirical Project (Optional,60 Credits)

You will be encouraged to critically explore a range of approaches to research however emphasis will be placed on your understanding of the world view, design and meaning system that will drive your own research study. It is assumed that prior to the undertaking of this dissertation module you will have undertaken study that prepares you for engagement with a Masters dissertation process and that you will have constructed a robust research proposal that has gained or is in the process of gaining ethical approval from both the University and (if applicable) your employing organisation. In the module you will revisit and deepen your understandings of a range of key topic areas linked to the empirical research process, this will include discussion of world views and research paradigms, the research question, aim or hypothesis, research design, working with literature and theory, developing ethical codes, constructing the research sample, collecting robust research evidence, ensuring quality assurance within your research work, analysing both qualitative and quantitative evidence and writing and disseminating the research dissertation work. You will be invited to attend a series of research seminars during the module and you will have access to a named Higher Education supervisor for one to one tutorial work. Both the seminars and tutorials will encourage you to apply the key areas of learning within this module to your own professional context and field of expertise. This will enable you to critically examine how the empirical research process will work best for your research goals and design

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RW7001 -

Academic Language Skills (ALS) for PG Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing Students (Core – for International and EU students only,0 Credits)

Academic skills when studying away from your home country can differ due to cultural and language differences in teaching and assessment practices. This module is designed to support your transition in the use and practice of technical language and subject specific skills around assessments and teaching provision in your chosen subject. The overall aim of this module is to develop your abilities to read and study effectively for academic purposes; to develop your skills in analysing and using source material in seminars and academic writing and to develop your use and application of language and communications skills to a higher level.

The topics you will cover on the module include:

• Understanding assignment briefs and exam questions.
• Developing academic writing skills, including citation, paraphrasing, and summarising.
• Practising â€critical reading’ and â€critical writing’
• Planning and structuring academic assignments (e.g. essays, reports and presentations).
• Avoiding academic misconduct and gaining credit by using academic sources and referencing effectively.
• Listening skills for lectures.
• Speaking in seminar presentations.
• Presenting your ideas
• Giving discipline-related academic presentations, experiencing peer observation, and receiving formative feedback.
• Speed reading techniques.
• Developing self-reflection skills.
• Discussing ethical issues in research, and analysing results.
• Describing bias and limitations of research.

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TE7039 -

Systematic Appraisal in Education and Training (Optional,60 Credits)

In this module you will focus on the role of the practitioner as a research user. You will have the opportunity to make effective and systematic use of published research to inform education practice and/or policy. Through the process of the systematic appraisal, you will develop enhanced critical appraisal skills. The systematic appraisal project will address research questions which arise from your specific practice/field of expertise. These questions may address:
• Effectiveness of single/definable interventions in order to state and recommend best practice/provide evidence based guidelines for practice.
• Evaluation of appropriateness/acceptability/process/outcomes of educational provision in order to improve/develop/inform practice.
• The service user experience of education services.
• Relationships between practitioners and service users.
• Theoretical and ideological issues of relevance to education practice and/or policy.
You will be supported to select published work to be included in the appraisal; this may be either entirely quantitative, entirely qualitative or mixed method. You will then have the opportunity to consider the philosophical perspective of both the research question and the appraisal methodology.
The focus of this module is a small scale systematic review which you will undertake with the support of an experienced academic research supervisor. Peer support is also encouraged through student led seminars.

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TE7046 -

Understanding Autism (Optional,30 Credits)

This module aims to engage you in a critical appreciation of the complexities of autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, one of a number of early onset, overlapping lifelong disorders often with some degree of accompanying general or specific cognitive impairment. It can have a major impact on how people learn, interact and behave There is a genetic component, as well as environmental influences.
You will analyse professional or familial practice, including your own, and will evaluate the effect of differing perceptions, particularly the perceptions of people with a label of autism. You will learn that autistic people (term preferred by people on the spectrum) continue to grow and develop throughout life, and education in its broadest sense is the key to helping children and adults aim for a rich and rewarding life. You will learn about and evaluate concepts used to diagnose autism spectrum disorders and their impact, including how this has changed over time. You will develop an understanding of the psychological and cognitive theories of the causes of autism, including educational, social and medical factors and their impact. You will critically explore the impact of autism on the individual and her/his family and learning environment. In the teaching group you will articulate and evaluate the application of your learning and new understanding to the context in which you work or interact with autistic people.
You will be able to disseminate your knowledge gained through enquiry to an academic and professional audience

