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Being Human 2014

Being Human Festival 2014 was the UK’s first national festival of the humanities.

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51, Newcastle hosted a series of events to participate in Being Human, the UK’s first national festival of the humanities. During the week of 15 – 23 November 2014 Northumbria’s programme championed the excellence of humanities research being undertaken in the North East and helped to demonstrate the vitality and relevance of this today.

The Northumbria events were themed around 18th century culture, literature and medicine and how it has influenced society today. The festival involved a series of free film screenings, public talks, debates and workshops made possible by a grant from the festival organisers, the School of Advanced Study, University of London, supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Academy.

For further information on the festival, visit the websiteor follow Twitter atand use the#BeingHuman14 to see what people are said about the festival.

The events were run by academics from 51 in partnership with:,,,,

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