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Postgraduate Certificate Adult Critical Care Nursing - Level 7

The Adult Critical Care Nursing Programme is designed for registered nurses working within an adult critical care environment. All applicants will normally hold an undergraduate nursing diploma (if they wish to complete this programme at HE level 6) or degree (if they wish to complete this programme at HE Level 7) from a UK-based university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Step 1 of National Competencies for Adult Critical Care Nurses must be completed in clinical practice prior to acceptance onto this programme. 

To apply please make a note of the start month, click on book now and choose the application for the correct starting month. Once your application is complete we will contact you in order to confirm whether or not you have been allocated a place.

In order to assist you in completing your application we have attached guidance notes below. Please refer to these while completing your application. The deadline for you to submit an application for this module is 10 working days prior to the start date shown below. 

BEFORE YOU CLICK “Apply Now” to apply - please ensure you have confirmed your authorisation to attend the module with your CWD Lead as you will be asked to enter their name and email address as a reference on your application.

If you do not provide details of your CWD Lead with your application this will delay the progress of your application and your place on the module may be at risk.

If you have any application questions or queries about this programme please contact us via email at NSApplicantServices@northumbria.ac.uk. You can also contact the programme leader Lorraine Mutrie on lorraine.m.mutrie@northumbria.ac.uk with any programme or module specific questions.

The course is designed to prepare you to expertly manage the care of critically ill patients. The programme is constructed using two 30 credit modules (1) Adult Critical Care (2) Consolidation of Adult Critical Care. This programme is mapped and designed integrating the Intensive Care Society (2019) Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services.  The programme provides qualified nurses who are working in the speciality of adult critical care with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills to inform clinical practice and challenge existing ways of working. The modules will provide you with an increased ability to assess and manage patients with critical illness in addition to helping you to gain the knowledge and skills to think independently, to support complex clinical decision making, challenge practice but also work collaboratively, communicate effectively, identify solutions to complex clinical situations and demonstrate evidence-based practice.

The programme is taught using a blended approach i.e., face-to-face seminars, tutorials, and online supportive learning materials.  Seminars are taught live but utilise a blended delivery, with campus attendance and live blackboard collaborate seminars. You are required to complete Steps 2 and 3 of National Competencies for Adult Critical Care Nurses as well as the theoretical accredited modules to complete the programme. You will then be recognised as a certified adult critical care Nurse by the Critical Care Network.

Typically, students are nominated by their Clinical Practice Educators within the Critical Care environments in the local NE region.  However, if you would like to be considered for the programme and are outside of the region you are still welcome to apply. To apply for this programme please make a note of the start month, click on book now and choose the application for the correct starting month. Once your application is complete, we will contact you to confirm whether or not you have been allocated a place.

Course Information

Award Type Postgraduate Certificate

Health and Social Care

Successful completion of this course will ensure that you meet the National Standards for Adult Critical Care Nurse Education as indicated by the Critical Care Networks- National Nurse Leads. This can also be recognised locally for those that work within the North of England Critical Care Network (NoECCN).

  • Registered Nurse
  • Working on a Critical Care unit (caring for level 2 and level 3 patients)
  • Evidence of level 6 study
  • Completed Step 1 of the National Competency Framework for Critical Care Nurses

  • Demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of critical illness including anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology.
  • Undertake an assessment of patients’ physiological needs and evaluate the significance of the assessment findings in relation to level 2 & 3 patients.
  • Identify and analyse national, organisational and professional standards, guidelines and policies to ensure safe and effective practice.
  • Identify and conceptualise key concepts and theories in critical care practice in order to demonstrate your knowledge as a practitioner in a specialist field.
  • Demonstrate a sound knowledge of local, regional and national influences on the provision of critical care services.
  • Identify and debate ethical issues relevant to current critical care practice.
  • Demonstrate the ability to solve problems and use decision-making and leadership skills in the complex and unpredictable environment of the critical care unit.
  • Appraise appropriate sources of evidence in order to critically review relevant policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Critically discuss the importance of collaborative working when coordinating and managing care for critically ill patients through all stages of critical illness including end of life care.
  • Critically discuss and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and involve patients and relatives in care
  • Honestly reflect on your own intellectual, professional skills & abilities and develop action plans to meet any deficits.
  • Demonstrate independent learning ability and information retrieval skills required to advance knowledge and understanding of critical illness and continuing professional development.
  • Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the effects of the critical care environment on the psychological well-being of patients and relatives and develop compassionate and effective mechanisms of modifying these influences.

If you have any questions or queries about this module please contact us via email at NSApplicantServices@northumbria.ac.uk

Please register your interest for this course and we will be in touch once we have confirmed dates.

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