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The Unit’s high-quality, collaborative research has led to transformative change and lasting impact from a local to global level across a range of areas such as industry, culture, and healthcare. Researchers have partnered closely with companies and organisations such as Ryder Architecture, Space Group, the Ministry of Housing, the Centre for Digital Built Britain, Historic England and more to address business critical problems and bring about lasting change. Some highlights of our work can be seen below.  

Researchers from the Digital Built Environment group have provided visualisation solutions for 40 major developments in the North East – helping decision makers plan, market, and assess new developments. Publications on the topic include:

  • Greenwood, D.*, Margaret Horne, Emine M. Thompson, Allwood, C.M., Wernemyr, C., and Westerdahl, B. (2008) ‘’, International Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 4, 85-98. DOI:10.3763/aedm.2008.0076
  • Margaret Horne, Emine M. Thompson, and James Charlton ‘Towards a Multifunctional Virtual City Model’, in N.N. Pinto, J.A., Tenedorio, A.P., and Antunes, J. Roca (eds) Urban and Spatial Planning: Virtual Cities and Territories, (IGI Global, 2012) DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666- 4349-9.ch008
  • James Charlton, Bob Giddings, Emine M. Thompson, and Peverett, I. (2015) ‘’ Environment and Planning A, 47: 1298 DOI:10.1177/0308518X15594904

Research on spatial inequalities across the country from the People and Place group have informed legislative scrutiny of the Business Rates Retention Scheme and the Business Rates System. Publications on the topic include: 

  • Kevin Muldoon-Smith and Paul Greenhalgh (2015) ‘’ Local Economy 30(6): 609-626  
  • Kevin Muldoon-Smith and Paul Greenhalgh (2017) ‘’ Public Money & Management 38(1): 54-56
  • Paul Greenhalgh, Kevin Muldoon-Smith and Angus*, S. (2016) ‘’ Journal of Property Investment & Finance 34(6): 602-619
  • Paul Greenhalgh, Lynn Johnson and Huntley**, V. (2019) '' Journal of Property Investment & Finance 37(3): 241-254
  • Kevin Muldoon-Smith (2019) ‘’ Local Economy 34(3): 213-220  
  • Paul Greenhalgh, King***, H., Kevin Muldoon-Smith, Adebayo****, A. and Ellis, J. (2020) ‘’ International Journal of Geo-Information 9(5): 321

Architectural Design group researchers are utilising design-based research and innovative technologies to help enhance, protect and preserve cultural heritage sites. This has helped ensure the future of local National Trust heritage sites such as Gibside Hall and Seaton Delaval Hall. Northumbria’s design solutions have helped them secure new funding to support redevelopment of heritage assets, increase visitor numbers and raise awareness of the historical and cultural importance of these sites. Publications on the topic include:

  • Lomas, K.* and Paul Ring (2012) ‘Restoration: Authenticity and deception’ Built and Natural Environment Research Papers: Architecture 5(1): 41-51
  • Ruth Dalton Designing for Heritage: Contemporary Visitor Centres (Lund Humphries, 2017) ISBN 9781848222144. Available on request. 

Northumbria Architecture researchers helped develop a new mobile game to support early dementia diagnosis. Using her expertise in human spatial navigation from designing new buildings, Professor Ruth Dalton helped design the games various levels from simple through to challenging, in order test user’s navigational ability and help advance understanding of spatial navigation in the brain. Publications on the topic include:

  • Ruth Conroy Dalton, Hölscher, C., and Montello, D. R. (2019) '' Frontiers in Psychology 10(142): 1-14  
  • Ruth Conroy Dalton, Hölscher, C., and Spiers, H. '' Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity Gero, J. (ed) 3-22 (London: Springer, 2015) 

UoA 13 in the media 

REF2021 Impact Case Studies

To read all impact case studies in full, please click here.

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