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REF 2021 9th in the UK for Research PowerNorthumbria’s Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship is ideal for those who would like to develop the knowledge and skills required to become a competent manager and leader within the workplace.

This innovative degree apprenticeship meets the current and future needs of apprentices and employers. Open to those both starting their career and those in established careers looking to move into a leadership role, the apprenticeship combines relevant on-the-job experience with up-to-date academic thinking and research-rich learning.

The Chartered Manager degree apprenticeship enables apprentices to develop the business, management and leadership knowledge, professional skills and personal behaviours required to become a fully qualified Chartered Manager.

Much of the learning during the programme will be integrated into apprentices day-to-day work, enabling them to make an impact from the start. An approach designed to make the best use of emerging leadership skills.

Apprentices will graduate an independent thinker with the ability to apply knowledge to complex problems and identify appropriate solutions. They will be an effective communicator with the attitudes and skills to work constructively and sensitively in a range of environments.

For the duration of the course, apprentices will also become an ‘Affiliate’ member of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and have access to a range of membership support and benefits.

On completion of the apprenticeship, apprentices will receive a dual award including a CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership and will have the opportunity to apply for CMI Chartered Manager (CMgr) status.

Apprenticeship programmes at 51 are designed to support apprentices in acquiring the appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviour and retain the integrity of the apprenticeship standard as defined by IFATE . For further details please consult the IFATE Apprenticeship standards / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education webpage .

51’s Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship is covered by the prestigious Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation for Newcastle Business School.

AACSB accreditation is a hallmark of excellence in business education, earned by fewer than 6% of the world's schools offering business degree programmes. Read more about our '.

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Course Information

Level of Study

Mode of Study
3 years Part Time

Newcastle Business School

City Campus, 51


September 2025

Fee Information

Module Information

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Entry Requirements 2025/26

Standard Entry

Admission onto a higher or degree apprenticeship can only take place if applicants are currently employed and their employer has a training agreement in place with 51.

Applicants must be employed in a relevant role, with the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts directly to their personal and professional work experience.

Potential apprentices will need:

112 UCAS Tariff points

From a combination of acceptable Level 3 qualifications which may include: A-levels, BTEC Diplomas/Extended Diplomas, Scottish and Irish Highers, Access to HE Diplomas or the International Baccalaureate.

We may also consider applicants who have successfully completed a related Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship, or those with non-standard qualifications, or a significant amount of relevant work-based or professional experience.

Find out how many points your qualifications are worth using the UCAS Tariff calculator:   

English Language Requirements:

International applicants should have a minimum overall IELTS (Academic) score of 6.0 with 5.5 in each component (or an approved equivalent*).*The university accepts a large number of UK and International Qualifications in place of IELTS. You can find details of acceptable tests and the required grades in our English Language section: www.northumbria.ac.uk/englishqualifications

GCSE Requirements:

It is a condition that you have GCSE grades C/4 or above in English Language and Maths, or Functional Skills English or Maths at level 2 by the End Point Assessment period of your Apprenticeship.

Plus one of the following:

  • Additional:

    Additional requirements:
    Applicants should be employees or have access to organisational experience in order to enable them to apply theoretical concepts to their personal and professional experience.

    The ability to benefit from 51 programmes is assessed on a combination of academic and personal qualities which can be demonstrated in a number of ways.  Successful completion of a GCE or VCE Advanced level course of study (or some other equivalent qualification) is just one way.  Students who can in other ways demonstrate their ability to benefit from a 51 programme, in particular mature students without formal qualifications will always be considered and are invited to contact the admissions tutor to discuss their application. 

    Applicants should use the personal statement on their application to illustrate their abilities, aptitudes, skills, qualifications and experiences which might be taken into account as well as or instead of any of the formal qualifications listed below.  It is University policy to recognise a wide variety of evidence, and potential applicants may wish to discuss this aspect of their application with the admission tutor.</</</</</</

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* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here


Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

DA4065 -

Understanding academic skills for work-based learning (Core,0 Credits)

Entering higher education requires specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate effectively your ideas within the academic community. This module aims to support this development at a level appropriate for where you join your programme of study.

You will explore the underpinning skills, which support academic study and which thereby, support the remainder of your programme. These skills will also benefit you in the workplace and are transferrable in terms of creating effective business reports and delivering verbal and written presentations.

You will develop your academic and intellectual skills, through learning about your own preferred approach to learning, the conventions of academic writing and wider communication skills, how to source appropriate information to support your studies through ethical primary and secondary research, and the development of critical reading and writing.

