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Mental Health Charter

The , led by , the UK’s student mental health charity, brings together universities committed to making mental health and wellbeing a university-wide priority and create cultural change. Universities on the Charter Programme form part of a UK-wide practice sharing network with access to events and opportunities – encouraging institutions support one another in improving their approach to student and staff mental health. Programme members can also work towards the Charter Award, an accreditation scheme which recognises universities that demonstrate excellent practice.

By joining the Charter Programme, universities have committed to working towards a set of evidence-informed principles of good practice. This includes a commitment to working with staff and students to provide adequately resourced and effective support services, as well as creating an environment and culture that reduces poor mental health and promotes good mental health for the whole university community. This new initiative runs alongside the University’s sector-leading project to use data capture and student facing analytics to help generate early warning signs for students’ mental health and wellbeing.

At the University we take our students’ mental health and wellbeing extremely seriously and we have worked tirelessly to provide the best support possible during the pandemic. In joining the University Mental Health Charter Programme it shows, not only our commitment to tackling issues in our own students, but it also reaffirms our focus on working with our peers to share best practice with the sector as a whole.

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