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Projects and Partners

This multi-disciplinary group, led by Professor Paul Potrac, utilisestheory from a number of fields (e.g., sociology, psychology,management, and education) and employs a variety of qualitative,quantitative, and mixed-method approaches to achieve its intellectualand applied goals. Through an in-depth consideration of the tensions andambiguities that are inherent in contemporary contexts, this themeseeks to inform the development of innovative and socially responsibleapproaches to practice and policy.

Our current work encompasses a range of sport and exercise issues,that include, the emotional and micro-political dimensions of sportswork; talent identification and development; eduactional practice inelite sport; and the health and well-being of coaches and athletes. Muchof this inquiry is undertaken with a number of regional (e.g.,Newcastle United F.C., Newcastle Falcons, local authorities andschools), national (e.g., The Football Association, The LTA and The RFU)and international partners and collaborators (e.g., University CollegeDublin, the University of Queensland, and Umea University).Collectively, our research aims to promote positive experiences forstakeholders in sport and exercise.

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