The outline syllabus will be based on the following themes:

• NU approach to Research Rich Learning and Teaching
• Learning styles and academic literacies – how these influence learning
• Managing study – appropriate management of yourself, and your projects and tasks
• Searching for information to support effective study - conducting primary and secondary research
• Effective reading and note-taking skills
• Academic Writing – how to write effective academic assignments, in a range of different genres
• Professional Writing - in particular the presentation of research and management reports
• Developing criticality – the use of criticality to support the development of an independent voice
• Citation and referencing skills – how to appropriately acknowledge the sources of the information that you use
• Ethics – the importance of ethics in study and research
• Introduction to business research skills and methods
• Digital Portfolio Building - Pebble Plus

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DA4066 -

Personal Development and Professional Competence (Core,20 Credits)

This module is designed to support you in setting the foundation for your personal and professional development as an existing or aspiring manager. We will introduce you to the learning approach that will be adopted throughout the programme and the way in which this suite of modules will support your application of learning from all modules into your professional practice in the workplace. Through engaging in the workshop sessions and the associated learning activities, you will develop your self-awareness and self-management, interpersonal skills and your abilities in working with others. The module will also strengthen your capacity as an independent and work-based learner. The broad areas covered by this module include:

• Developing self-awareness and self-management
• Learning approaches and ownership of personal development
• Interpersonal skills
• Team dynamics and team working

Underpinned by theoretical concepts and models and providing opportunities for skills practice, you will develop your management knowledge and skills and demonstrate this through using your workplace practice to evidence your enhanced personal and professional skills. This module will support you in creating a personal and professional development plan or learning contract that will adapt and develop throughout the programme as you develop new skills and knowledge. By engaging in self and social development processes, identifying personal and professional development needs and gathering examples of your practice in the workplace, you will be able to evidence your development journey throughout the programme.

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DA4067 -

Understanding organisations and management (Core,20 Credits)

This module is intended to underpin the theories and approaches you will encounter in your future studies at Levels 5 and 6. It will provide you with an introduction to organisational behaviour, and the changing practices of organising and managing. This will support exploration of leadership and management styles; the dynamics and politics of personal interactions, power, and Influence. You will consider individual motivation, job satisfaction, and work engagement. You will gain a broad understanding of the influence of organisational and international cultures. This will include an appreciation of organisational ethics and values, and building rapport and trust.

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DA4068 -

Global Business Environment and Functions (Core,40 Credits)

This module introduces you to the global forces shaping international business and takes into account the macro business environments of different countries and regions. Broad issues such as globalisation, political systems, major world economies, the formation of trade blocks and the regulation of international trade and finance are considered. Where appropriate, module explores macro-economic theory. This module introduces you to the world of economic analysis, providing basic theoretical frameworks for the analysis of individual economic decisions as well as aggregate fluctuations in output, prices and employment. It covers selected topics in both micro and macro-economics. The module will also help you to develop an understanding of the external business environment, in terms of institutions, markets, industries and organisations. During the course of the module, you will have an opportunity to research and analyse contemporary cases that illustrate theory and concepts.

In addition, the module explores the internal functions of an organisation from silos to an integrated approach in order to explore the synergies of cross-functional teams and matrix organisational structures within the contemporary global business environment. Functions explored in detail include Accounting and Finance, Sales and Marketing, Operations, Human Resource Management, Information Technology and Information Systems. This module introduces the business functions and forms a holistic foundation in which to ground the digital marketing functions covered in further study at Stages 2 and 3.

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DA4069 -

Business Research Methods and Analysis (Core,20 Credits)

This module introduces your learning in a research rich learning environment. It outlines the nature and value of research within organisations, and you will develop the knowledge and skills to apply a variety of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods and tools to support business research and decision-making. The module is delivered using workshops, in which key knowledge will be addressed and you will be provided with the opportunity to develop your skills in conducting research and analysing data.

Within this module, you will cover a range of topics, including:

• Introduction to University learning resources
• The value of a research rich approach as a means of enhancing your learning and informing organisational and personal practice
• Using academic theory, models, principles and frameworks to help understand and inform organisational and personal practice
• Engaging with academic literature and published research outputs
• Academic Writing
• Ethics issues in research
• Qualitative research methods – interviewing and observation, analysing qualitative data
• Quantitative research methods – data collection and statistical analysis, comprising data types, sampling, questionnaire design and coding, survey dissemination, data presentation and summary, correlation and regression analysis, time series forecasting.

You will develop your understanding of research methods as a means of informing how you may conduct research within your organisation. Furthermore, you will be encouraged to consider your role as a researcher and the ethical considerations in the research process. You will develop skills regarding the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. In doing so, it will expose you to a wide range of techniques for use in modelling, analysis and interpretation of business problems. You will become aware of the role of modelling as an aid to business problem solving. Furthermore, you will gain an understanding of the role of MS Excel as an aid to data analysis and the development of various business problem-solving models. Through addressing these themes, you will also learn the significance of research proposals as well as how to structure them.

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DA4070 -

Work Based Learning Professional Development 1 (Core,20 Credits)

This module is designed to support you in developing and implementing a work based learning (WBL) plan for your individual continuing professional development (CPD). This will underpin your development as an independent and self-directed work-based learner and provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for you to outline and negotiate a detailed WBL plan to be implemented for, through and at work. The focus of your WBL plan should be on developing your management competence and or knowledge in the context of the specific skills and or knowledge required to operate effectively within your particular sector or organisation. This could include a range of components including for example: work based training, online modules, work projects; secondary data based investigations, best practice and benchmarking reviews, credited CPD programmes, customised modules for your own organisation or programme. The WBL contract will be individually negotiated between yourself and your workplace and academic coaches, and approved by the module tutor.

