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Translational Biosciences

Leads: Dr Jill McKay and Dr Ed Schwable

51 Translational Biosciences (NU-TBio) is a multidisciplinary research group based in the Department of Applied Sciences. Our mission is to perform cutting edge fundamental and applied research, rooted firmly within cellular and molecular biology, that will extend current understanding of disease processes and lead to the development of novel treatments, biomarkers and interventions for a range of diseases and conditions. Our cancer research is focused on the diagnosis and patient stratification in a range of cancers such as leukaemia, medulloblastoma and melanoma. Immunobiology research is directed at understanding a range of immunopathologies in relation to inflammatory and/or autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, asthma and lung diseases, including respiratory infections. These are linked by an overarching interest in epithelial cell biology, whilst our tissue biologists are developing novel approaches to bioimaging and biofabrication.  

We utilise a range of modern analytical approaches making use of the excellent Departmental facilities, which include two large suites dedicated to eukaryotic cell culture, 8-colour flow cytometry, fluorescence and laser capture microscopy, xCELLigence RTCA system, Seahorse XF, as well as the state-of the-art multi-omics laboratory and NU-OMICS sequencing service. 

We welcome enquiries from potential doctoral or post-doctoral researchers, and other collaborators, interested in working with us.

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