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Sherveen Riazati

Post-graduate Researchersherveen riazati

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

Sherveen started his educational path as a student athletic trainer before transferring to San Francisco State University, where he earned his BSc in Kinesiology.  Immediately after graduation, Sherveen moved to Sydney Australia, for his MSc degree in Exercise and Sports Science.  Before coming to Northumbria, he was a college instructor, strength and conditioning, and football coach.   Sherveen’s ultimate goal is to reach the pinnacle of his profession through higher education and work experience.  He is always eager to grow, learn, and to help others as he improves himself.



  • MSc, Exercise and Sports Science
  • BSc, Kinesiology

Overview of Doctoral Research

The effect of fatigue and training on running related injury risk factors

Running as a recreational activity amongst the population is continuously on the rise. One of the consequences of running is high incidence of running related injury, these are defined as any musculoskeletal symptom of the lower limb that requires a reduction or stoppage of a runners’ normal training for at least one day. Patellofemoral pain syndrome has shown to be the most common overuse injury amongst runners with iliotibial band syndrome coming in second. Of the many running related injury risk factors, fatigue has yet to be fully examined as a potential risk factor. This research will examine the effects of fatigue caused by training and observe any risk factor that could cause either patellofemoral pain syndrome or iliotibial band syndrome. The target population will be experience recreational runners. One potential for this research is the ability to promote fatigue as an injury risk factor for runners.



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