Through engaging in the workshop sessions and the associated learning activities, you will develop your confidence and self-management as a work based learner, enhancing your personal planning skills and your abilities in transferring learning into improving your professional practice and working with others. The broad areas covered by this module include:

WBL Planning
WBL Objectives
Contracting a WBL Agreement
Approaches to WBL Transfer
WBL Evaluation and Review

Underpinned by theoretical concepts and models and providing opportunities for skills practice, you will develop your management knowledge and competence and demonstrate this through using opportunities within your workplace to develop and evidence your sector specific enhanced professional skills. This module will support you in creating a professional WBL development plan that will extend your sector/organisation knowledge and practice that will provide a foundation for support your future development on the programme.

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DA5069 -

Developing academic skills for work-based learning (Core,0 Credits)

Entering higher education requires specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate effectively your ideas within the academic community. This module aims to support this development at a level appropriate for where you join your programme of study.

You will consider the underpinning skills which support academic study, and which thereby support the remainder of your programme. These skills will also benefit you in the workplace and are transferrable in terms of effective business communication and related research.

You will develop your academic and intellectual skills, through developing your understanding of your preferred styles of learning, as well as considering the academic requirements for appropriate research, communication, and criticality, as well as ethical research.

The outline syllabus will be based on the following themes:

• NU approach to Research Rich Learning and Teaching
• Learning styles and academic literacies – how these influence learning
• Managing study and projects – appropriate management of yourself, and your projects and tasks
• Searching for information to support effective study - conducting secondary research
• Effective reading and note-taking skills
• Academic Writing – how to write effective academic assignments and research reports, in a range of different genres
• Professional Writing - in particular the presentation of research and management reports
• Developing criticality – the use of criticality to support your academic voice, and to assess secondary sources and primary data
• Citation and referencing skills – how to appropriately acknowledge the sources of the information that you use
• Ethics – the importance of ethics in study and research and NU Ethics in Research policy and approach
• Digital Portfolio Building - Pebble PLUS

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DA5070 -

Developing Management Effectiveness (Core,20 Credits)

This module continues to support your personal and professional development and follows on from the stage one module. In this module you will focus specifically on developing core management skills and understanding the theories, concepts and models that underpin those skills. You will work on further enhancing your personal effectiveness by focusing on how you work effectively with others, through collaborating, influencing, and negotiating. You will learn about building trust and rapport with others, using coaching skills as a manager, giving and receiving feedback, having performance conversations, delegation and the importance of networks.

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DA5071 -

Managing People (Core,20 Credits)

This module will develop your understanding of the role of line managers in managing and developing individuals in work organisation. It will introduce you to both theory and practice of human resource management. This will include an overview of the legal and regulatory context of managing people including diversity, equity and equality. You will explore and evaluate good practice in relation to, for example, talent management, recruitment and selection, performance management, reward, and appraisal. You will consider the role of managers in leading for high performance of individuals and teams that encourages learning and creativity. This will include strategies for creating a positive work environment that encourages participation and engagement with concern for building trust and ethical and responsible behaviours.

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DA5072 -

Digital Business (Core,20 Credits)

Throughout this module, you consider the opportunities and challenges posed by doing business in an increasingly digital domain. This module is designed to give you an understanding of how using online channels impacts upon different parts of the organisation, and will in particular focus upon 3 core areas of business:

Digital Business Strategy: You will develop an understanding of the cost structures associated with using digital channels, different business models (including omni and multiple channel business strategies), distance issues around serving global markets and implications in terms of taxation and service delivery.

Marketing: In this part of the module you will consider changing consumer media consumption and behaviour; social media and m-commerce; customer relationship building in an online context, digital brand communities and performance metrics (e.g. web analytics).

Supply Chain Management and Information Systems: You will also develop an appreciation of the role of supply chains in serving global markets, by addressing issues such as the application of various systems to facilitate digital transactions. In addition, you will consider how different types of information systems can support decision making.

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DA5073 -

Innovation (Core,20 Credits)

• Recognise the foundations of innovation, service and organisational improvements
• Discriminate between new product, new process, and new service design/development
• Understand the diffusion of innovation
• Identifying enablers and barriers to innovation
• The role of varied stakeholders in the innovation process (co-creation)
• Particular focus on understanding and delivering creative solutions to stakeholder and organisational needs (and potential/future needs)
• Consider the impact of ethical, cultural, and responsible innovation on organisation performance

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DA5074 -

Judgement and Decision Making (Core,20 Credits)

Little affects our lives more than the quality of the decisions we make. In a business context, effective decision making is likely to have a significant impact on the performance of an organisation and managers are responsible for not only the quality of their own decisions, but also for influencing and managing the environment in which others make decisions.

On this module you will learn about the importance of decision-making and the type of information which can be used to support decision makers. This will involve studying techniques which can be used to evaluate business projects, as well as considering how cognitive and behavioural influences may impact on judgement and decision making.

