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Sport Physical Activity and Wellbeing


This research group prioritises the generation of knowledge that can be used to support the well-being of those who participate or work in sport. In conjunction with external partner organisations, group members utilise sociological, psychological and educational frameworks to explore a variety of inter-related topics. To date, these have included:

  • The mental well-being of sports workers.
  • Pain tolerance and participation in sport.
  • The management of pain and injury in high performance and community sport settings.
  • Developing life skills through sport and physical activity interventions.



Allen, G., & Rhind, D. (2018). Taught not caught: exploring male adolescent experiences of explicitly transferring life skills from the sports hall into the classroom. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 1-13.

Thornton, C., Sheffield, D., & Baird, A. (2017). A longitudinal exploration of pain tolerance and participation in contact sports. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 16, 36-44.

Roderick, M., Smith, A., & Potrac, P. (2017). The sociology of sports work, emotions and mental health: Scoping the field and future directions. Sociology of Sport Journal, 34(2), 99-107.

Scott, A., & Malcolm, D. (2015). ‘Involved in every step’: how working practices shape the influence of physiotherapists in elite sport. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(4), 539-556.

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