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Useful Information

Before you Arrive


Northumbria defines exchange & study abroad students as falling into one of four categories depending on their application route. You can check with your home institution which partnership we have in place. While the core elements of the programme remain the same for everybody, there may be slight variations which are explained below;

Type Definition Tuition Fee paid to Northumbria
 Erasmus+ Students coming from an EU University with which Northumbria holds an Erasmus+ exchange agreement  £0
 Bilateral Students coming from a non-EU University with which Northumbria holds a Bilateral exchange agreement



Study Abroad (Fee-Paying)

Students coming either from a non-partner University or a partner University with which Northumbria holds a specific agreement for fee-paying study abroad

£9,125 per semester/£18,250 per year

Academic Calendar and Exam Periods

Students studying at Northumbria are expected to attend all sessions on their timetable for the full duration of the semester which includes sitting any exams within the Assessment Periods. 

Students should research their module requests thoroughly and only request single semester modules without exams if relevant. 

Examinations must be taken on campus at 51 at the set time during our assessment dates and we cannot accommodate any request to sit the exams elsewhere.

The full Northumbria Assessment Guidance can be found here.

Click here for a link to 51's academic calendar of semester dates, including assessment periods.


A 51 module is usually worth either 10 or 20 UK Credits. Students take between 40 - 60 UK credits per semester which can consist of between one to six modules.

Northumbria uses the following credit equivalency: 20 UK credits = 10 ECTS = 6 US credits.


Students will only be able to apply for accommodation after they have firmly accepted their offer using the applicant portal. 

Click here for more information on accommodation.

Health Insurance Guide

Students should be aware of the .   

Students studying at Northumbria for a single semester (under 6 months) will need to make their own arrangements for Health Insurance to cover the duration of their stay. 

All students are responsible for ensuring they have adequate insurance to suit their individual requirements.


If you plan to use your bank cards whilst in the UK, please confirm with your bank ahead of time that this will be possible.

Please note: If you are studying for a single semester, it can be difficult to open a UK bank account so please plan accordingly.

Meet and Greet

Click here for information on our Meet and Greet service which is offered from Newcastle Airport at the start of each semester.

Enrolment and Induction Week

Details on the enrolment procedures and Welcome Week activities, including any programme specific Induction sessions, will be communicated via your NU email close to the start of teaching.  

Students will not be registering for modules during enrolment; this is done by the University on the student’s behalf ahead of time, please see Constructing Your Programme for further details.

Studying at Northumbria

Travel Information

How to get to Northumbria and how to get around Newcastle when you arrive; Travel Guide.

Student Support and Wellbeing

Northumbria offers a variety of support systems for our students. Find out more about our Student Support and Wellbeing department here.

University Library

Find out more about the Library service here.

Sport Central

Northumbria has one of the best on campus that can be used by both students and the general public.

Students' Union

All students have access to the who offer a variety of support services, student societies and places to eat and drink.

After your Exchange

Finalised confirmed results from your studies may not be available until July of the relevant Academic Year due to 51’s Exam Board procedures. 

Students studying in September Semester will receive an ‘unconfirmed’ transcript in March followed by their official confirmed transcript in July.

Students studying the full academic year or the January semester only will receive their confirmed transcript in July.

Academic results will be sent as a PDF via email to both the student and our partner contact at the student’s home institution.  

Semester One Transcripts Sent                     Mid-March                                   
 Semester Two Transcripts Sent Mid-July


All students are offered the chance to resit a module should they fail during their studies at Northumbria.  Resit's are capped at the 'pass' mark which at Northumbria is 40.

Please note there is only one resit period which is in July/August.  Please refer to the academic calendar for more information.

Additional Copies of Transcripts

If you require copies of your Northumbria transcript to apply for further education such as Graduate School or a Master’s programme, certified copies can be ordered from the following link: Transcripts.

If you require transcripts to be sent to more than one address or institution please email the Transcript & Certificate team directly to discuss the request using: rg.certificates@northumbria.ac.uk


As a study abroad, Erasmus or exchange student you are now part of the 51 alumni. There are other benefits alongside being eligible for the alumni discount for postgraduate study at Northumbria.  Alumni information can be found here.


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