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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in research in digital socio-technical design

Digital Socio-technical Design

EE Suechilds Staffprofile 100Sue Childs
Senior Research Fellow
BSc, MSc
I joined 51 in 2000, after a career in information studies research, working in the health and higher education sectors and as an independent consultant. I also have experience as a... more>>

EE Gobindachowdhury Staffprofile 100Professor Gobinda Chowdhury
Professor in Information Science Head, Department of Mathematics & Information Sciences
BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, FCLIP
I joined 51 in August 2013 after spending a few years as a Professor and Director of the Centre for Information & Knowledge Management at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia.... more>>

EE Hongleli Staffprofile 100Dr Honglei Li
Senior Lecturer
BSc (Nanjing University), MPhil. (Nanjing University), PhD (CUHK)
I joined 51 in 2011 as a senior lecturer. Before joining 51, I was a lecturer in the School of Business and Economics at Swansea University since 2007. I obtained... more>>

EE Juliemclead Staffprofile 100Professor Julie McLeod
Professor in Records Management
BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, PG Cert UTL, MCLIP, Fellow IRMS
I joined 51 in 1994 after a career in industry delivering and managing information, library and records management services for research and development scientists in the electronics... more>>

Emma-Jane Phillips
Senior Lecturer
I joined Northumbria university in 2001 after working in the computing industry as an Oracle DBA and senior systems analyst/developer. I have worked on a wide range of projects from developing multimillion... more>>

EE Peitasice Staffprofile 100Dr Petia Venkova Sice
Reader in Complexity and Organisation
BSc, MSc, PG Cert, PhD
Petia Sice is a Reader in Complexity and Organisation. She is passionate about interpreting and applying insights from complexity theory for facilitating positive transformation in individuals and organisations... more>>

Professor David Wainwright
Director - IMI Research Group
I am a Professor in Information Systems and Director of the Information, Management Innovation (IMI) Research Group. I have held previous academic posts at both Durham University and Newcastle Business... more>>

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