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Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Development

Using a participatory GIS approach to address challenges faced by ethnic minority women in Newcastle and Gateshead urban parks.

Dr Jiayi Jin

Project Lead

Architecture and Urban Studies

Email: jiayi.jin@northumbria.ac.uk



Project Themes

Safety & Security

Health & Wellbeing


Understanding the Challenge

Safety and inclusion concerns become more pronounced when different socio-demographic factors intersect, exacerbating disparities in accessing and utilising urban spaces. This project takes an intersectional approach to tackle the issues encountered by ethnic minority women in Newcastle and Gateshead urban parks. It centres on navigating power dynamics and the complexities of urban environments, contributing to the advancement of urban geoscience and public policy.

GIS data gathering and in-person workshops can help to understand how the interaction between environmental elements and user characteristics affects perceptions of safety and inclusion. This can lead to practical recommendations and intervention tactics for improving the experiences of ethnic minority women in urban green spaces. The proposed initiatives are in line with the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP) in the North East.


Our Approach

This project will utilise a specific QGIS tool (Mergin Maps) to collect participatory data. Attendees will be prompted to input their insights and thoughts through Mergin Maps, documenting their daily life routines, and providing notes, photos and markings that convey their emotions and experiences in specific locations. The participatory GIS approach aims to empower participants at every stage of the research, fostering the active engagement of marginalised groups in collaborative mapping and representation. 

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