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Return to Practice - Nursing and Midwifery - Level 6 - AC6736
March 2025

This module is part of Continuing Workforce Development for NHS practitioners. 

Please refer to the guidance notes below for assistance with your application.



If you have any questions or queries about this module please contact us via email at NSApplicantServices@northumbria.ac.uk.


Who is this module suitable for?

This module is suitable for Nurses (Children’s, Adult, Learning Disability, and Mental Health) and Midwives wishing to return to the professional register and re-register with the NMC and for those unable to meet re-validation requirements.

How will I learn on the module?

You will develop both academic and clinical practice-based knowledge and skills including academic writing and evidence-based practice, managing the deteriorating patient, end of life care and medicines management. You will learn alongside returnees from a variety of Nursing and Midwifery backgrounds, debating, discussing and reflecting on health and social care. The delivery of the module will be blended which means that it is a mix of face to face and online supported learning. Black Board Ultra is the Blackboard learning management system used within the University and supports learning away from the classroom.

The module delivery is structured to front load teaching prior to clinical placements. This allows you to understand the requirements of the programme and understand the assessment methods. The later part of the programme focuses on clinical placements to complete clinical hours. 

Will I have a Clinical Placement?

Your clinical placement will be organised by the University in partnership with our local placement providers for example Acute Trust’s, GP practice, and the wider community network. You will be a supernumerary returnee during your clinical placement. This means that you will be able to shape the learning experience, building confidence by engaging in appropriate learning opportunities. As a supernumerary returnee you will have the opportunity to develop a personal learning plan based on a self-assessment of your learning needs.


Your clinical placements will be organised by the University in partnership with our local placement providers. You will undertake a minimum of 150 hours in each of three areas: community midwifery, intrapartum care and hospital-based antenatal and postnatal care. You will be a supernumerary returnee during your clinical placement. This means that you will be able to shape your learning experience, building confidence by engaging in appropriate learning opportunities, to enable you to meet all the requirements of the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Midwives. As a supernumerary returnee you will have the opportunity to develop a personal learning plan based on a self-assessment of your learning needs. The 450 hours minimum can be extended, depending on individual requirements, for example the length of time you have been out of practice.

General Practice Nursing

You can select a placement in a GP practice/surgery if this is an area you would like to return to. You do not need to have been a general practice nurse previously. You can return to the specific part of the register for example, Adult or Children’s whilst undertaking this route. You may require a bespoke placement, and this will be discussed during the recruitment and admissions process. 

Please note, once enrolled on this course you will also have access to CNO002 Discovering a Nursing Career in General Practice programme. This module is specifically but not exclusively for those who are considering a future career in Primary Care/General Practice Nursing. It is not mandatory but will help you acquire a wider knowledge base and may open up more opportunities for you in the future, if you choose to complete the course. You will receive further information at the start of your return to practice course, or you can apply directly via this link now,

How will I be supported on the module?

You will be allocated a Practice Supervisor, Practice Assessor and an Academic Assessor to support your progress in clinical practice.  You will also have a personal tutor to provide you with individual support. You will also have the support of Practice Placement Facilitators in the clinical placements.

What qualifications do I need to have?

Academic: You will require evidence of level 5 study (diploma) or equivalent level for entry to the module.

Professional: You will need to have been a qualified Nurse or Midwife on an appropriate part of the NMC register with either a lapsed registration or a registered nurse who requires revalidation and is unable to meet NMC revalidation requirements.   

You will require:

- Two suitable references

- Occupational Health Clearance

- Suitable DBS

What will the module cost?

Funding for the module is currently available from NHS England (North East). If you are an applicant out of the area, please contact the University Programme Lead Mark Telford or the Return to Practice Lead Paul Gibson at NHS England (North East) (details below) for an individual discussion. There is currently a small stipend (£1000) available to support you as a returnee. This is a one-off payment, £400 on commencement of the module and £600 on completion. The module will further prepare those of you who wish to continue academic study and there may be opportunities for further funding.

When is the module delivered?

The module is delivered twice per year March and September (depending on our local commissioners). 

Will I get a job after completing the module?

Opportunities for employment following the module are positive and the many returnees enter employment within our local placement providers.

What should I do next?

If you require any further information or wish to have an individual discussion please contact


Key Dates:

Applications are open for March 2025. The application deadline for this intake is Friday 17th January 2025

Interviews are held for this programme (Interviews are 30 minutes and held online via TEAMS).


Start date is March 2025.

Pre course session for those offered a place at interview will be arranged for February 2024. Successful applicants will be contacted. 


For further information please contact:

Mark Telford - Programme Lead

Email: mark4.telford@northumbria.ac.uk

Tel: 0191 215 6344

Jen Menzies - Module Tutor

Email: jennifer.menzies@northumbria.ac.uk

Tel: 0191 215 6783

Regarding the application process contact:

Email: NSBackOffice@northumbria.ac.uk 

Vivien Perry - Lead Midwife for Education

Email: Vivien.perry@northumbria.ac.uk


Course Information

Award Type Level 6 - 30 Credits

Delivery Method Standard

Mode of Study

Coach Lane Campus

Start March 2025

Health and Social Care

We have excellent relationships with partner services in health, social care and social work and our range of CWD provision supports practitioners and managers to engage in professional learning and then examine how this can be integrated in the practice arena.

You will develop both academic and clinical practice-based knowledge and skills including academic writing and evidence-based practice, managing the deteriorating patient, end of life care and medicines management. You will learn alongside returnees from a variety of nursing and midwifery backgrounds, debating, discussing and reflecting on health and social care. The delivery of the module will be blended which means that it is a mix of face to face and online supported learning. Black Board Ultra is the Blackboard learning management system used within the University and supports learning away from the classroom.

You will require evidence of level 5 study (diploma) or equivalent for entry to the module, a suitable DBS, references and Occupational Health clearance.  You will need to have been a qualified Nurse or Midwife on an appropriate part of the NMC register with either a lapsed registration or a registered nurse who requires revalidation and is unable to meet NMC revalidation requirements. 

  • Demonstrate practice at a level commensurate with the professional register to which you wish to return
  • Demonstrate and analyse effective communication skills and ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships for safe and compassionate practice
  • Critically review and evaluate your role for personal and professional development and achievement of professional standards
  • Critically analyse contemporary literature, local and national policy and the evidence base for your area of professional practice
  • Demonstrate critical understanding and relevance of both theory and practice and the development of skills required for assessment, planning and maintaining quality in health care
  • Appraise and evaluate evidence and factors which influence contemporary professional practice, including professional values and beliefs, leadership, teamwork and shared decision making


For further information please contact:

Mark Telford - Programme Lead

Email: mark4.telford@northumbria.ac.uk

Tel: 0191 215 6344

Jen Menzies - Module Tutor

Email: jennifer.menzies@northumbria.ac.uk

Tel: 0191 215 6783

Regarding the application process contact:

Email: NSBackOffice@northumbria.ac.uk 

Vivien Perry - Lead Midwife for Education

Email: vivien.perry@northumbria.ac.uk



Please register your interest for this course and we will be in touch once we have confirmed dates.

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