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Rabbi Aaron Lipsey

Rabbi Aaron Lipsey (Jewish)

I am the Jewish Chaplain here at 51 as well as the other universities in the North East. In my spare time I lead a community of real people based in Gosforth. Last year in a moment of madness I enrolled on a Masters program in Religions and Theology at the University of Manchester and I have spent the last twelve months sheepishly explaining to all who will listen how Northumbria is a great place to study despite not choosing to do so myself.

Just for kicks I sit on the executive of the Rabbinical Council of the Provinces, organising conferences and training days for colleagues in the provincial Rabbinate. If you need to know about conference facilities anywhere in the UK from Aberdeen to erm.. somewhere that begins with a Z, I'm your man.

If you have deep and meaningful questions about religion, faith and God I will offer you my unique Jewish perspective (assuming I can’t run away from you quickly enough) but be warned that this often means answering a question with yet more questions. Why? “Well”, as a famously wise Rabbi once responded, “why not?”

My claim to fame is having a last name that sounds like a designer brand and I am proud to be the only plane-spotting Rabbi in the North East. This is really much more cool and exciting than you might otherwise think...

Graham Park Road
Tel: 07793 74 64 54
E-mail: amlipsey@gmail.com

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