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In the area of optimising human performance we work with several national and international collaborators located in HE institutes. Specifically, the work we do with Stirling University with Dr Angus Hunter, involves investigating recovery strategies following exercise and also the response to mild traumatic brain injury. 

We have worked with Professors’ Markus Amann and Sandra Hunter at Utah and Marquette University, respectively, in a range of investigations studying aspects of fatigue experienced during exercise.  There are on going projects analysing physical preparation and training load monitoring strategies in adolescent middle distance and racquet sports athletes with Aspire Academy.  Whilst, with Stellenbosch University, we are conducting a longitudinal project examining the impact of training and competition loads on well-being, injury, health and performance in student athletes.  We have performed studies investigating the mechanisms of cross education with Professors’ Tibor Hortobagyi and Dawson Kidgell at the University of Groningen and Monash University, respectively.  Whilst we collaborate with Professor Malachy McHugh at NISMAT investigating the nutritional strategies for the recovery from exercise. Additionally, we have a collaborative student, Susan Kwiecien, who is investigating how a novel cryotherapy strategy can aide recovery from intense exercise.

Find out more:

Kidgell, D. J., Bonanno, D. R., Frazer, A. K., Howatson, G., & Pearce, A. J. (2017). . European Journal of Neuroscience, 46(11), 2648-2661.

Stander, Z., Luies, L., Mienie, L.J., Keane, K.M., Clifford, T., Stevenson, E.J., Howatson, G., and Loots, D.T. . Metabolomics, 14, 150.

Clifford, T., Abbott, W., Kwiecien, S. Y., Howatson, G., & McHugh, M. P. (2018). , 13(5), 584-589.

Goodall, S., Twomey, R., Amann, M., Ross, E. Z., Lovering, A. T., Romer, L. M., ... & Roach, R. C. (2014). . Acta Physiologica, 210(4), 875-888.

Di Virgilio, T. G., Hunter, A., Wilson, L., Stewart, W., Goodall, S., Howatson, G., ... & Ietswaart, M. (2016). . EBioMedicine, 13, 66-71.

Zult, T., Goodall, S., Thomas, K., Hortobágyi, T., & Howatson, G. (2015). , 113(7), 2262-2270.



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