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Research Culture Initiatives

Research Culture at Northumbria: Developing a research culture that delivers world leading research

To enable progress, we must challenge established practices, question assumptions and listen to our research community. Our aim is to challenge inequalities in the research ecosystem to enable all researchers to pursue and produce high quality research in all its forms and ensure that everyone who contributes to research is valued and recognised.


We have established a set of principles, initiatives and governance to grow a more vibrant, fair and inclusive Research Culture at Northumbria. Our Research Culture Action Plan is a living document, which has been created through an iterative consultative process. It is intended to change and grow over time in line with emergent issues, driven both internally and externally.  The Action Plan and Initiatives build on work already put in place as well as bringing Research Culture activity together in an integrated way with clear governance and leadership. Culture change will not happen immediately, it will take time, and our actions are steps towards this change.

Our  for 2024 – 2027 sets out our Research Culture Principles, Research Culture Initiatives, and cross cutting activity which together will help us to grow a more vibrant, fair, and inclusive research culture.

Sector failures to recognise the contributions of staff who support and enable research (e.g. technicians, professional service staff such as data managers, research librarians, and research administrators) undermine the effectiveness of research ecosystems, work against inclusion and weaken efforts to deliver world-leading research.

A task and finish group (reporting to Research Culture Committee) will develop proposals to promote greater visibility and recognition for staff involved in research who are not in academic roles, building on our work for the  to which the University is already a signatory.

The four UK higher education funding bodies have announced that  will feature an expanded definition of research excellence, with greater consideration of the conditions that underpin the creation of research. This means that the Environment element of the assessment will now become People, Culture and Environment, with an increased 25% weighting.

We are actively engaging in consultations on the development of People, Culture and Environment (PCE) and in the identification of indicators to measure and assess research culture.

Rejection is a routine part of an academic career, and our ambitions – as individuals and as a University – can expose us to greater risk of rejection.  This programme of activity aims to acknowledge that rejection is a normal part of the research process, and to create supportive spaces for researchers at all career stages to share their experiences and develop coping strategies.

The programme currently includes in-person events, online toolkits and resources, and will continue to develop over the 2024/25 academic year.

For resources on Rejection and Resilience, please follow:

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Research groups are key drivers of research culture and excellence in our academic ecosystem.

The formalisation of Research Groups and their Leads has created spaces of focused research activity working at scales that can foster vibrant, fair and inclusive ways of working.

A programme of activities and a toolkit of resources is being developed to support  Research Group Leads to develop and share inclusive and effective approaches to research leadership.

To find resources on Research Group Leadership, please follow Research Group Leadership:Mobilising Research Leads for Culture Change

The Working Group for Responsible Research Assessment makes recommendations for the implementation of responsible research assessment across the University’s activities, with a particular focus on recruitment, promotion & progression, and the Research Excellence Framework.

The Working Group reports to Research Culture Committee and includes representatives from our academic and professional services communities, and the students’ union.

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