Student Life and Wellbeing

We realise that alongside your academic life, you will be managing your day-to-day life, including money and budgets, living in a new city or country, and your relationships, friendships and family responsibilities.

From time to time when juggling such demands, specialist advice and support is invaluable for all of us. Our friendly and specialist advisors are here to offer support, whatever your needs and circumstances. Our work is complemented by digital platforms which means that, whether you study from home or on campus in Newcastle, London or Amsterdam, we are here for you.

The services that we provide complement those provided within your academic faculty. Your faculty is a very important source of advice and information about your course and studies. However, for many types of support – around disability issues, faith issues, counselling and mental health support, finance and funding, welfare issues and international student support – the University has also set up a range of central Student Life and Wellbeing services, to ensure that you have access to trained professionals with specialist expertise.

For information on maintaining a positive wellbeing and developing strategies and coping skills please see our You can also view the NHS document .