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The Team

Dr Susan L.T. Ashley is AHRC Leadership Fellow and project lead for (Multi)Cultural Heritage. She is a senior lecturer in the MA programme Creative and Cultural Industries Management at 51. Her research focuses on the democratisation of culture and heritage. Publications include Diverse Spaces: Identity, Heritage and Community in Canadian Public Culture and the Routledge monograph A Museum in Public. She also has twenty years of experience working for culture and heritage sites across Canada.

Contact Dr Ashley.


Hengameh Ashraf-Emami is a Senior Research Assistant (Multi) Cultural Heritage AHRC Project at the University of Northumbria Newcastle. Her doctoral research explores dynamics agency of British Muslim women in intergenerational context at University of Nottingham. Hengameh shared her research works in national and international conferences, i.e. BSA, ESA, and ISA.

Contact Hengameh.


Kath Boodhai has worked in public engagement and as a cultural producer across the community, arts and cultural heritage sectors in the North East. She advocates with minority and marginalised communities including BAMER and LGBTQ+, for equality, diversity and representation. She is currently a PhD researcher at 51/Arts investigating transnational Indo-Trinidadian heritage in the diaspora across the UK, Canada and Trinidad.

Contact Kath.


Nikolas Barrera is a visiting lecturer at Northumbria, Director of the ¡VAMOS! Festival, and Coordinator of the Whose Heritage? Symposium. Nik established ¡VAMOS! in 2006 as a way to promote Latin and Lusophone cultures and use a festival format to educate, inspire and entice communities into new learnings and understanding. ¡VAMOS! in that time has delivered 400 events to over 300,000 with 12 editions in North East England, 5 in Leeds and extra events in Liverpool. .

Contact Nikolas.



  • Banner image - Aleksandra Dogramadzi 

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