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Gerrit Kotzur

Linguistics PhD


Ph D_Gerrit -Kotzur _Northumbria -University -Student _255I was awarded a three-year PhD studentship by the University of Northumbria and moved to Newcastle in order to start my research in Octber 2014. In my research project, I aim to examine disabled people’s conceptualisations of self and identity through biographical accounts in focus group discussions using analytical tools from narrative studies, cognitive linguistics and critical discourse studies.


MA and BA (final grade 1,2), Technische Universitaet Berlin/Berlin Institute of Technology


A Cognitive-Critical Examination of the Construction of Identity through Narratives of People with Disabilities. Comparisons of English and German Accounts

Research themes & scholarly interests

My main research interests include cognitive linguistics (especially metaphor analysis), critical discourse studies and conversation analysis, media linguistics (e.g. computer-mediated communication) and healthcare communication. While persuing those topics I am particularly intrigued by the relations between language, cognition and emotion.


Dr Mimi Huang, Dr Rachel Edwards

Key Publications

(In prep) ‘Playing Gender: Geschlechterrollenspezifische Erlebniswelten in der Kinderfernsehwerbung. Eine medienlinguistische Untersuchung von Werbespots aus den 1990er Jahren und 2014’. (2015).

(In press) ‘Nothing but “typed talk”? Analysing discourse in computer-mediated communication by employing Koch and Oesterreicher’s framework model’. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Students’ Conference in Linguistics (StuTS). (Munich, 2013).

‘“Endstation Wahnhof” – Metaphern des Protests und ihr Emotionspotenzial. Eine kognitionslinguistische Analyse zur Sprachverwendung auf Demonstrationsplakaten von Gegnern des Bahnhofsprojekts Stuttgart 21’. (2012). http://www.linguistik.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/fg72/PDF/BA_Kotzur_Metaphern_des_Protests_2012.pdf.

Conference Papers

‘An den Grenzen des Sagbaren. Die diskursive Verarbeitung traumatischer Erlebnisse im Forum Psychotherapiepraxis.at’. 54th Students’ Conference in Linguistics (StuTS), Duesseldorf, Germany, 2013.

‘“Verdammt, ich miet dich”. Intertextualität und ihre persuasiven Funktionen in der Werbesprache’. 52nd Students’ Conference in Linguistics (StuTS), Berlin, Germany, 2012.

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