In addressing these issues the topics you will study will be drawn from the following themes:

• The importance of the decision-making process in managing organisational performance.
• Relevant information to support decision making
• Using financial models to inform business decisions.
• The implications of risk and uncertainty for decision making.
• Behavioural and cognitive influences on judgement and decision making

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DA5075 -

Work Based Learning Professional Development 2 (Core,20 Credits)

This module continues to support you in developing and implementing a work based learning (WBL) plan for your individual continuing professional development (CPD) and follows on from your stage one module. This will deepen and extend your development as an independent and self-directed WB learner and provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for you to outline and negotiate a detailed WBL plan to be implemented for, through and at work. The focus of your WBL plan should be on developing further your management competence and or knowledge in the context of the specific skills and or knowledge required to operate effectively within your particular sector or organisation. You could review and build upon the WBL plan agreed in the previous module to extend and deepen the scope and or focus of your sectoral professional knowledge and practice. Alternatively, you should also consider formulating a plan that supports you in exploring an area of sector and or organisational specific knowledge or practice that may provide the initial groundwork for informing the potential focus of your final year work based project. This could include a range of components including for example: work based training, online modules, work projects, secondary data based investigations, best practice and benchmarking reviews, credited CPD programmes, customised modules for your own organisation or programme.

Through engaging in the workshop sessions and the associated learning activities, you will develop your confidence and self-management as a work based learner, enhancing your personal planning skills and your abilities in transferring learning into improving your professional practice and working with others.

Underpinned by theoretical concepts and models and providing opportunities for skills practice, you will develop your management knowledge and competence and demonstrate this through using opportunities within your workplace to develop and evidence your sector specific enhanced professional skills. This module will support you in creating a WBL plan that will extend your sector/organisation knowledge and practice that will provide a foundation for supporting your future development on the programme.

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DA6059 -

Applying academic and research skills for work-based learning (Core,0 Credits)

Entering higher education requires specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate effectively your ideas within the academic community. This module aims to support this development at a level appropriate for where you join your programme of study.

You will develop the underpinning skills which support independent study and research, and which thereby support the remainder of your programme. These skills will also benefit you in the workplace and are transferrable in terms of undertaking business related communications and research.

You will develop your academic and intellectual skills, through applying criticality and communication skills, secondary and primary research and the development to new knowledge.

The outline syllabus will be based on the following themes:

• Learning styles and academic literacies – how these influence research and communication approaches
• Research rich learning and teaching
• Managing academic projects – how to plan effectively and appropriately
• Searching for information to support effective study - conducting primary and secondary research
• Academic Writing – in particular the presentation of research, and the development of critical literature reviews
• Professional Writing - in particular the presentation of research and management reports
• Presentation skills – in particular the persuasive presentation of research
• Developing criticality – the critical analysis of both secondary sources and primary data, and of your own independent research
• Citation and referencing skills – how to appropriately acknowledge the sources of the information that you use
• Ethics – the importance of ethics in your own and other’s research and NU Ethics Policy
• Digital Portfolio Building - Building your Portfolio of Practice using Pebble Plus

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DA6060 -

Leading for Business Impact (Core,20 Credits)

This module continues to support your personal and professional development and follows on from the stage two module. In this module you will focus specifically on developing your leadership capability. You will be introduced to the key theories, concepts and models that underpin positive leadership impact. You will work on building leadership skills through conducting a self-analysis of your leadership strengths and development needs and through engaging in a 360-degree feedback process. You will learn about your own authenticity and impact on others, emotional and social intelligence, building and motivating teams, inclusivity and cross cultural leadership, and building resilience for change and transitions.

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DA6061 -

Leadership for Responsible Change (Core,20 Credits)

This module critically explores managing and leading positive and responsible change within work organisations. While the focus is on planned approaches to changes, you will also develop an appreciation of emergent change through exploration of a range of concepts, models, and theoretical frameworks. You will compare and contrast types of change and processes to participatory change and stakeholder inclusion and engagement. You will also consider impacts of change on individuals and issues of resilience and sustainability.

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DA6062 -

Strategy (Core,20 Credits)

The module will enable you to extend your knowledge of management practice, particularly in the area of strategic thinking, and to employ your intellectual and practical skills in an organisational context.

In doing so your learning will focus on themes addressing the following broad issues:
• The impact on organisations of the external environment: macro-environment, industry, markets.
• The strategic choices available to organisations to improve strategic position and promote commercial success.
• The alignment of strategic directions with the corporate social responsibility and ethics framework

This module is intended to develop your awareness and critical evaluation of strategic management by assessing the impact of the business environment on organisations. The nature of practising strategy will be evaluated by reviewing the tools and activities involved when formulating strategies. The concept of corporate social responsibility and sustainability will be central when discussing the above topics by assessing the role of stakeholders in organisations.

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DA6063 -

Project Management (Core,20 Credits)

From both a practical and theoretical view, you will learn to think about what project management means, the process of project management and how to manage projects by using a number of professional project management methods such as project charters, benefits realisation, work-breakdown structures, and scheduling techniques. Within this module the main topics covered (incorporating the knowledge areas outlined by the globally recognised ‘A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge’ PMBOK®) include:

• Identifying project requirements
• Addressing the various needs and expectations of the relevant social groups as a project is planned and carried out
• Setting and maintaining active communication with relevant social groups
• Sustainable project management and addressing competing project constraints such as scope, quality, schedule, budget, resources and risk.

