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Design + Business and Publics

Design + Business and Publics explores how design processes, methods and techniques can support innovative ideas and value creation for organisations and society. Concerns include design’s strategic role in responsible corporate innovation and creativity in product manufacturing and service organisations, and how design thinking and practice facilitates innovation across organisations and sectors.  

Within public and third sectors, researchers examine the uses of design processes and methods in terms of citizen involvement in service and systems (re)design. Research is also conducted with manufacturing companies and with organisations to understand how they can capitalise on and ensure the ethical use and human-centred adoption of emerging technologies. Further, Angelika Strohmayer and Cally Gatehouse consider the impact and potential of the adoption of technologies by state and non-profit organisations and their ramifications for marginalised groups. 

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The Future of Evaluation in Health and Social Care Symposium
The landscape of business ethics in the United Kingdom

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