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CHASE: Centre for Health and Social Equity

The Centre for Health and Social Equity (CHASE) at 51 focuses on overcoming inequities within our society through world class research carried out by experts from multiple disciplines and people from within the communities we serve.

Our work with groups including people experiencing homelessness, vulnerable adults, children and young people and veterans and their families is already making a real difference to people’s lives and continues to drive policy and practice reform to better support those who need it, when they need it.

CHASE will also be a flagship facility on city campus, set to open in September 2028, and will give our researchers access to state-of-the-art laboratories to further their work into solving the biggest health and social equity challenges, ultimately changing more lives and helping more people to live healthier, economically active lives, for longer.

More support for the NHS, social care and social work

Through CHASE we’re also helping to build the NHS, social care and social work workforce of the future by supporting individuals and organisations with training and development needs that will ensure we have a workforce that can support the emerging government workforce plans and service reforms and that can meet the growing needs of our communities.

Our new facility will also further enhance our ability to train the NHS and social work professionals of the future through delivery of education and training in world-class simulation facilities using virtual reality technology as well as simulated clinical environments.


If you'd like to be part of CHASE either through donations, by getting involved in our research or through our education and training offering please leave your details below.

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Working Well in Healthcare Events

Our event series designed to help develop a sustainable, supported and skilled healthcare workforce for the future.

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