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TE7049 -

Education System in England (Optional,30 Credits)

The aim of the module is to develop an understanding of the Education system in England; where it has come from and how it works in practice today. This will enable you to put all other education related modules into context. It will give you an understanding of the education system in England and allow you to identify and appraise its many facets. You will explore the UK system and consider the key features of the modern-day education system and the rationale which underpins that system. You will explore research papers, texts and policy documents and consider how they might challenge commonly held assumptions and beliefs about the current system.

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TE7050 -

Negotiated Study (Optional,30 Credits)

In this module you will focus on the role of the practitioner as a research user and you will have the opportunity to articulate and negotiate a Master’s level enquiry relevant to you and your practice. You will have the opportunity to make effective and systematic use of published research to inform education practice and/or policy. You will learn how to interrogate electronic databases efficiently and effectively analyse qualitative data and write up your findings. Through this process, you will develop your critical appraisal skills. This module enables you to carry out a very small-scale piece of research which you undertake with the support of the module tutor.

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TE7075 -

Behaviour in Autism and Facilitation of Learning (Optional,30 Credits)

This module aims to facilitate learning and apply theory and best practices in behaviour self-management with individuals with autism. The module will help you to explore approaches to changing and developing new behaviour and the barriers to such implementation. In addition, it will enable you to identify and promote more independent and competent behaviour and address appropriate forms of practice towards individuals with autism. You will be encouraged to find ways to support people with autism to manage their behaviour increase their social repertoires and decrease behaviours which prevent them from maximising learning and achieving full participation in society. You will examine critically the reasons for behaviours which challenge those working with individuals with autism. You will analyse the relationships which exist between communication and behaviour including social-emotional issues. You will develop an increased understanding of sensory issues and the relationship with behaviour and learning. In addition, you will take part in a critical exploration of the issues involved in ensuring effective teaching and learning for children and adults on the autism spectrum. It will involve examining pertinent issues around teaching and learning. You will be encouraged to participate in the process of reflective practice, analysis of learning and social constructions of learning.

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TE7076 -

Understanding Educational Research and Methods (Optional,30 Credits)

This module provides the underpinning skills and knowledge necessary to undertake independent research in education and training at Level 7. It will give you the opportunity to develop practical and theoretical skills in the use and understanding of different research paradigms, methodological approaches and their associated research methods. You will also develop an in-depth understanding of related issues, including but not restricted to, ethical concerns, data management and analysis, the use conceptual frameworks and how to engage critically with the literature. The module has a strong focus on practice, and you will be encouraged to take this as your starting point, to question and problematize professional concerns, and to develop those as research problems and questions.
This will provide you with a framework to critique and question research, policy and practice and their impact on Education and Training. Drawing on this, you will be able to develop a research proposal which addresses a professional concern, drawing on contemporary and relevant research literature in order to analyse and justify your methodological approach. You will also be supported to explore subject based literature in order to support your identification and exploration of a research problem.

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TE7100 -

Inclusion and the Professions (Optional,30 Credits)

On this module you will explore the following topics:
• Inter-professional working
• Collaborative practice
• Protected characteristics
• Professional development
• Legislation, policy and codes of practice

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TE7101 -

Contemporary Issues in Education (Optional,30 Credits)

On this module you will explore the following topics:
• Educational inclusion.
• International perspectives in education.
• UN Sustainable development goal 4
• Policy development in education
• Accountability structures
• Beliefs, Cultures and Values

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WB0716 -

Work Based Dissertation (Optional,60 Credits)

This module comprising the implementation of a quality improvement project in your workplace is designed to promote your personal development, equipping you with a range of inter-personal, intellectual and practical (functional) skills. The real-time work-based dissertation will be of benefit to your employing organisation. It seeks to raise your awareness of the workplace as a learning environment, extend your capability and enhance your individual effectiveness, employability and business competitiveness. It will focus on organisational-based issues and seek to develop your skills in the diagnosis of problems, research and analysis. You will develop strategies to address complex problems in your organisation and practice, responding to internal and external factors that every organisation has to contend with. You will demonstrate that appropriate ethical, commercial, confidentiality and data protection issues are taken into consideration. The module will instil intellectual curiosity in you as a professional learner, and lay a foundation for a philosophy of lifelong learning. This will culminate in a dissertation report reflecting on the learning derived from implementing the project.

