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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in research in the area of crime and criminology

Crime and Criminology

ADSS Charlotte Bilby Staffprofile 100Charlotte Bilby
Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Faculty Director of Research Ethics
MSc in Public Order Research and Information Management, Scarman Centre, University of Leicester 1996 BA (Hons) in European Studies, Department of Politics, University of Leicester 1995
In September 2010, Charlotte joined the Department from the University of Leicester, where she held lecturing posts in the Department of Criminology and the School of Psychology, Forensic Section. Before... more>>

Dr Ian Cook
Lecturer in Social Sciences
PhD Human Geography, University of Manchester; MA Human Geography, University of Manchester; BA (Hons) Geography, University of Portsmouth
Ian joined the Department of Social Sciences in September 2011. Ian completed his PhD in 2008, which focused on the emergence of Business Improvement Districts in England. Subsequently, he worked as a Research... more>>

ADSS Mikerowe Staffprofile 100 (1)Professor Mike Rowe
Professor of Criminology
PhD, University of Leicester 1997
BA Politics, University of Leicester 1989
Mike joined 51 in 2009 as Reader in Criminology. His teaching and research interests have focused on issues relating to policing in broad terms but particular attention to policing,... more>>

Professor Robin Williams
Professor of Forensic Science Studies
He was educated at the London School of Economics and has been a researcher and teacher at the Universities of Cardiff, Southampton, and Manchester before being appointed to a Chair in Sociology at Durham.




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