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Apprenticeships Welcome

Whether you are studying at City or Coach Lane Campus, or through a blended learning apprenticeship, we give a warm welcome to all new learners.

Once you have completed the Aptem onboarding process, it is time to get started on your apprenticeship. 

Please expand the sections below for information on the essential actions you need to take, starting with Enrol Now. You will also find your Welcome Guide, full of information and guidance to get your journey with us off to the very best start.

Essential Actions

Please expand the sections below for the actions you need to take before you arrive, when you get here and advice on settling in.

Enrol Now

All students must be enrolled in order to study at the University. 

You are advised to complete enrolment as soon as possible and arrive by your course start date so that you can attend induction activities. You can complete the full enrolment process online by logging on to your , selecting 'Enrol' from the main menu and following the instructions.

You will need your username and password, which you should have already received by email. When you have completed this process successfully you will receive a confirmation email to your University email account. See in your Student Portal for full guidance.

Plan your journey to Campus

Whether you travel by rail or road, 51 is easy to reach. Located in the north-east of England, Northumbria has two distinct campuses. The largest, City Campus, is centrally located in Newcastle upon Tyne. Coach Lane Campus, set in a leafy suburb, is just 3 miles from City Campus. 

Wherever you are travelling from, your Welcome Pack below contains lots of useful information about travelling to campus, what to bring with you and how to ensure a smooth arrival. 

Collect your Smartcard

Your Smartcard is not only your student identification but used for essential everyday tasks like accessing University buildings and using the Library. Please see article on your Student Portal for full details. 

Take Part in Welcome Week

For the majority of students starting in January 2025, Welcome activities begin from week commencing Monday 20th January onwards. There will be a number of both timetabled and additional activities to take part in.

Your Programme Induction

Your mandatory induction sessions to meet your Personal Tutor, academics and fellow students. These will be timetabled activities - see on your Student Portal for more information.

You may also be interested in attending other activities taking place during Welcome Week including

Northumbria Welcome Event and Tea Party: Friday 24 January

15:30 - 17:00 in Domain, Students’ Union, City Campus
Come along to the Welcome to Northumbria Event and Tea Party to hear from key University services, meet other new students, and enjoy tea, coffee and cake.

Refreshers Fair: Wednesday 29 January

11:00 - 15:00 in Domain, Students’ Union, City Campus
Come along to our January Refreshers Fair and find out about the many student societies you can join - from computer and video games to drama and film, arts, cultural societies and much more. Take advantage of our special January offer where all society memberships are half price.

Northumbria Sport Just TRY Week (w/c 27 January)

Your chance to try out a range of sports and activities with taster sessions taking place throughout the week. What's more, when you join a Sport Club in January it’ll be 50% off! Visit the for more information.

Start your academic studies

You can access a wide range of information, guidance and support from your University Library throughout the year, including online content, workshops and one-to-one sessions. See for more information on topics including:

  • Academic writing
  • Note taking
  • Research skills
  • Critical reading
  • Time management
  • Academic referencing

If you have dyslexia or another Specific Learning Difference, you can , which can include a personalised plan of reasonable adjustments, one-to-one specialist support tutorials and specific learning resources. See the article on your Student Portal for more information or to access support. 

Get to know your Students’ Union

is here to make your apprenticeship experience the best it can be. As an apprentice you can:

  • Get independent advice about your course from the NSU Advice Centre.
  • Choose to join a wide range of societies.
  • Speak up for apprentices and make positive changes through our student voice work.

Get involved

As an apprentice, we understand you'll be balancing work with your studies. You have the option to join Northumbria's vibrant community at your own pace and preference, where you can make new friends and get involved in activities such as Be Part Of It - our events programme exclusive to Northumbria students.

Your career

Our careers and employment service is called Graduate Futures, and can provide you with advice to help you develop your career within your organisation and offer support when required.



Your Welcome Guide

To help you navigate Northumbria, we have brought together a range of information about our campus, services and support available to you in a handy Welcome Guide. You can access a .

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