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International Money Matters

Information for international students who want to find out more about paying deposits, making payments, additional costs they may incur whilst at university and how to budget for them.

Paying your Tuition Fee Deposit

International students are required to pay a minimum tuition fee deposit of £5,500.

(If you are a sponsored student or a Federal Aid student please see the relevant section below as you may be exempt from paying a deposit)

You can pay your deposit .  

  • After you have signed in, please select Tuition Deposit in the Payment options.
  • You must pay the full £5,500 in one instalment.
  • If you wish to make other payments or wish to pay your fees in full then please select Tuition Fees.
  • Your application reference number can be found on any offer letter that you have been issued.
  • Please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions of your offer before making any payments. 
  • Please note, if you are a student visa applicant and have made an additional payment after you have been issued a CAS, you do not need to contact us to amend your CAS. You should provide any additional payment receipts as evidence of further funds paid with your visa application.

n.b. As per the Terms and Conditions of Offer, you are required to fulfil 50% of your tuition fee payment on or before the university enrolment. This includes the minimum deposit payments already made (i.e. your £5,500 deposit) and any other payment. If you haven’t paid the 50% of your tuition fee, you will be required to do so during the university enrolment.

Paying Your Tuition Fees and Making Additional Payments

If you wish to make additional payments after you have paid your deposit or you wish to pay your fees in full, you can do so here.

  • After you have signed in, please select Tuition Fees from the Payment Options.
  • Please note, if you are a student visa applicant and have made an additional payment after you have been issued a CAS, you do not need to contact us to amend your CAS. You should provide any additional payment receipts as evidence of further funds paid.
  • Please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions of your offer before making any payments.

To find out how to make payments regarding deposits, Tuition fees, Accommodation fees, Library costs and Locker Keys, please visit our Online Payments Portal.

Payment Terms for All Students

The payment terms applicable to tuition-fee invoices will vary according to the level of award being studied, mode of study, and the student’s country of residence. The table below summarises the main options, although exceptions do apply.

  Home EU & International 
All Students If invoice <=£600, full payment on or before enrolment. If invoice <=£600, full payment on or before enrolment.

Full-Time Undergraduate

(Invoice > £600)

Full payment on or before enrolment; or two equal instalments, with the first payment of 50% due immediately

Full payment on or before enrolment; or two equal instalments, with the first payment of 50% due immediately

Part-Time Undergraduate

(Invoice > £600)

Full payment on or before enrolment; or six equal monthly instalments, with the first instalment due immediately

Full payment on or before enrolment; or six equal monthly instalments, with the first instalment due immediately

Full-Time Postgraduate Taught

(Invoice > £600)

Full payment on or before enrolment; or three equal instalments, with the first payment due immediately Full payment on or before enrolment; or two equal instalments, with the first payment of 50% due immediately

Full-Time Postgraduate Research

(Invoice > £600)

Full payment on or before enrolment; or three equal instalments, with the first payment due immediately Full payment on or before enrolment; or two equal instalments, with the first payment of 50% due immediately

Part-Time Postgraduate Taught

(Invoice > £600)
Includes Distance Learning.

Full payment on or before enrolment; or three equal instalments, with the first payment due immediately Full payment on or before enrolment; or six equal monthly instalments, with the first instalment due immediately

Part-Time Postgraduate Research

(Invoice > £600)
Includes Distance Learning.

Full payment on or before enrolment; or three equal instalments, with the first payment due immediately

Full payment on or before enrolment; or six equal monthly instalments, with the first instalment due immediately

Carousel Distance Learning Programmes Payable up front, on a module-by-module basis

Payable up front, on a module-by-module basis 

ELAN/Summer School Full payment on or before enrolment Full payment on or before enrolment

Sponsored Students

If a university approved sponsor is paying your tuition fees, you are exempt from paying a deposit providing :-

  • You have provided a valid sponsor letter by email to the admissions team along with your acceptance form.
  • You hand in a financial guarantee letter on enrolment. If the University does not receive a financial guarantee letter, you will be invoiced and held liable for payment of fees.
  • The financial guarantee letter should be on Company/Sponsor letterhead and include:
  1. Student number;
  2. Student name;
  3. The amount or the percentage of the sponsorship;
  4. The academic year/years the sponsorship applies to;
  5. Relevant contact person and their email address at the company;
  6. Any purchase order or reference, required by the sponsor;
  7. A VAT registration number if applicable;
  8. Full address of organisation.
  • The sponsor letter/financial guarantee meets the UKVI requirements if you are studying on a student visa.

Unfortunately, 51±¬ΑΟ is not currently able to accept financial guarantee/sponsor letters from students sponsored by the Libyan Cultural Attaché, London.

Sponsor organisations not previously recognised by 51±¬ΑΟ will be assessed on as case by case basis of a receipt of a financial guarantee letter which meets the criteria as mentioned above. 

Providing your sponsor letter to the University

Applicants who are planning to study at Northumbria should complete the ‘Deposit button' on their Applicant Portal to indicate they are exempt from a deposit and upload both their Sponsor Letter/Financial Guarantee Letter to support this.

US Federal Aid

If you are receiving US Federal aid then you are exempt from paying a deposit, providing:-

  • You are borrowing £5,500 or more in US federal loans, that are paid direct to the university;
  • You have received a loan notification letter from the university.

You can find further details on the Federal loans process here

Living Costs

In addition to your tuition fees, you should also allow enough funds to cover your living expenses for the duration of your studies. The cost of living in Newcastle is amongst the lowest in the UK. The actual amount that you will need depends on your lifestyle, but we estimate that the minimum amount required by a single student to cover basic living expenses (e.g. accommodation, heating, food) is around £1,023 per month in Newcastle and £1,334 in London.

Student Visa Applicants

If you are applying for a student visa to enter the UK please refer to the information on to support your visa. It is important that your read this information very carefully as it is your responsibility to ensure that you hold the correct funds required for your visa application otherwise your visa may be refused.

Immigration Health Surcharge

The Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) is a fee international students need to pay as part of their visa application.

The National Health Service (NHS) is a UK healthcare system paid for through taxes.  As an international student, paying the IHS allows you to use the NHS in the same way as UK nationals and residents.  Whether you need to pay depends on the immigration status you’re applying for.

You usually need to pay the healthcare surcharge if you’re applying for a visa or immigration application:

  • for more than 6 months, if you’re applying outside the UK
  • for any length of time, if you’re applying inside the UK

You do not need to pay if you’re applying for a visitor visa or to remain in the UK permanently.

  • More information on
  • Calculate your 
  • More information on

Managing your Money

Managing your money can sometimes be a challenge, especially as student income is often very limited. Financial worries are the last thing you need when you are trying to concentrate on your studies, so it's worth considering how you are going to manage your money before starting your course.

Completing a simple budget plan to predict your income and outgoings is a helpful way of taking control of your finances. There are several tools available to help you do this:


Student Money Saving Ideas

To further aid your budgeting it's worth considering where you can save money quickly and easily. Many companies and organisations offer discounts to students, here are a few examples:

  • Additional Costs

    Throughout your studies you may wish to get involved in additional activities, some of which may include field trips, purchasing materials, joining societies, memberships fees.  The library collection provides access to all books and other references in module reading lists, however some titles are also advised for student purchase.  It is important to consider these costs when planning how you will use your money.  To help you budget more accurately for your time at Northumbria, a summary of additional costs you may incur are detailed here.


    Fee Liability

    Important information for Northumbria students who wish to exit their programme of study early can be found here.

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