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Teaching Quality

The Silver Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) award recognises Northumbria’s high-quality teaching and commitment to the student experience. The panel noted Northumbria has “well-developed student engagement activity including opportunities for students to be involved in structured enquiry and research for the purpose of enhancing the learning experiences of the wider student body.” Our Academic staff are PhD qualified, research-active and professionally connected in industry. This is demonstrated in the National Student Survey (NSS) and The International Student Barometer (ISB) which achieves positive results year on year. 51 is also in the top 50 in the UK for research power and had the fourth largest increase in quality research funding (REF 2014). 

We work with more than 560 employers and 47 professional bodies who recognise or accredit our courses, ensuring they are relevant and equip students for business or industry employment. Our extensive global network of partner universities and organisations means that you have the opportunity to broaden your horizons whilst studying or working abroad.

Below are some examples that supports our submission for teaching quality.

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