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Case Study - Joe Butler

Joe Butler, Founder and Creative Director, Croglin Ltd.

Please could you describe your business?

joe butler headshotCroglin is an SME, based in Cumbria. We are predominantly wood engineers who work with a variety of materials, including wood, glass, leather and metal, to offer individually crafted, hand-finished products at scale. We make packaging for luxury products, display pieces for venues and events, as well as more experimental products.

We focus on catering for three particular market sectors: packaging, merchandise and point of sale.

Were you facing any challenges as an SME before you embarked on the Help to Grow programme?

Yes, lots. Like most SMEs, we faced a variety of problems – from cash flow management to recruiting the right people with the right level of skills.

The unpredictable nature of our work means that cash flow can be a bit lumpy, so I’d say that the biggest challenge was smoothing out our cash flow to ease the peaks and troughs.

What key learnings have you already implemented?

One key concept that stood out for me during the programme was the idea of transitioning from a ‘transactional’ approach to a ‘transformational’ one. This concept helped me to reimagine the operations and business strategy – allowing the team to be more transformational in the early design process but taking a transactional approach when it comes to production.

We make components, so when we get a new project there’s a lot of room for experimentation. However, as we move into production, I’ve learned that we need to be more transactional; to know exactly how many items we are making and what finish they need – and document it. In this manner, the programme has been very helpful.

What have been the key benefits for your personal development?

My understanding of the business plan is much better now, and that translates into better communication with the rest of the team so we can all head in the right direction.

When I started the programme, I knew quite a lot about business, but I didn’t have the theory behind it. In that way, it clarified and structured my practical knowledge, providing me with a valuable framework for my experiences.

What would you say to another business considering whether to sign up for Help to Grow?

I would certainly recommend the programme; especially to startups or businesses that want to pivot and approach things in a different light. If you are looking to do something new but you don’t know how to, taking this programme will really help you.

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