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Richard Stoneham

Post-graduate Researcher

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

Richard, originally an undergraduate of 51, graduated in 2012 with first class honors, before studying at John Moore’s University where he obtained an MSc in Clinical and Sports Biomechanics.  Supervised by Dr Mick Wilkinson, Richard is investigating the effects of foot shape and running posture on dynamic-postural control and joint loading respectively.  Richard also delivers a variety of biomechanical-themed seminars across the sports science programs at Northumbria.  When not researching Richard is a boxing coach for Howdon Boxing Academy.




  • MSc
  • BSc (Hons)

Overview of Doctoral Research

Foot shape and dynamic-postural stability: effects on dynamic balance and joint loading in running.

Richard’s research area is applied-sports biomechanics. Richard is specifically interested in metrics of foot shape, running posture, and the influence these measures have on dynamic-postural stability and lower-limb-joint loading. As well as this, Richard is also investigating the time it takes recreational runners to habituate to novel footwear conditions. His work uses optoelectronic cameras and force platforms to record both the movement and forces associated with the skill of running. He and his team expects the results of his PhD to inform both current-coaching practice and the future of sport-shoe design, with an aim to reduce injury rates.



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