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We work with a range of partners to ensure our continued delivery of high-quality outreach and to provide impartial information and support to students and teachers. 

North East Uni Connect Programme

The North East Uni Connect Programme is a collaboration of all the universities and further education colleges in the North East region. Institutions are working together to deliver a targeted programme of information and support relating to higher education options in the North East. This activity is part of the National Uni Connect Programme funded by the Office for Students (OfS).

FutureMe is the programme of activity being offered to students by North East Uni Connect. Students taking part in FutureMe will have access to a range of activities and events to support them in considering their future options and learning about educational pathways available to them. By taking part in FutureMe activities we want young people to:

Have the opportunity to plan for their future and gain an understanding of what can support them in reaching their goals. 

Have access to high quality information and support to help them consider whether higher education is the right option for them. 

Have an increased awareness and understanding of higher education opportunities and progression pathways in the region.

You can find out more about Uni Connect by visiting the Office for Students website. 


North East Raising Aspiration Programme

The North East Raising Aspiration Partnership (NERAP) is a collaboration of the five universities in the region working together to ensure every young person has the opportunity to make informed decisions about higher education.

Working alongside key stakeholders, NERAP focuses outreach activity where added value can be achieved collaboratively. NERAP create targeted and progressive interventions for students currently underrepresented in higher education. 

NERAP coordinates a range of collaborative activities for students in primary and secondary education and specific targeted support for underrepresented groups, including care experienced students and young carers. NERAP also delivers events for teachers, advisers, parents and carers to support information, advice and guidance given to young people across the region.

Are you running any open days at the moment?

Our next on-campus Open Day will take place in Summer 2023. Students can book a place to attend the event by visiting our Open Day page, which will be updated in the coming months with the programme for the day.

Are you delivering outreach in schools/colleges?

We are currently offering outreach in schools/colleges whilst keeping up to date with government advice. If you have an in-person booking but would like to change this to a virtual booking, please contact your regional coordinator.

Are you delivering any virtual sessions?

We have developed a range of programmes that can be delivered remotely on an online platform that suits you and your school/college. Visit our School and College Outreach pages to see more and to book. Please note, we are unable to deliver Critical Thinking and Advanced Study Skills virtually.

Are you able to offer any Junior Evolve/Evolve sessions on campus?

We are now offering on-campus visits for Sixth Form/College students. If you would like to book an on-campus visit, please contact your regional coordinator. For Pre-16 on-campus enquires, please contact our WP team at bc.pre16outreach@northumbria.ac.uk

We will be running our Annual Teachers' and Advisers' Information Event in Summer 2023. Information for the event will be available in the next few months.

We work with a range of partners to ensure our continued delivery of high-quality outreach and to provide impartial information and support to students and teachers.

North East Uni Connect Programme

The North East Uni Connect Programme is a collaboration of all the universities and further education colleges in the North East region. Institutions are working together to deliver a targeted programme of information and support relating to higher education options in the North East. This activity is part of the National Uni Connect Programme funded by the Office for Students (OfS).

 is the programme of activity being offered to students by North East Uni Connect. Students taking part in FutureMe will have access to a range of activities and events to support them in considering their future options and learning about educational pathways available to them. By taking part in FutureMe activities we want young people to:

Have the opportunity to plan for their future and gain an understanding of what can support them in reaching their goals. 

Have access to high quality information and support to help them consider whether higher education is the right option for them. 

Have an increased awareness and understanding of higher education opportunities and progression pathways in the region.

You can find out more about Uni Connect by visiting the  website. 

North East Raising Aspiration Programme

(NERAP) is a collaboration of the five universities in the region working together to ensure every young person has the opportunity to make informed decisions about higher education.

Working alongside key stakeholders, NERAP focuses outreach activity where added value can be achieved collaboratively. NERAP create targeted and progressive interventions for students currently underrepresented in higher education. 

NERAP coordinates a range of collaborative activities for students in primary and secondary education and specific targeted support for underrepresented groups, including care experienced students and young carers. NERAP also delivers events for teachers, advisers, parents and carers to support information, advice and guidance given to young people across the region.

To order multiple copies of the most recent undergraduate mini guide (2023) for your school/college, please email studentrecruitment@northumbria.ac.uk with your order, and your address. There are 40 to a box so please let us know how many you would like.

For individual prospectus orders, students should use our online order form.



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