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Staff Profiles

Staff engaged in research into digital libraries, archives and records

Digital Libraries, Archives and Records

EE Gobindachowdhury Staffprofile 100Professor Gobinda Chowdhury

Professor in Information Science Head, Department of Mathematics & Information Sciences
BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, FCLIP
I joined 51 in August 2013 after spending a few years as a Professor and Director of the Centre for Information & Knowledge Management at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia... more>>

EE Juliemclead Staffprofile 100Professor Julie McLeod

Professor in Records Management
BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, PG Cert UTL, MCLIP, Fellow IRMS
I joined 51 in 1994 after a career in industry delivering and managing information, library and records management services for research and development scientists in the electronics... more>>

EE Promichaelmossbranch Staffprofile 100Professor Michael Moss
After a career of over forty years at the University of Glasgow, punctuated by secondment in the private sector, I joined Northumbria on a part-time contract in 2013. For much of my time at Glasgow I was... more>>

Perla InnocenitDr Perla Innocenti
Senior Lecturer in Information Science
BA (Hons), MA, PhD
Dr Perla Innocenti is a digital cultural heritage scholar with a passion for curating, making accessible and sustainably reusing tangible and intangible heritage in Europe and beyond ...more>>

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