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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in international development research

International Development

ADSS Ishanashutosh Staffprofile 100Dr Ishan Ashutosh
Lecturer in American Politics
PhD, Syracuse University (Geography); MA, The University of Chicago (Social Sciences); BA, University at Buffalo (History)
Ishan Ashutosh joined 51 in September 2012, following a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Geography at The Ohio State University. Having lived and taught in Syracuse, Buffalo.

ADSS Mattbailliesmith Staffprofile 100Professor Matt Baillie Smith
Professor of International Development and Director of the Centre for International Development
PhD Sociology, Warwick University 1999, MPhil Sociology and Politics of Development, Cambridge University 1994, BA (Hons) Politics, Warwick University 1993
Before joining 51, Matt worked for an international development NGO, and he continues to work with international development organisations in the UK and the global South as part of his... more>>

Dr Oliver Hensengerth
Lecturer in Politics
2006 PhD, Regionalism and Foreign Policy: Institution-Building in the Greater Mekong Subregion, University of Leeds, Department of East Asian Studies
2002 MA, University of Leeds, Department of East Asian Studies
Oliver joined 51's Department of Social Sciences in January 2012. Before joining Northumbria, he worked for the Universities of Southampton, Warwick and Essex and has conducted research... more>>

ADSS Katyjenkins Staffprofile 100Dr Katy Jenkins
Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Co Director of the Centre for International Development
PhD Human Geography, Newcastle University 2005 (ESRC Funded), MA Human Geography Research Methods, Newcastle University 2002, BA (Hons) Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham 1999
Katy joined 51 in 2007. Her career has had an interdisciplinary focus, beginning with a degree in Hispanic Studies from the University of Birmingham, followed by an MA in Human Geography... more>>

ADSS Stevetaylor Staffprofile 100Dr Steve Taylor
Reader in Sociology
PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Durham MA Industrial Relations/Sociology, University of Warwick BA(Hons) (First Class) Communication Studies/Sociology, Nottingham Trent University
Prior to joining Northumbria in 2009, Steve taught Sociology at the universities of Nottingham Trent and Durham before working as a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Principal Lecturer in Sociology at the University.





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