The module will develop your professional skills and confidence in managing projects using various techniques and drawing on your academic study of contemporary project management literature. You will explore a range of approaches plus alternative views in order to challenge assumptions and identify ways to make project management more meaningful and sustainable. You will become aware of the role of professional techniques and methodologies as an aid to managing projects. Alongside this practical learning, you will develop critical understanding of the importance of integrating social and ethical criteria into project planning and operation.

On completing the module, you will be able to utilise appropriate professional project management techniques. You will have developed a blend of technical skills with reflective, social knowledge to support the theoretical material introduced throughout the module.

Completion of the module also provides eligibility for entrance to the ‘Certified Associate of Project Management’ examination. This is a credential offered by the globally recognised Project Management Institute provided the candidate has at least 24 hours of formal project management education.

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DA6064 -

Work-Based Project (Core,40 Credits)

This module provides an opportunity for you to investigate into a work-related issue, practicing research skills through engaging in a research project. Through studying this module you will develop a wide range of inter-personal, intellectual and practical (functional) skills. You will increase your awareness of the workplace as a learning environment and enhance your individual effectiveness and employability, whilst also contributing to the organisation’s development and effectiveness through change.

The project will draw upon your learning across the programme: to identify a business, management or leadership issue relevant to your organisation and design and conduct an appropriate investigation into this issue. The project will focus on a work-based issue and develop your skills in:

• the diagnosis of problems
• identifying project objectives
• project planning and budgeting
• project management
• development of strategies to address problems
• data collection
• data analysis
• addressing ethical issues in research
• drawing supportable conclusions from data analysis
• limitations of the research process
• presentation techniques

You will be expected to demonstrate that appropriate ethical, commercial confidentiality and data protection issues are taken into consideration from an organisational, individual perspective by adhering to University Ethical Guidelines. Furthermore you will also engage in reflection on the learning derived from carrying out the project.

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Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

DA4065 -

Understanding academic skills for work-based learning (Core,0 Credits)

Entering higher education requires specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate effectively your ideas within the academic community. This module aims to support this development at a level appropriate for where you join your programme of study.

You will explore the underpinning skills, which support academic study and which thereby, support the remainder of your programme. These skills will also benefit you in the workplace and are transferrable in terms of creating effective business reports and delivering verbal and written presentations.

You will develop your academic and intellectual skills, through learning about your own preferred approach to learning, the conventions of academic writing and wider communication skills, how to source appropriate information to support your studies through ethical primary and secondary research, and the development of critical reading and writing.

The outline syllabus will be based on the following themes:

• NU approach to Research Rich Learning and Teaching
• Learning styles and academic literacies – how these influence learning
• Managing study – appropriate management of yourself, and your projects and tasks
• Searching for information to support effective study - conducting primary and secondary research
• Effective reading and note-taking skills
• Academic Writing – how to write effective academic assignments, in a range of different genres
• Professional Writing - in particular the presentation of research and management reports
• Developing criticality – the use of criticality to support the development of an independent voice
• Citation and referencing skills – how to appropriately acknowledge the sources of the information that you use
• Ethics – the importance of ethics in study and research
• Introduction to business research skills and methods
• Digital Portfolio Building - Pebble Plus

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DA4066 -

Personal Development and Professional Competence (Core,20 Credits)

This module is designed to support you in setting the foundation for your personal and professional development as an existing or aspiring manager. We will introduce you to the learning approach that will be adopted throughout the programme and the way in which this suite of modules will support your application of learning from all modules into your professional practice in the workplace. Through engaging in the workshop sessions and the associated learning activities, you will develop your self-awareness and self-management, interpersonal skills and your abilities in working with others. The module will also strengthen your capacity as an independent and work-based learner. The broad areas covered by this module include:

• Developing self-awareness and self-management
• Learning approaches and ownership of personal development
• Interpersonal skills
• Team dynamics and team working

Underpinned by theoretical concepts and models and providing opportunities for skills practice, you will develop your management knowledge and skills and demonstrate this through using your workplace practice to evidence your enhanced personal and professional skills. This module will support you in creating a personal and professional development plan or learning contract that will adapt and develop throughout the programme as you develop new skills and knowledge. By engaging in self and social development processes, identifying personal and professional development needs and gathering examples of your practice in the workplace, you will be able to evidence your development journey throughout the programme.

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DA4067 -

Understanding organisations and management (Core,20 Credits)

This module is intended to underpin the theories and approaches you will encounter in your future studies at Levels 5 and 6. It will provide you with an introduction to organisational behaviour, and the changing practices of organising and managing. This will support exploration of leadership and management styles; the dynamics and politics of personal interactions, power, and Influence. You will consider individual motivation, job satisfaction, and work engagement. You will gain a broad understanding of the influence of organisational and international cultures. This will include an appreciation of organisational ethics and values, and building rapport and trust.

