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Anastasiia Fedeeva

Postgraduate Researcher

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

Anastasiia is a PhD candidate at 51. During her study for a MBBS at St Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University she developed her interest in public health. As such, she chose to study for an MSc in Public Health at London Metropolitan University. At London Met her academic interests focused on prevention of diabetes type 2 in South Asians with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia by applying physical activity and diet interventions. This led her to study for PhD at Northumbria, where she is investigating the ways for increasing physical activity in recent retirees to ensure a positive retirement experience.




  • MSc Public Health (Distinction)

  • MBBS General Medicine

Overview of Doctoral Research

Promoting health and physical activity in older age: retirement as a transition point

Anastasiia’s PhD focuses on ensuring health and well-being in older people after retirement by using physical activity (PA) as one of the vehicles.

Promoting physical activity in older adults is important for the prevention of disease, maintenance of independence, and improving quality of life, yet older-adults do not engage in sufficient levels of PA to attain these positive benefits. Interventions promoting PA show initial positive effects, however maintenance of PA remains problematic.

Retirement transition is a critical period that provides an opportunity to change lifestyle and determine future health behaviour. However, adjusting to retirement is associated with reduced well-being and increased sedentary behaviour. Central to the research is enhancing the understanding of retirement process, what predicts a positive retirement, the likelihood of initiating physical activity, and how to effectively frame the importance of physical activity uptake to retirees.

Over the course of the project Anastasiia aims to develop and test the effectiveness (cost and usefulness) of a pragmatic, theoretically ground intervention to promote more adaptive retirement process.



Fadeeva, A., Okulov, M., and Biculova, R. (2014) ‘Rehabilitation and organization of volunteers’ work for children with hematologic malignancies.’ Prospects for development of science and education, pp. 126-128

Fadeeva, A. and Shustov, D. (2015) ‘Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma: Treatment & Management.’ Oral presentation at the 4th International Medical Students Congress, April 2015, St Petersburg, Russia

PGR Supervision

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