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Northumbria’s strategic partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Swedish Red Cross brings together the world’s largest volunteering engaging organisation and Northumbria’s globally recognised research on volunteering in humanitarian and development settings.

Through this collaboration, Northumbria academics are engaged in co-producing research which can lead directly to changes in policy and practice and participating in key policy development fora, such as the Global Volunteering Alliance, while Red Cross Red Crescent Staff help identify humanitarian priorities and evidence gaps, as well as contributing to education activities, such as participation in the Northumbria Global Development Summer School. 

Key research projects resulting from this collaboration include the Global Review on Volunteering and Volunteers in Conflicts and Emergencies Initiative, the as well as collaborative doctoral research in Burundi, joint working on research on youth volunteering in Uganda and global volunteering policy development. 

Image credit: Bianca Fadel. Burundi Red Cross activities in 2019

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