Apprentices on the Civil Engineering Degree Apprenticeship will have thorough grounding in the knowledge, understanding and skills required by a professional civil engineer, which will take place via a series of University modules accessed via interactive presentations, online tutorials complemented by online or telephone advice, attendance at classes for tutorials, laboratory and problem-based exercises undertaken in groups with other students and apprentices, and a range of activities such as visits to construction sites.
Over the 5 year programme apprentices will learn the following key modules:
Level 4
Engineering Mathematics
Design and Materials
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Geology and Soil Mechanics
Site Investigation
Academic Skills (non-credit bearing)
Level 5
Mathematics and Computing
Structural Analysis
and Modelling
Structural Engineering Design
Hydrology and Environmental
Geotechnical Engineering Design
Civil Engineering Design
Level 6
and Railways Design
Management and Interdisciplinary
Design Research Project
Contract Management and BIM
Professional Practice and Preparation for MPR
Full module information for the programme is available below.
End Point Assessment
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2020) state that - Rigorous, robust and independent End Point Assessment (EPA) gives employers confidence that apprentices can actually perform in the occupation they have been trained in and can demonstrate the duties, and knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the occupational standard. For details of the current EPA for your standard please consult the IFATE Apprenticeship standards / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education webpage .
This apprenticeship normally takes 5 years part-time, followed by the endpoint assessment which will typically be completed within 3-12 months. Full details are available on the IFATE website.