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In theory any undergraduate may apply to go on the exchange programme. It is usual for students to go for a semester in their second or third year of study - year three for four-year courses.

Any undergraduate student at Northumbria may apply to go on the exchange programme.  It is usual for students to go for a semester in their second or third year of study - year three for four-year courses.

Please note with our non-EU partners, if you are applying to go on exchange in your second year and are taking yearlong modules in your first year at Northumbria, the earliest that you can expect to go on exchange would be the February semester of your second year.

A particular group of students, who may find difficulty in partaking in exchange programmes, are those taking courses where professional accreditation or exemptions depend on the completion of certain units or course structures - teaching and accountancy for example.

Undergraduate students usually exchange for one semester for which time you will need to earn the equivalent of 60 UK credits towards your degree from Northumbria.

You should always consult your Programme Leader before applying for any study exchange opportunity to make sure that it fits in with your programme schedule, and that your partner University of choice can deliver the right kind of modules with the necessary number of credits.

Where Can I study?

The following link takes you to our database which will provide you with information on each of our study abroad and exchange universities. Not all institutions offer courses for all subject areas, and some partnerships are specific to a particular Faculty, but the online search facility allows you to specify the Faculty in which your degree programme is based and will show you which institutions are available to you.  This does not guarantee that you will be given a place if you apply, but lets you know whether your chosen University offers exchanges suitable for your subject area.

If you have any queries regarding the exchange partners, please contact the Exchanges & Study Abroad team on er.study-abroad@northumbria.ac.uk.

How to apply

In order to apply for any of the non-EU study abroad options you will first need to register with the University’s online application portal.  You can find the link to the portal here:

Please ensure that you use your 51 e-mail address to register with the application portal rather than external e-mail addresses such as Hotmail and Gmail.  Once you have registered you will be sent an automatic e-mail with a link to validate your registration – follow that link to complete the registration and you will then be able to log into the site using the same portal address as above.

Once logged into the portal you will find instructions on how to complete and submit your application, as well as check to see which study abroad offers have been made to you.  Remember to bookmark the application portal website so that you can easily return in future.  Should you have any questions about the registration or application process please contact the Exchanges & Study Abroad team on er.study-abroad@northumbria.ac.uk.

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