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DA4068 -

Global Business Environment and Functions (Core,40 Credits)

This module introduces you to the global forces shaping international business and takes into account the macro business environments of different countries and regions. Broad issues such as globalisation, political systems, major world economies, the formation of trade blocks and the regulation of international trade and finance are considered. Where appropriate, module explores macro-economic theory. This module introduces you to the world of economic analysis, providing basic theoretical frameworks for the analysis of individual economic decisions as well as aggregate fluctuations in output, prices and employment. It covers selected topics in both micro and macro-economics. The module will also help you to develop an understanding of the external business environment, in terms of institutions, markets, industries and organisations. During the course of the module, you will have an opportunity to research and analyse contemporary cases that illustrate theory and concepts.

In addition, the module explores the internal functions of an organisation from silos to an integrated approach in order to explore the synergies of cross-functional teams and matrix organisational structures within the contemporary global business environment. Functions explored in detail include Accounting and Finance, Sales and Marketing, Operations, Human Resource Management, Information Technology and Information Systems. This module introduces the business functions and forms a holistic foundation in which to ground the digital marketing functions covered in further study at Stages 2 and 3.

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DA4069 -

Business Research Methods and Analysis (Core,20 Credits)

This module introduces your learning in a research rich learning environment. It outlines the nature and value of research within organisations, and you will develop the knowledge and skills to apply a variety of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods and tools to support business research and decision-making. The module is delivered using workshops, in which key knowledge will be addressed and you will be provided with the opportunity to develop your skills in conducting research and analysing data.

Within this module, you will cover a range of topics, including:

• Introduction to University learning resources
• The value of a research rich approach as a means of enhancing your learning and informing organisational and personal practice
• Using academic theory, models, principles and frameworks to help understand and inform organisational and personal practice
• Engaging with academic literature and published research outputs
• Academic Writing
• Ethics issues in research
• Qualitative research methods – interviewing and observation, analysing qualitative data
• Quantitative research methods – data collection and statistical analysis, comprising data types, sampling, questionnaire design and coding, survey dissemination, data presentation and summary, correlation and regression analysis, time series forecasting.

You will develop your understanding of research methods as a means of informing how you may conduct research within your organisation. Furthermore, you will be encouraged to consider your role as a researcher and the ethical considerations in the research process. You will develop skills regarding the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. In doing so, it will expose you to a wide range of techniques for use in modelling, analysis and interpretation of business problems. You will become aware of the role of modelling as an aid to business problem solving. Furthermore, you will gain an understanding of the role of MS Excel as an aid to data analysis and the development of various business problem-solving models. Through addressing these themes, you will also learn the significance of research proposals as well as how to structure them.

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DA4070 -

Work Based Learning Professional Development 1 (Core,20 Credits)

This module is designed to support you in developing and implementing a work based learning (WBL) plan for your individual continuing professional development (CPD). This will underpin your development as an independent and self-directed work-based learner and provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for you to outline and negotiate a detailed WBL plan to be implemented for, through and at work. The focus of your WBL plan should be on developing your management competence and or knowledge in the context of the specific skills and or knowledge required to operate effectively within your particular sector or organisation. This could include a range of components including for example: work based training, online modules, work projects; secondary data based investigations, best practice and benchmarking reviews, credited CPD programmes, customised modules for your own organisation or programme. The WBL contract will be individually negotiated between yourself and your workplace and academic coaches, and approved by the module tutor.

Through engaging in the workshop sessions and the associated learning activities, you will develop your confidence and self-management as a work based learner, enhancing your personal planning skills and your abilities in transferring learning into improving your professional practice and working with others. The broad areas covered by this module include:

WBL Planning
WBL Objectives
Contracting a WBL Agreement
Approaches to WBL Transfer
WBL Evaluation and Review

Underpinned by theoretical concepts and models and providing opportunities for skills practice, you will develop your management knowledge and competence and demonstrate this through using opportunities within your workplace to develop and evidence your sector specific enhanced professional skills. This module will support you in creating a professional WBL development plan that will extend your sector/organisation knowledge and practice that will provide a foundation for support your future development on the programme.

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DA5069 -

Developing academic skills for work-based learning (Core,0 Credits)

Entering higher education requires specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate effectively your ideas within the academic community. This module aims to support this development at a level appropriate for where you join your programme of study.

You will consider the underpinning skills which support academic study, and which thereby support the remainder of your programme. These skills will also benefit you in the workplace and are transferrable in terms of effective business communication and related research.

You will develop your academic and intellectual skills, through developing your understanding of your preferred styles of learning, as well as considering the academic requirements for appropriate research, communication, and criticality, as well as ethical research.

The outline syllabus will be based on the following themes:

• NU approach to Research Rich Learning and Teaching
• Learning styles and academic literacies – how these influence learning
• Managing study and projects – appropriate management of yourself, and your projects and tasks
• Searching for information to support effective study - conducting secondary research
• Effective reading and note-taking skills
• Academic Writing – how to write effective academic assignments and research reports, in a range of different genres
• Professional Writing - in particular the presentation of research and management reports
• Developing criticality – the use of criticality to support your academic voice, and to assess secondary sources and primary data
• Citation and referencing skills – how to appropriately acknowledge the sources of the information that you use
• Ethics – the importance of ethics in study and research and NU Ethics in Research policy and approach
• Digital Portfolio Building - Pebble PLUS

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DA5070 -

Developing Management Effectiveness (Core,20 Credits)

This module continues to support your personal and professional development and follows on from the stage one module. In this module you will focus specifically on developing core management skills and understanding the theories, concepts and models that underpin those skills. You will work on further enhancing your personal effectiveness by focusing on how you work effectively with others, through collaborating, influencing, and negotiating. You will learn about building trust and rapport with others, using coaching skills as a manager, giving and receiving feedback, having performance conversations, delegation and the importance of networks.