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WB0726 -

Project Management and Change Leadership (Optional,30 Credits)

This is a work based learning module that focuses your learning on the needs of your organisation and how they can be met through the initiation of change through a quality improvement project. It involves a tripartite relationship between you, your organisation and the university, facilitating your engagement with theory from the university and workplace activity concurrently. You will develop a comprehensive understanding of a range of models, concepts and theories that will help you to become engaged in well informed and meaningful work-based enquiry and project management. Through a combination of university seminar and inter-session activities in the workplace, the module will help you to develop a critical awareness of a range of appropriate approaches to project planning, implementation and evaluation appropriate to your own organisational and professional context. Learning from this module will enable you to develop a project based approach to complex issues in your practice using structured project management, change management, reflective models, leadership approaches while taking ethical, confidentiality, data protection and professional codes of practice into consideration. This module will develop a culture of project based approaches to complex issues in your practice. It will develop in you the confidence to initiate and lead change in your practice in response to challenges faced on a daily basis in organisations, effectively making you a lifelong change agent in your career. While it is a stand-alone module, taken before the 60 credit work based dissertation this module can be used to plan the major quality improvement dissertation.

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Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

PP0724 -

The Empirical Project (Optional,60 Credits)

You will be encouraged to critically explore a range of approaches to research however emphasis will be placed on your understanding of the world view, design and meaning system that will drive your own research study. It is assumed that prior to the undertaking of this dissertation module you will have undertaken study that prepares you for engagement with a Masters dissertation process and that you will have constructed a robust research proposal that has gained or is in the process of gaining ethical approval from both the University and (if applicable) your employing organisation. In the module you will revisit and deepen your understandings of a range of key topic areas linked to the empirical research process, this will include discussion of world views and research paradigms, the research question, aim or hypothesis, research design, working with literature and theory, developing ethical codes, constructing the research sample, collecting robust research evidence, ensuring quality assurance within your research work, analysing both qualitative and quantitative evidence and writing and disseminating the research dissertation work. You will be invited to attend a series of research seminars during the module and you will have access to a named Higher Education supervisor for one to one tutorial work. Both the seminars and tutorials will encourage you to apply the key areas of learning within this module to your own professional context and field of expertise. This will enable you to critically examine how the empirical research process will work best for your research goals and design

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RW7001 -

Academic Language Skills (ALS) for PG Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing Students (Core – for International and EU students only,0 Credits)

Academic skills when studying away from your home country can differ due to cultural and language differences in teaching and assessment practices. This module is designed to support your transition in the use and practice of technical language and subject specific skills around assessments and teaching provision in your chosen subject. The overall aim of this module is to develop your abilities to read and study effectively for academic purposes; to develop your skills in analysing and using source material in seminars and academic writing and to develop your use and application of language and communications skills to a higher level.

The topics you will cover on the module include:

• Understanding assignment briefs and exam questions.
• Developing academic writing skills, including citation, paraphrasing, and summarising.
• Practising â€critical reading’ and â€critical writing’
• Planning and structuring academic assignments (e.g. essays, reports and presentations).
• Avoiding academic misconduct and gaining credit by using academic sources and referencing effectively.
• Listening skills for lectures.
• Speaking in seminar presentations.
• Presenting your ideas
• Giving discipline-related academic presentations, experiencing peer observation, and receiving formative feedback.
• Speed reading techniques.
• Developing self-reflection skills.
• Discussing ethical issues in research, and analysing results.
• Describing bias and limitations of research.

