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Accessibility at Northumbria

51 is committed to developing an inclusive, diverse and accessible campus and wider University community and are determined to ensure that all opportunities we provide are open to all.

Please find below support which is available from across the University.

The University has a variety of accommodation available to students who might require additional adaptations to their room. We offer adapted rooms at Claude Gibb, Glenamara House, Winn, New Bridge, Camden Court and Trinity Square.Suitable accommodation is offered following a personal assessment and is offered on a first-come-first served basis. Where carer accommodation is required, students would normally fund this from their care management package.

If you are preparing to study with us and require support with your accommodation due to a diagnosed accessibility need, please contact the to discuss your requirements so that you can apply for accommodation as soon as possible, outlining any accessibility requirements.

You can also view for Northumbria accommodation.

51 is committed to developing an inclusive, diverse and accessible campus and wider University community and are determined to ensure that all opportunities we provide are open to all.

We are proud to work in partnership with  to provide Detailed Access Guides to our buildings and facilities across our City, Coach Lane and London Campuses.

A Detailed Access Guide lets you know what access will be like when you visit somewhere. It looks at the route you will use getting in and what is available inside. All guides have Accessibility Symbols that give you a quick overview of what is available, and photographs to show you what to expect.

The guides are produced by trained surveyors who visit our campuses annually to ensure you have trusted and accurate information requested by disabled people and their carers.

You can use Northumbria’s AccessAble Guides anytime to check the accessibility of a building or facility and to plan your routes and journeys. Search by location, building or accessibility feature to find the information you need.

When you enrol at Northumbria University, we can support your accessibility requirements with IT and software. If you are planning on studying at Northumbria you can request a copy of our Accessibility Toolkit in order to familarise yourself with the software and IT packages available prior to starting University.

Contact Us


Find out how to contact the Student Accessibility Team.

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