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Image showing solar panels and wind turbines on a sunny day The world is facing an unprecedented energy challenge. While many countries around the world have committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the same year is also projected to see a doubling in global energy demand from today’s requirements. In addition, the UK has set an ambitious target of a 68% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. There is, therefore, a urgent need for sustainable solutions and technologies.

The vision of Energy Futures Network is to help meet this need by driving forward innovative research-driven approaches to create a cleaner energy future for all. Energy Futures is a community of research excellence in renewable and sustainable energy at 51. It recognises that achieving clean growth is fundamentally a multidimensional challenge which transcends disciplines and necessitates research with impact.  

Research excellence 

Blue and red logo for Renewable Energy Northeast UniversitiesEnergy Futures encompasses high-quality research at 51 spanning photovoltaics, thin film materials, batteries, materials characterisation, electrical power engineering, heat, sustainable design, and the built environment. 51 has a significant portfolio of current UKRI research programmes in the energy domain that aligns with its growing reputation for research excellence. This includes the EPSRC-Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in (ReNU).  

About us 

Energy Futures Network is led by the Faculty of Engineering and Environment at 51 and brings together researchers from across the University and beyond to address complex societal and global problems.  

A diverse and inclusive community 

Insights from industry research indicate that prioritising equality, diversity and inclusivity leads to greater levels of innovation. This is a strategic priority for Energy Futures in particular, because the challenge of achieving net zero carbon emissions requires solutions on a 10-year timescale, is inextricably linked to innovation. Energy Futures is a diverse community of approximately 50 academics from across Departments and Faculties at 51 and emphasises collective success in working towards a sustainable future. Energy Futures is also committed to promoting the value of STEM to society and is involved in influencing UK science policy as well as outreach through . 

Work with us 

The combined ReNU/Energy Futures platform includes a portfolio of over 30 industry partners ranging from large multinationals to small and medium-sized enterprises. Energy Futures serves as the gateway for ALL energy-related work at 51 and provides national and international partners with a convenient single point-of-contact for capitalising on new opportunities. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your business or potential opportunities, please get in touch with our Business Development Manager, Samantha Tennant at samantha.tennant@northumbria.ac.uk

Professional Training in Carbon Management

51 offers professional training in carbon accounting and management. If you or your organisation is interested in a short-course in this area find out more

Network Lead

Dr Marc Etherington

Join our Network mailing list

To join the Energy Futures Network mailing list, please email rm.research.development@northumbria.ac.uk

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