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TE7039 -

Systematic Appraisal in Education and Training (Optional,60 Credits)

In this module you will focus on the role of the practitioner as a research user. You will have the opportunity to make effective and systematic use of published research to inform education practice and/or policy. Through the process of the systematic appraisal, you will develop enhanced critical appraisal skills. The systematic appraisal project will address research questions which arise from your specific practice/field of expertise. These questions may address:
• Effectiveness of single/definable interventions in order to state and recommend best practice/provide evidence based guidelines for practice.
• Evaluation of appropriateness/acceptability/process/outcomes of educational provision in order to improve/develop/inform practice.
• The service user experience of education services.
• Relationships between practitioners and service users.
• Theoretical and ideological issues of relevance to education practice and/or policy.
You will be supported to select published work to be included in the appraisal; this may be either entirely quantitative, entirely qualitative or mixed method. You will then have the opportunity to consider the philosophical perspective of both the research question and the appraisal methodology.
The focus of this module is a small scale systematic review which you will undertake with the support of an experienced academic research supervisor. Peer support is also encouraged through student led seminars.

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TE7046 -

Understanding Autism (Optional,30 Credits)

This module aims to engage you in a critical appreciation of the complexities of autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, one of a number of early onset, overlapping lifelong disorders often with some degree of accompanying general or specific cognitive impairment. It can have a major impact on how people learn, interact and behave There is a genetic component, as well as environmental influences.
You will analyse professional or familial practice, including your own, and will evaluate the effect of differing perceptions, particularly the perceptions of people with a label of autism. You will learn that autistic people (term preferred by people on the spectrum) continue to grow and develop throughout life, and education in its broadest sense is the key to helping children and adults aim for a rich and rewarding life. You will learn about and evaluate concepts used to diagnose autism spectrum disorders and their impact, including how this has changed over time. You will develop an understanding of the psychological and cognitive theories of the causes of autism, including educational, social and medical factors and their impact. You will critically explore the impact of autism on the individual and her/his family and learning environment. In the teaching group you will articulate and evaluate the application of your learning and new understanding to the context in which you work or interact with autistic people.
You will be able to disseminate your knowledge gained through enquiry to an academic and professional audience

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TE7049 -

Education System in England (Optional,30 Credits)

The aim of the module is to develop an understanding of the Education system in England; where it has come from and how it works in practice today. This will enable you to put all other education related modules into context. It will give you an understanding of the education system in England and allow you to identify and appraise its many facets. You will explore the UK system and consider the key features of the modern-day education system and the rationale which underpins that system. You will explore research papers, texts and policy documents and consider how they might challenge commonly held assumptions and beliefs about the current system.

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TE7050 -

Negotiated Study (Optional,30 Credits)

In this module you will focus on the role of the practitioner as a research user and you will have the opportunity to articulate and negotiate a Master’s level enquiry relevant to you and your practice. You will have the opportunity to make effective and systematic use of published research to inform education practice and/or policy. You will learn how to interrogate electronic databases efficiently and effectively analyse qualitative data and write up your findings. Through this process, you will develop your critical appraisal skills. This module enables you to carry out a very small-scale piece of research which you undertake with the support of the module tutor.

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TE7075 -

Behaviour in Autism and Facilitation of Learning (Optional,30 Credits)

This module aims to facilitate learning and apply theory and best practices in behaviour self-management with individuals with autism. The module will help you to explore approaches to changing and developing new behaviour and the barriers to such implementation. In addition, it will enable you to identify and promote more independent and competent behaviour and address appropriate forms of practice towards individuals with autism. You will be encouraged to find ways to support people with autism to manage their behaviour increase their social repertoires and decrease behaviours which prevent them from maximising learning and achieving full participation in society. You will examine critically the reasons for behaviours which challenge those working with individuals with autism. You will analyse the relationships which exist between communication and behaviour including social-emotional issues. You will develop an increased understanding of sensory issues and the relationship with behaviour and learning. In addition, you will take part in a critical exploration of the issues involved in ensuring effective teaching and learning for children and adults on the autism spectrum. It will involve examining pertinent issues around teaching and learning. You will be encouraged to participate in the process of reflective practice, analysis of learning and social constructions of learning.

