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Sedik Abokdeer

Post-graduate Researchsedik abokdeer

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

Sedik’s interest in the area of chronic pain and musculoskeletal disorders began as he was nearing the end of his BSc in physiotherapy, obtained from Nasser University, Libya. His dissertation was titled acupuncture approach for the management of chronic low back pain. He then continued his studies to in the UK, at Northumbria where he undertook a systematic review into the management of chronic low back pain for the completion of his MSc. Following this in 2005, he proceeded to work in the Libyan health Authority public sector for 10 years in the area of musculoskeletal interventions. In 2007, he also began work as a physiotherapy lecturer in Libya and endeavoured to teach physiotherapy elements, practice and neuro-management, whilst always being mindful of responsiveness of model of health within physiotherapy and wider health care provision. Continuing on to PhD study, Sedik is interested in chronic widespread pain, such as fibromyalgia and what current practice is like in the UK.



  • MSc
  • BSc Physiotherapy

Overview of Doctoral Research

Service Users and Service Providers Views and Experiences of Chronic Widespread Pain Conditions (fibromyalgia): Practice and Participation.

Chronic widespread pain conditions such as fibromyalgia are prevalent and costly to the economy. Diagnosis is based upon symptoms and although its existence as a distinct clinical entity is debated, it causes great suffering and distress for those affected. Due to the unclear pathophysiology, controversy regarding its existence as a clinical entity and variability in diagnosis, clinical management if often difficult, and frequently employs heterogeneous interventions The purpose of this research study is to describe current practice for fibromyalgia in the UK. It also aims to capture service users’ and service providers’ views and experiences of fibromyalgia and its management.



PGR Supervision

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