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DA5071 -

Managing People (Core,20 Credits)

This module will develop your understanding of the role of line managers in managing and developing individuals in work organisation. It will introduce you to both theory and practice of human resource management. This will include an overview of the legal and regulatory context of managing people including diversity, equity and equality. You will explore and evaluate good practice in relation to, for example, talent management, recruitment and selection, performance management, reward, and appraisal. You will consider the role of managers in leading for high performance of individuals and teams that encourages learning and creativity. This will include strategies for creating a positive work environment that encourages participation and engagement with concern for building trust and ethical and responsible behaviours.

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DA5072 -

Digital Business (Core,20 Credits)

Throughout this module, you consider the opportunities and challenges posed by doing business in an increasingly digital domain. This module is designed to give you an understanding of how using online channels impacts upon different parts of the organisation, and will in particular focus upon 3 core areas of business:

Digital Business Strategy: You will develop an understanding of the cost structures associated with using digital channels, different business models (including omni and multiple channel business strategies), distance issues around serving global markets and implications in terms of taxation and service delivery.

Marketing: In this part of the module you will consider changing consumer media consumption and behaviour; social media and m-commerce; customer relationship building in an online context, digital brand communities and performance metrics (e.g. web analytics).

Supply Chain Management and Information Systems: You will also develop an appreciation of the role of supply chains in serving global markets, by addressing issues such as the application of various systems to facilitate digital transactions. In addition, you will consider how different types of information systems can support decision making.

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DA5073 -

Innovation (Core,20 Credits)

• Recognise the foundations of innovation, service and organisational improvements
• Discriminate between new product, new process, and new service design/development
• Understand the diffusion of innovation
• Identifying enablers and barriers to innovation
• The role of varied stakeholders in the innovation process (co-creation)
• Particular focus on understanding and delivering creative solutions to stakeholder and organisational needs (and potential/future needs)
• Consider the impact of ethical, cultural, and responsible innovation on organisation performance

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DA5074 -

Judgement and Decision Making (Core,20 Credits)

Little affects our lives more than the quality of the decisions we make. In a business context, effective decision making is likely to have a significant impact on the performance of an organisation and managers are responsible for not only the quality of their own decisions, but also for influencing and managing the environment in which others make decisions.

On this module you will learn about the importance of decision-making and the type of information which can be used to support decision makers. This will involve studying techniques which can be used to evaluate business projects, as well as considering how cognitive and behavioural influences may impact on judgement and decision making.

In addressing these issues the topics you will study will be drawn from the following themes:

• The importance of the decision-making process in managing organisational performance.
• Relevant information to support decision making
• Using financial models to inform business decisions.
• The implications of risk and uncertainty for decision making.
• Behavioural and cognitive influences on judgement and decision making

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DA5075 -

Work Based Learning Professional Development 2 (Core,20 Credits)

This module continues to support you in developing and implementing a work based learning (WBL) plan for your individual continuing professional development (CPD) and follows on from your stage one module. This will deepen and extend your development as an independent and self-directed WB learner and provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for you to outline and negotiate a detailed WBL plan to be implemented for, through and at work. The focus of your WBL plan should be on developing further your management competence and or knowledge in the context of the specific skills and or knowledge required to operate effectively within your particular sector or organisation. You could review and build upon the WBL plan agreed in the previous module to extend and deepen the scope and or focus of your sectoral professional knowledge and practice. Alternatively, you should also consider formulating a plan that supports you in exploring an area of sector and or organisational specific knowledge or practice that may provide the initial groundwork for informing the potential focus of your final year work based project. This could include a range of components including for example: work based training, online modules, work projects, secondary data based investigations, best practice and benchmarking reviews, credited CPD programmes, customised modules for your own organisation or programme.

Through engaging in the workshop sessions and the associated learning activities, you will develop your confidence and self-management as a work based learner, enhancing your personal planning skills and your abilities in transferring learning into improving your professional practice and working with others.

Underpinned by theoretical concepts and models and providing opportunities for skills practice, you will develop your management knowledge and competence and demonstrate this through using opportunities within your workplace to develop and evidence your sector specific enhanced professional skills. This module will support you in creating a WBL plan that will extend your sector/organisation knowledge and practice that will provide a foundation for supporting your future development on the programme.

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DA6059 -

Applying academic and research skills for work-based learning (Core,0 Credits)

Entering higher education requires specific skills and attributes to both manage your studies, and to communicate effectively your ideas within the academic community. This module aims to support this development at a level appropriate for where you join your programme of study.

You will develop the underpinning skills which support independent study and research, and which thereby support the remainder of your programme. These skills will also benefit you in the workplace and are transferrable in terms of undertaking business related communications and research.

