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Melody Richmond

L.A. Woman

With a scientific influenced visual aesthetic, the inspiration for my design came from the fact that Jim Morrison (lead singer of The Doors) often said that the ideas for his songs “came to him like dreams,” and so my design focuses on the theme of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, and the effect being in a dream like state has on the brain. The inner sleeve is made with white debossed card, mimicking the look of bed quilting. The vinyl disc stickers explore activity within the eye using the image of an OCT eye scan, supporting the idea of REM whilst dreaming.



Salacia is a futuristic and extraterrestrial themed brand producing powdered energy drinks for productivity, aimed towards young adults. Both tins of product come with a cipher wheel, so both symbolic messages which appear on each tin of product can be decoded and revealed, linking to the interactive and proactive aims of the brand. When mixed with water, the powders form an otherwordly elixr ready to be enjoyed and prepares its user to experience life in another dimension by increasing their productivity, focus, and brain power.

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