Please see below a reference list of the Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research's research articles, project reports and other publications. For any inquires, please visit our Contact Us page.
Allen, S., Oxburgh, G., & Kiernan, M. (2023). Investigating the Moral Challenges Experienced by UK Service Police Veterans. Journal of Veterans Studies, 9(1), 31-45. -
Osborne, A., & McGill, G. (2023). Lost and Found: The LGBT+ Veteran Community and the Impacts of the Gay Ban. 51. -
Senior, E., Clarke, A., & Wilson-Menzfeld, G. (2023). The military spouse experience of living alongside their serving/veteran partner with a mental health issue: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. PLoS One, 18(5), [e0285714]. -
Tomietto, M., McGill, A., & Kiernan, M. (2023). Implementing an electronic public health record for policy planning in the UK military sector: Validation of a secure hashing algorithm. Heliyon, [e16116]. -
Wilson-Menzfeld, G., & Ackley, J. (2023). The theatre as therapy for military veterans? Exploring the mechanisms which impact psychosocial well-being and social connections during theatre-based programmes. Arts and Health, 15(1), 53-70. -
Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Gates, J. R., Moreland, M., Raw, H., & Johnson, A. (2023). Learning digital skills online: empowering older adults through one-to-one, online digital training provision. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1545. -
Wilson-Menzfeld, G., McGill, G., Kiernan, M. D., Collins, T., Johnson, A., Erfani, G., Moreland, M., & Harrison, N. (2023). Exploring Military Widows' Experiences of Social Isolation
and Loneliness. 51. -
Barker, A. M., Dunlap, S., Hartmann, C. W., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., & McGill, G. (2022). Engaging veterans in the research process: a practical guide. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, (0). -
Fadeeva, A., Mann, E., McGill, G., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Moreland, M., Melling, A., & Kiernan, M. (2022). Bereaved UK military families: A mixed methods study on the provision of practical and emotional support. Death Studies, 1-11. -
Fadeeva, A., Tiwari, A., Mann, E., & Kiernan, M. (2022). A protocol for developing a complex needs indicator for veterans (CNIV) in the UK. Public Health in Practice, [100281]. -
Gettings, R., Kirtley, J., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Oxburgh, G., Farrell, D., & Kiernan, M. (2022). Exploring the role of social connection in interventions with military veterans diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Systematic narrative review. Frontiers in Psychology. -
Guthrie-Gower, S., & Wilson-Menzfeld, G. (2022). Ex-military personnel’s experiences of loneliness and social isolation from discharge, through transition, to the present day. PLoS One, 17(6), [e0269678]. -
Kiernan, M. D., Rodrigues, M., Mann, E., Stretesky, P., & Defeyter, M. A. (2022). The Map of Need: Identifying and predicting the spatial distribution of
financial hardship in Scotland’s Veteran Community. BMJ Military Health, 168(1). –
McGill, G., Mann, E., Moreland, M., Osborne, A., Kiernan, M. D., & Wilson-Menzfeld, G. (2022). Bereaved military families: Relationships and identity. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-18. -
McGill, G., Osborne, A. K., Giles-Haigh, R., Allen, S., Small, D., & McGlone, S., (2022). Progress Report Phase One: An exploratory study of the experiences of LGBT+ veterans affected by 'the ban'. 51. -
Osborne, A. K., & McGill, A. (2022). Veterans’ Gateway Mobile App: User Experience Research. 51. -
Osborne, A. K., McGill, G., Greaves, P. J., & Kiernan, M. D. (2022). Developing an Integrated Model of Care for Veterans with Alcohol Problems. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(1), [15]. -
Osborne, A. K., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., McGill, G., & Kiernan, M. D. (2022). Military service and alcohol use: a systematic narrative review. Occupational Medicine, 72(5), 313-323. [kqac045]. -
Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Gates, J.,
Johnson, A., Moreland, M., & Raw, H. (2022). Exploring and evaluating the
War Widows InTouch ( Programme. 51. –
Kiernan, M., McGill, G., Wilson, G., Melling, A., Mann, E., Fadeeva, A.,
Osborne, A., Moreland, M., McGill, A., & Nicholson, L. (2021). War
Widows ‘Knock on the Door’: An Exploratory Study of the Experiences of Bereaved
Military Families. 51. –
McGill, G., Wilson, G., Caddick, N., Forster, N., & Kiernan, M. D. (2021). Rehabilitation and transition in military veterans after limb-loss. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(23), 3315-3322. –
McGill, G.,
Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Moreland, M., & Kiernan, M. D. (2022). “Knock on the
Door”–Exploration of Casualty Notification and the Long-Term Impact on Military
Families in the UK. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-18. –
Osborne, A., McGill, A., & Kiernan, M. D. (2021). Pathways into Mental Health Services for UK Veterans. Covenant Fund. -
