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Mark Jankowski

Post-graduate Researchermark jankowski

Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation







  • PgHEP
  • MSc
  • PGDip
  • BSc (Hons)

Overview of Doctoral Research

A longitudinal study of alcohol-related harm in heavy drinking university students during their studies and post-graduation, with particular reference to sport participation.

In 2010, Mark was part of a research team at 51 which was investigating the use and abuse of alcohol in UK university sport. The findings from this research have since gone on to be published several peer reviewed articles. In 2011 he began working towards his PhD continuing the work completed on Alcohol in UK university sport. Mark’s doctoral research is predominately looking at how alcohol use and sport participation change in the years following graduation from university. The research adopts both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in an attempt to understand the perceptions of graduates with regards to their alcohol use and how it relates to their participation in sport.


Longstaff, F., Heather, N., Allsop, S., Partington, E., Jankowski, M., Wareham, H., St Clair Gibson, A. & Partington, S. (2015). Drinking outcome expectancies and normative perceptions of students engaged in university sport in England. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 9 (1), 59-75.

Longstaff, F., Heather, N., Jankowski, M., Allsop, S., Wareham, H., Partington, S., Partington, E. & St Clair Gibson, A. (2014). Readiness to change drinking behaviour among heavy drinking university students in England. Education and Health, 32 (2), 40-45.

Partington, S., Partington, E., Heather, N., Longstaff, F., Allsop, S., Jankowski, M., Wareham, H., Stephens, R., & St Clair Gibson, A. (2013). The relationship between membership of a university sports group and drinking behaviour among students at English universities. Addiction Research and Theory, 21 (4), 339-347.

Heather, N., Partington, S., Partington, E, Longstaff, F., Allsop, S., Jankowski, M., Wareham, H., & St. Clair Gibson, A. (2011). Alcohol use disorders and hazardous drinking in undergraduates at English Universities. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46 (3), 270-277.

Partington, S., Partington, E., Heather, N., St. Clair Gibson, A., Longstaff, F., Allsop, S., Wareham, H., & Jankowski, M. (2010). Use and abuse of alcohol in UK University sport. Report to the Alcohol Education and Research Council on research funded under grant R07/04

Jankowski, M. (2015) Motivations for drinking and the perceived effects on cognition in heavy drinking UK student athletes. Poster presentation at The 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Bern, July 15th 2015

Jankowski, M. (2014) The relationship between hazardous drinking, participation in sports and everyday memory function in undergraduate university students. Symposium at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Birmingham, May 8th 2014

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