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David Green

Post-graduate Researcherdavid green

Physiology Lab Technician – English Institute of Sport

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

David gained his undergraduate degree in 2010 at the University of Bath in Sport and Exercise Science. He completed a placement year as part of the degree working at the TeamBath high performance centre as a physiologist.  David completed his MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology at St Marys University in 2012. Following his MSc David began a part-time PhD with the English Institute of Sport (EIS) and 51 investigating the benefits of eccentric cycling for improving sports performance.  In conjunction with his PhD David also manages the EIS physiology lab based at Loughborough University.



  • MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology
  • BSc Sport and Exercise Science with industrial placement

Overview of Doctoral Research

Utilising eccentric cycling to improve sports performance

Eccentric muscle contractions are considered a potent stimulus for adaptation due to their ability to generate much greater levels of tension compared to concentric or isometric contractions. Eccentric (isokinetic) cycling is facilitates high volumes of lower limb eccentric contractions whilst virtually eliminating the need for concentric contractions. Our research has examined the familiarisation process to this novel training method and its efficacy as a tool to monitor changes in lower limb eccentric strength. Furthermore we are investigating the effect of session structure (i.e. intervals or continuous) on the in-session demands and post-session consequences of eccentric cycling. Finally we are also examining the effect of a period of chronic eccentric cycling on sports performance in a group of competitive athletes.


Green, D.J., Thomas, K., Ross, E., Pringle, J. & Howatson, G. Familiarisation to maximal recumbent eccentric cycling. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, vol. Preprint, no. Preprint, pp. 1-8, 2016. DOI: 10.3233/IES-160640.

PGR Supervision

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