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Jana Obrovska

Artefacts of the Waste Age: „Sea it. Cairn it. Mould it.“ 

The landfills of waste are being pressed down and buried under the surface along with the objects of our memories and the tokens of esteem.  

The main aim of the design is to protect the natural heritage - the habitat of the seascape and to strengthen the bonds among the local communities.   

Situated on the cliffs above Blast Beach in County Durham, the proposed building consists of two workshops; the plastic workshop works with the Seascapes - Beach Care and Aware community and focuses on re-purposing artefacts (waste) found on the beaches along the coast. Subsequently, the art workshop prolongs the artefact’s life cycle by integrating them into the art while cooperating with the East Durham Artists Network (EDAN).  

The design uses locally sourced materials – washed-out seaweed in the exterior envelope and within the insulation. The roof structure carries a parasol that acts as a Trombe wall with openings to secure air/heat exchange with solar gain. 

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