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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in research into Public Policy

Public Policy

ADSS Keithbaker Staffprofile 100Dr Keith Baker
Lecturer in Politics
PhD, Local Government, University of Birmingham 2008; MSc, Management, Lancaster University 2002; BA, International Relations and Strategic Studies, Lancaster University 2000
Keith Baker joined the department in April 2011 from the University of Southampton where was part of a three year project examining the governance of nuclear power. Keith has previously held a research... more>>

ADSS Rachael Chapman Staffprofile 100Dr Rachael Chapman
Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences
PhD CASE studentship, The University of Sheffield 2005 MA in Public Policy with distinction and Bethan Reeves Memorial Prize, University of Sheffield 2001 BA Honours Degree in Economics and Politics, University of Sheffield 1997
Rachael Chapman is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences and Languages, 51. She was previously employed as a Senior Research Fellow at the Local Government... more>>

Tina Cook
Reader: Inclusive methodologies
BA (Hons) University of York, PGCE (Remedial Education) Portsmouth Polytechnic, M.ED University of Northumbria, PhD 51
Tina first worked with children with special needs, offending behaviours and emotional behavioural issues within the youth justice department, going on to work as a teacher in both specialist and mainstream... more>>

ADSS Kirstenhaack Staffprofile 100Dr Kirsten Haack
Senior Lecturer in International Politics
PhD International Relations, University of Kent; MEd, Open University; MA International Conflict Analysis, University of Kent; MA Social Science, Ruhr University Bochum
Kirsten joined 51 in January 2010, having previously worked as Associate Lecturer and in academic support roles at the London School of Economics, the Open University and the Glasgow... more>>

ADSS Craigmclean Staffprofile 100Dr Craig McLean
Senior Lecturer in Politics
PhD Politics & International Relations, Newcastle University
MA Politics Research, Newcastle University
BA (Hons) European Studies with German, 51
Before entering academia Craig worked for seven years within the security industry. Craig gained his first degree at Northumbria, during which time he spent two semesters at the University of Bremen as... more>>

Dr Andy Mullen
Senior Lecturer in Politics
PhD, University of Bradford 2005
MA Developing Area Studies, University of Hull 1996
BSc(Hons) Geography, University of Huddersfield 1993
Andy joined Northumbria in 2005 having worked for 10 years in various gay and lesbian community organisations. Andy has a PhD from the University of Bradford, where he researched the response of the British... more>>

ADSS Edoardoongaro Staffprofile 100Professor Edoardo Ongaro
Professor of International Public Services Management
MPhil, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
MSc/BSc in Industrial Engineering, specialisation in economics and management, Politecnico di Milano.
Edoardo joined Northumbria in 2011. Previously he was at Bocconi and the SDA Bocconi School of Management. His research work is in the field of public management and public administration. His studies are... more>>

ADSS Keithshaw Staffprofile 100Professor Keith Shaw
Research and Innovation Lead Professor of Politics
PhD, CNAA 1989
MA (Econ) University of Manchester 1980
BA (Hons) University of Hull 1979
Over the last 30 years Keith has researched and published on urban regeneration, local and regional governance, and the community and voluntary sectors. He has also had extensive experience of working... more>>

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