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TE7076 -

Understanding Educational Research and Methods (Optional,30 Credits)

This module provides the underpinning skills and knowledge necessary to undertake independent research in education and training at Level 7. It will give you the opportunity to develop practical and theoretical skills in the use and understanding of different research paradigms, methodological approaches and their associated research methods. You will also develop an in-depth understanding of related issues, including but not restricted to, ethical concerns, data management and analysis, the use conceptual frameworks and how to engage critically with the literature. The module has a strong focus on practice, and you will be encouraged to take this as your starting point, to question and problematize professional concerns, and to develop those as research problems and questions.
This will provide you with a framework to critique and question research, policy and practice and their impact on Education and Training. Drawing on this, you will be able to develop a research proposal which addresses a professional concern, drawing on contemporary and relevant research literature in order to analyse and justify your methodological approach. You will also be supported to explore subject based literature in order to support your identification and exploration of a research problem.

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TE7100 -

Inclusion and the Professions (Optional,30 Credits)

On this module you will explore the following topics:
• Inter-professional working
• Collaborative practice
• Protected characteristics
• Professional development
• Legislation, policy and codes of practice

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TE7101 -

Contemporary Issues in Education (Optional,30 Credits)

On this module you will explore the following topics:
• Educational inclusion.
• International perspectives in education.
• UN Sustainable development goal 4
• Policy development in education
• Accountability structures
• Beliefs, Cultures and Values

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WB0716 -

Work Based Dissertation (Optional,60 Credits)

This module comprising the implementation of a quality improvement project in your workplace is designed to promote your personal development, equipping you with a range of inter-personal, intellectual and practical (functional) skills. The real-time work-based dissertation will be of benefit to your employing organisation. It seeks to raise your awareness of the workplace as a learning environment, extend your capability and enhance your individual effectiveness, employability and business competitiveness. It will focus on organisational-based issues and seek to develop your skills in the diagnosis of problems, research and analysis. You will develop strategies to address complex problems in your organisation and practice, responding to internal and external factors that every organisation has to contend with. You will demonstrate that appropriate ethical, commercial, confidentiality and data protection issues are taken into consideration. The module will instil intellectual curiosity in you as a professional learner, and lay a foundation for a philosophy of lifelong learning. This will culminate in a dissertation report reflecting on the learning derived from implementing the project.

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WB0726 -

Project Management and Change Leadership (Optional,30 Credits)

This is a work based learning module that focuses your learning on the needs of your organisation and how they can be met through the initiation of change through a quality improvement project. It involves a tripartite relationship between you, your organisation and the university, facilitating your engagement with theory from the university and workplace activity concurrently. You will develop a comprehensive understanding of a range of models, concepts and theories that will help you to become engaged in well informed and meaningful work-based enquiry and project management. Through a combination of university seminar and inter-session activities in the workplace, the module will help you to develop a critical awareness of a range of appropriate approaches to project planning, implementation and evaluation appropriate to your own organisational and professional context. Learning from this module will enable you to develop a project based approach to complex issues in your practice using structured project management, change management, reflective models, leadership approaches while taking ethical, confidentiality, data protection and professional codes of practice into consideration. This module will develop a culture of project based approaches to complex issues in your practice. It will develop in you the confidence to initiate and lead change in your practice in response to challenges faced on a daily basis in organisations, effectively making you a lifelong change agent in your career. While it is a stand-alone module, taken before the 60 credit work based dissertation this module can be used to plan the major quality improvement dissertation.

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Our Applicant Services team will be happy to help.  They can be contacted on 0191 406 0901 or by using our .


All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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51±¬ÁĎ is committed to developing an inclusive, diverse and accessible campus and wider University community and are determined to ensure that opportunities we provide are open to all.

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You can use Northumbria’s AccessAble Guides anytime to check the accessibility of a building or facility and to plan your routes and journeys. Search by location, building or accessibility feature to find the information you need. 

We are dedicated to helping students who may require additional support during their student journey and offer 1-1 advice and guidance appropriate to individual requirements. If you feel you may need additional support you can find out more about what we offer here where you can also contact us with any questions you may have:

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* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here

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