You will develop your academic and intellectual skills, through applying criticality and communication skills, secondary and primary research and the development to new knowledge.

The outline syllabus will be based on the following themes:

• Learning styles and academic literacies – how these influence research and communication approaches
• Research rich learning and teaching
• Managing academic projects – how to plan effectively and appropriately
• Searching for information to support effective study - conducting primary and secondary research
• Academic Writing – in particular the presentation of research, and the development of critical literature reviews
• Professional Writing - in particular the presentation of research and management reports
• Presentation skills – in particular the persuasive presentation of research
• Developing criticality – the critical analysis of both secondary sources and primary data, and of your own independent research
• Citation and referencing skills – how to appropriately acknowledge the sources of the information that you use
• Ethics – the importance of ethics in your own and other’s research and NU Ethics Policy
• Digital Portfolio Building - Building your Portfolio of Practice using Pebble Plus

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DA6060 -

Leading for Business Impact (Core,20 Credits)

This module continues to support your personal and professional development and follows on from the stage two module. In this module you will focus specifically on developing your leadership capability. You will be introduced to the key theories, concepts and models that underpin positive leadership impact. You will work on building leadership skills through conducting a self-analysis of your leadership strengths and development needs and through engaging in a 360-degree feedback process. You will learn about your own authenticity and impact on others, emotional and social intelligence, building and motivating teams, inclusivity and cross cultural leadership, and building resilience for change and transitions.

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DA6061 -

Leadership for Responsible Change (Core,20 Credits)

This module critically explores managing and leading positive and responsible change within work organisations. While the focus is on planned approaches to changes, you will also develop an appreciation of emergent change through exploration of a range of concepts, models, and theoretical frameworks. You will compare and contrast types of change and processes to participatory change and stakeholder inclusion and engagement. You will also consider impacts of change on individuals and issues of resilience and sustainability.

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DA6062 -

Strategy (Core,20 Credits)

The module will enable you to extend your knowledge of management practice, particularly in the area of strategic thinking, and to employ your intellectual and practical skills in an organisational context.

In doing so your learning will focus on themes addressing the following broad issues:
• The impact on organisations of the external environment: macro-environment, industry, markets.
• The strategic choices available to organisations to improve strategic position and promote commercial success.
• The alignment of strategic directions with the corporate social responsibility and ethics framework

This module is intended to develop your awareness and critical evaluation of strategic management by assessing the impact of the business environment on organisations. The nature of practising strategy will be evaluated by reviewing the tools and activities involved when formulating strategies. The concept of corporate social responsibility and sustainability will be central when discussing the above topics by assessing the role of stakeholders in organisations.

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DA6063 -

Project Management (Core,20 Credits)

From both a practical and theoretical view, you will learn to think about what project management means, the process of project management and how to manage projects by using a number of professional project management methods such as project charters, benefits realisation, work-breakdown structures, and scheduling techniques. Within this module the main topics covered (incorporating the knowledge areas outlined by the globally recognised ‘A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge’ PMBOK®) include:

• Identifying project requirements
• Addressing the various needs and expectations of the relevant social groups as a project is planned and carried out
• Setting and maintaining active communication with relevant social groups
• Sustainable project management and addressing competing project constraints such as scope, quality, schedule, budget, resources and risk.

The module will develop your professional skills and confidence in managing projects using various techniques and drawing on your academic study of contemporary project management literature. You will explore a range of approaches plus alternative views in order to challenge assumptions and identify ways to make project management more meaningful and sustainable. You will become aware of the role of professional techniques and methodologies as an aid to managing projects. Alongside this practical learning, you will develop critical understanding of the importance of integrating social and ethical criteria into project planning and operation.

On completing the module, you will be able to utilise appropriate professional project management techniques. You will have developed a blend of technical skills with reflective, social knowledge to support the theoretical material introduced throughout the module.

Completion of the module also provides eligibility for entrance to the ‘Certified Associate of Project Management’ examination. This is a credential offered by the globally recognised Project Management Institute provided the candidate has at least 24 hours of formal project management education.

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DA6064 -

Work-Based Project (Core,40 Credits)

This module provides an opportunity for you to investigate into a work-related issue, practicing research skills through engaging in a research project. Through studying this module you will develop a wide range of inter-personal, intellectual and practical (functional) skills. You will increase your awareness of the workplace as a learning environment and enhance your individual effectiveness and employability, whilst also contributing to the organisation’s development and effectiveness through change.

The project will draw upon your learning across the programme: to identify a business, management or leadership issue relevant to your organisation and design and conduct an appropriate investigation into this issue. The project will focus on a work-based issue and develop your skills in:

• the diagnosis of problems
• identifying project objectives
• project planning and budgeting
• project management
• development of strategies to address problems
• data collection
• data analysis
• addressing ethical issues in research
• drawing supportable conclusions from data analysis
• limitations of the research process
• presentation techniques

You will be expected to demonstrate that appropriate ethical, commercial confidentiality and data protection issues are taken into consideration from an organisational, individual perspective by adhering to University Ethical Guidelines. Furthermore you will also engage in reflection on the learning derived from carrying out the project.

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Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship | Business Leadership and Management Practice BA (Hons)






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