Paige, C., Dodds, C., & Jones, C. (2021). Mental health
and well-being of LGBT+ Veterans dismissed from the British Armed Forces before
January 2000. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 7(S1), 122-126. –
Rethinking Military Spouses:
Critical Research Group (2021) Bringing the Homefront to the Forefront: UK
perspectives on critical research with military spouses. Post-Webinar Full
Report, University of York. –
Wilson-Menzfeld, G., & Ackley, J. (2021). The theatre as therapy for military veterans? Exploring the
mechanisms which impact psychosocial well-being and social connections during
theatre-based programmes. Arts and Health, 1-18. –
Leslie, C., McGill, G., Kiernan, M. D., & Wilson, G. (2020). Social Isolation and Loneliness of UK Veterans: A Delphi Study. Occupational Medicine, 70(6), 407-414. –
Osborne, A. (2020). Intermittent separation: Exploring the psycho-social impact on dispersed
military families. 51. –
Rodrigues, M., Osborne, A. K., Johnson, D., & Kiernan, M. D. (2020). The exploration of the dispersal of British military families in England
following the Strategic Defence and Security Review 2010. PLoS One, 15(9 ), [e0238508]. –
Watson, P., & Osborne, A. (2020). SSOP Annual Camp 2019 Narrative Evaluation: A critical investigation of
the impact of a military veteran parent with mental health issues or PTSD upon
childhood biography. 51. –
Wilson, G., McGill, G., Osborne, A., & Kiernan, M. (2020). Housing needs of ageing veterans who have experienced limb loss. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), [1791]. –
Caddick, N., Cullen, H., Clarke, A., Fossey, M., Harrington, B., Hill, M., McGill, G., Greaves, J., Taylor, T., & Kiernan, M. (2019). Ageing, limb-loss, and military veterans: A systematic review of the
literature. Ageing & Society, 39(8), 1582-1610. –
Dodds, C. D., & Kiernan, M. D. (2019). Hidden Veterans: A Review of the Literature on Women Veterans in
Contemporary Society. Illness Crisis and Loss, 27(4), 293-310. –
McGill, G., Wilson, G., Hill, M., & Kiernan, M. (2019). Utilisation of the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant in NHS Trusts
and Clinical Commissioning Groups across England: a freedom of information
investigation. BMJ Open, 9(1), [e022053]. –
Wilson, G., Leslie, C., McGill, G.,
& Kiernan, M. (2019). Maintaining independence: A peer-led evaluation of
the Royal British Legion’s Branch Community support programme for aged
veterans. – Project Report (For Funder Only)
Wilson, G., Leslie, C., McGill, G., & Kiernan, M. (2019). Understanding Unique Factors of Social Isolation and Loneliness of
Military Veterans: A Delphi Study. 51. –
Caddick, N., McGill, G., Greaves, J., & Kiernan, M. (2018). Resisting decline? Narratives of independence among aging limbless veterans. Journal of Aging Studies, 46, 24-31. –
Kiernan, M., & Hill, M. (2018). Framework Analysis: A whole paradigm approach. Qualitative Research Journal, 18(3), 248-261. –
Kiernan, M. D., Hill, M., McGill, G., Caddick, N., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Forster, N., McIntyre, C., Greaves, J., Clarke, A., Monkhouse, B., Cullen, H., & Osborne, A. (2018). Maintaining Independence: A Study into the Health and Social Wellbeing of
Older Limbless Veterans. 51. –
Kiernan, M., Osborne, A., McGill, G., Greaves, J., Wilson, G., & Hill, M. (2018). Are veterans different? Understanding veterans’ help seeking behaviour for
alcohol problems. Health & Social Care in the Community, 26(5), 725-733. –
McGill, G., Wilson,
G., Caddick, N., & Kiernan, M. D. (2018, September). Peer-led recruitment
of ‘hard to reach’older limbless veterans: A case-study discussion. In World Conference on Qualitative Research (Vol. 1). –
Wilson, G., Farrell, D., Barron, I., Hutchins, J., Whybrow,
D., & Kiernan, M. (2018). The use of Eye-Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in
treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A systematic narrative review. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, [923]. –
Wilson, G., Hill, M., & Kiernan, M. (2018). Loneliness and social isolation of military veterans: systematic narrative
review. Occupational Medicine, 68(9), 600-609. –
Godier, L., Caddick, N., Kiernan, M., & Fossey, M. (2017). Transition support for vulnerable service leavers in the UK:
Providing care for Early Service Leavers. Military Behavioral Health, 6(1), 13-21. –
Kiernan, M., Hill, M., Mcgill, G., Osborne, A., Greaves, J., & Wilson, G. (2017). Improving Access Report 2017: Understanding Why Veterans Are Reluctant To
Access Help for Alcohol Problems. 51. –
Kiernan, M., Arthur, A., Repper, J., Mukhuty, S., & Fear,
N. T. (2016). Identifying British Army infantry recruit population
characteristics using biographical data. Occupational Medicine, 66(3), 252-254. –
Kiernan, M., Moran, S., & Hill, M. (2016). Understanding why veterans are reluctant to access help for
alcohol problems: Considerations for nurse education. Nurse Education Today, 47, 92-98. –