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US Direct Loan Consumer Information

US Direct Loan Consumer Information

The US government requires institutions which offer federal student loans to disclose the following consumer information. If you require any further information about the content, please complete the form or email

Loan Disclosures

For information about US loans, please visit our dedicated US Financial Aid pages.

Code of Conduct for Educational Loans

In order to prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent with respect to private education loans, staff at the University with responsibility for Federal and Private Education Loans from the United States are prohibited from the following:

  • Revenue sharing arrangements with any lender
  • Receiving gifts from a lender, guarantor or loan servicer
  • Contracting arrangements providing financial benefit from any lender or affiliate of a lender
  • Directing borrowers to particular lenders or refusing or delaying loan certifications
  • Offers of funds for private loans
  • Call centre or financial aid office staffing assistance
  • Advisory board compensation

Preferred Lenders List

The University, will in most cases, via the Financial Aid Officer, work with whichever private lender a prospective borrower decides to use. Prospective borrowers should be aware that the majority of private lenders choose not to offer loans to students studying outside the USA. This is why, via our US Loan Guide, the only loans we list as being accessible are the US Federal Direct Stafford and PLUS loans or the private .

Student Life in the UK

Before joining the loans program, students are encouraged to read about Student Life in the UK for international students.

Cost of Attendance

The standard Cost of Attendance for students for the 2022/23 academic year is as follows:

Tuition Fees: £16,500.00

Approximate maintenance costs, including accommodation, utilities, transportation and personal expenditure: £12,700 for Undergraduate students. £16,500 for Postgraduate students

Extras: Two return flights to USA £1600.00, Visa and NHS charges (new students only): £812.00, Laptop/ PC and printer: £500.00.

Please note these costs are an average and may change depending on individual circumstances.

Information on the cost of living in Newcastle upon Tyne can be found on the International Money Matters pages of our website. brochure. Information on tuition fees can be found here.


As well as participating in the loans program, students may also be eligible for other sources of funding, such as scholarships.


Students who choose to reside in University accommodation should take note of the  at all 51 accommodation sites.

Degree Programmes

For further information on our degree programmes, students should refer to the Study at Northumbria pages of our website.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

To continue receiving loans both throughout the year and each successive year, students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progression (SAP).

The University has its own policy on SAP but for loans purposes, students should refer to the .

Equality and Diversity

51 treats matters related to Equality and Diversity very seriously. Students should refer to the Equality and Diversity web pages for further information.

Support and Facilities for Students

51 Library ensures students receive the right support they need from enrolment to graduation.

The University also has a comprehensive system to assist those students who require Disability and Dyslexia Support and those who require Counselling and Mental Health Support.

Instrument of Articles of Government

The Instrument and Articles of Government are the legal documents which determine the status of the University and which define the basis for its operation.

The University is approved by and the to deliver education.

Default Management Plan

The University is required to provide students with information about how to form a  and how best to avoid having repayment issues post-graduation.

Withdrawal, Refunds and Return to Title IV Policy

Students should refer to the University’s Student Process for Change of Circumstances pages if they are thinking about withdrawing from their programme at the University. The Fee Liability pages explain what to do in the case of a withdrawal in terms of obtaining a refund from the University.

The University is required to complete a Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation if you withdraw from your studies or transfer to an ineligible programme with the University whilst you are borrowing federal loans.

Students can only access federal loan funds if they are 'earning' them by being enrolled on an eligible programme. If your full-time enrolment status changes, you are legally required to inform us so that we can amend your loans and cancel subsequent instalments where necessary. Students should refer to our  for further information.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Policies and penalties associated with drug-related offences are outlined in the for students staying at 51 accommodation. 

If you require further support please see our Staying Safe at Uni pages.

Student Right-to-Know Act

Where possible, the University publishes information for each of its courses (including graduation information, employment information and student satisfaction information) using UNISTATS. This information is found on each course profile page on our website. You can also visit University of Northumbria Newcastle’s profile in directly.

Safeguarding Customer Information

Students are encouraged to read the Student Safety Policy for information on how to stay safe, including in a fire. Our Accommodation Service also provides some guidelines for security, fire and electrical safety.

51 also has a policy for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable adults. This information is not available to the general public but is permissible to view upon request.

Privacy of Students Records

Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are outlined on the University's General Data Protection Regulations pages. This includes how to make a data access request.

Should you have a complaint about the processing of your US loan, you have the right to file complaints with the US Department of Education, although it would be preferable that you contact us first so that we can try to resolve the problem for you.

Students should refer to the Handbook of Student Regulations for further information.

FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act)

The University’s policies on Freedom of Information and Advice on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct should be referred to by students wanting more information on this topic.


Students should refer to the Academic Regulations for Taught Awards for information on how their programmes are assessed.

Textbook Information

Information about any required and recommended textbooks for your course will be provided to you by your department. Should you require specific information about textbooks, please contact the relevant academic department for advice. You are not required to buy books from a specific book shop.

Student Athletes

Information on athlete programmes, Northumbria sports teams and athletic teams is provided by Northumbria Sport.

Missing Student Notification Policy

For advice on what to do in the event that you believe a fellow student is missing, please refer to our .

Vaccinations Policy

For all information relating to Health and vaccinations, see our Student Health page.

Gainful Employment Disclosures

Gainful Employment refers to the provision of specific information about our eligible non-degree programmes as listed below.

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