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Am I eligible to claim benefits while studying?

The information that follows is intended for guidance only. There are strict rules for each benefit regarding eligibility.

The majority of full-time students cannot claim benefits.  If you are a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate you will not usually be able to claim any other benefits during your course of study, however, you may still be entitled to claim if you:

  • have a disability 
  • have a student partner and a child, and it is the summer vacation 

If you have a child/children under the age of 18 (or 20 if they are still in full time education) you may be able to claim  and .

For more information on eligibility and what benefits you may be able to claim, as well as which elements of your student funding should be disregarded as income, please click . Non-student partners may be entitled to claim benefits at any time, but the student loan will be taken into account as income.

Universal Credit

is a new government benefit replacing six working age and income-related benefits, also called 'legacy benefits'.  For more information, please click .

Please contact your local Job Centre Plus for information. Funding and benefits information for lone parents will be different for part-time students or postgraduate students. 

Current Students: For further advice and information, please contact us via the


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