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Fees, Modules and Delivery Dates


The programme is 90% funded by the Government. The fee payable by participants is £750.


Cohort Dates:

Below you can find our planned cohorts for Help to Grow: Management. To apply for a cohort simply visit the to register. If you would like to express your interest, please complete the form here.

TBC -  January 2026


 Cohort Start Date

 Cohort End Date/Final Module


TBC - September 2025



TBC - January 2026




Help to Grow: Management covers 12 modules with varying modes of delivery through workshops and webinars.

The programme runs for a total of 12 weeks and includes online and face-to-face sessions, 1-to-1 mentoring and peer networking.


Module Title

 Mode of Delivery

 1  Strategy and Innovation  Webinar
 2  Digital Transformation  Webinar
 3  Winning New Markets  Face-to-face
 4  Vision Mission and Values  Webinar
 5  Developing a Marketing Strategy  Webinar
 6  Building a Brand - Case Study  Face-to-face
 7  Organisational Design  Webinar
 8  Employee Engagement and Leading Change  Webinar
 9  High Performance Workplace - Case Study  Face-to-face
 10  Effective Operations  Webinar
 11  Finance and Financial Management  Webinar
 12  Implementing Growth Plans - Case Study  Face-to-face

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