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Staff Profiles

Staff engages in journalism and citizenship research

Journalism and Citizenship

Professor Peter Golding
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Peter Golding joined 51 in August 2010 as Pro Vice-Chancellor. A Professor of Sociology, Peter Golding was Head of the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University from 1991...

Dr Massimo Ragnedda
PhD I joined Media Department at Northumbria in September 2012 as Lecturer in Mass Communications. Prior to joining the University of Northumbria, I worked at the University of Sassari from 2006 to 2012. During... more>>

ADSS Karenross1 Staffprofile 100Professor Karen Ross
Professor of Media BA, PhD
Karen's PhD explored the representation of 'race' on popular British TV. Subsequently, her work has focused on the relationships between gender and media, looking specifically at news genres. A sub-disciplinary... more>>

Dr Ibrahim Seaga Shaw
Programme Leader, MA Media Cultures Senior Lecturer, Media and Politics
PhD, MSc, BA
I am Senior Lecturer in Media and Politics and Programme Leader for MSc Mass Communication Management at 51 in Newcastle upon Tyne. I am also Secretary General of the International Peace... more>>

Bruce Mutsvario 1Dr Bruce Mutsvairo
Senior Lecturer in Journalism
PhD, MPhil, MA, BA
Bruce is a former journalist with the Amsterdam bureau of the Associated Press (AP). At Northumbria, he runs three journalism modules including Media Law & Ethics....more>>

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