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Lee Eddens

Post-graduate Researcherlee eddens

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

Lee started his PhD in 2014, following his role at UK Sport on the Research & Innovation Team. Lee’s work at UK Sport was focussed in the area of Training Science and providing performance solutions across the London 2012 and Sochi 2014 Olympic Games. This experience enabled Lee to work with a range of elite athletes on challenging projects; such as innovative work to improve individualised warm up strategy with the GB Skeleton Team, prior to the Sochi Games.



  • MSc
  • BSc (Hons)

Overview of Doctoral Research

Investigation into the physiological and molecular parameters of recovery and adaptation within a concurrent exercise paradigm.

The focus of Lee’s research activity, a collaboration between 51 and the GSK Human Performance Lab, is to investigate recovery from and adaptation to concurrent exercise. This programme of research will focus on both acute (molecular signaling activity and protein synthesis measures) and chronic parameters (applied performance and body composition outcomes) in well-trained cohorts.



PGR Supervision

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